The Race IQ Bell Curve

Is it racist and why is it racist?

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it's racist, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with being racist

IQ has long been discredited as a valid measurement of intelligence. See the University of Western Ontario's debunk of the test

being racist is beating the shit out of some kid because he his black

No because the author clearly states there is more variance between individuals than racial groups

like I'd listen to a dog about intelligence

it's realist. There's a difference between a racial realist and a racist. There's no such thing as hate facts, just facts.

yeah, that's because an individual nigger is likely to be much dumber than an individual asian. If you're talking about variance within one race, sure, that doesn't change the fact that the average nigger is less intelligent than the average white/asian/jew.

Yes there is. We are all Americans and bleed the same red blood of patriots. Divided we fall, and bitter you die

Why would anyone do that? Black is the race of peace.

You must have low iq to generalize a group average into individual bias. High iq hinges on finding exceptions to rules

animals bleed red blood too

Just watch how East Asian will become the master race, also thanks to genetical engineering.

Potential is existing, see Jonny Kim.
You will never be Jonny Kim, because you are not East Asian.

Now go suck some brown dicks.

The main problem is that it's too vague.

North Africans, Middle Easterners and Indians fit into the white category

Just because all blood bleeds red doesn't mean all blood is the same.


>white category


Colour me surprised

Racism is the belief that races can be superior or inferior right? Well the IQ bell curves are objective proof that racism is a fact.

I think that's what he meant...niggers bleed red just like humans do.


>We are all Americans and bleed the same red blood of patriots. Divided we fall, and bitter you die

Truisms don't change the fact that even if "we're all Americans", we're all different and think different things. Not to mention that no all Americans are patriots. Not even close.

OP in Canada is a liberal faggot who will say anything , Bell curve is true faggot !!

Nope. A nice cup of coffee and literal day after binge drinking Guinness diarrhea shit both have the same color. They're the same thing.

Sup Forums convinces me daily that whites are among the lowest in IQ and these charts are just bullshit.

And, no, before you say it, I am white.

Shia is that you?

Yeah but IQ measures SOMETHING, though, right.

It is important to keep in mind that there are different types of intelligence, etc, but IQ is real and does measure something real and different people individually and collectively do have different IQ levels on average, and this does mean something.

Yea, they come under Asian.

Point still stands. North Africans/Arabs fit in the white category when they shouldn't


Make sure to not watch the new transformers movie.

Fuck Spielberg.

Sup Forums's average IQ is definitely

Why are you lying you dumb nigger?

In the real world, IQ is definitely meaningless.

Reality is racist

I see this image a lot and it doesn't seem entirely right.
Where does it originate?

Except it directly correlates to success


>The researchers collected information on 90 countries, including far-off lands from the U.S. to New Zealand and Colombia to Kazakhstan. They also collected data on the country’s excellence in science and technology—the number of patents granted per person and how many Nobel Prizes the country’s people had won in science, for example.

>They found that intelligence made a difference in gross domestic product. For each one-point increase in a country’s average IQ, the per capita GDP was $229 higher. It made an even bigger difference if the smartest 5 percent of the population got smarter; for every additional IQ point in that group, a country’s per capita GDP was $468 higher.

>“Within a society, the level of the most intelligent people is important for economic productivity,” Rindermann says. He thinks that’s because “they are relevant for technological progress, for innovation, for leading a nation, for leading organizations, as entrepreneurs, and so on.” Since Adam Smith, many economists have assumed that the main thing you need for a strong economy is a government that stays out of the way. “I think in the modern economy, human capital and cognitive ability are more important than economic freedom,” Rindermann says.


1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2a: a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles
2b: a political or social system founded on racism
3: racial prejudice or discrimination


Racism isn't negative. It's neutral. Racism, as in the ability to discriminate and recognize behavioral patterns, is human and natural. It's instinct based on reality of different genetics causing different physical features and behaviors. The negative meaning of "racism" was conjured up by communists. It's like calling everyone who speaks about Jewish elites and tribalists "anti-Semitic" despite the fact most Semitic people in the world have nothing to do with ethnic Jews. Adding hateful connotation to racism wasn't only designed to stop extremist forms of hate but also to stop serious discussion about science and preferences regarding differences, and to arguably to destroy natural instincts of self preservation in white people especially.

Notice all other racial groups can be racist by supporting their own but only whites are demonized for it. Using the term racist negatively pushes a resting fringe to the point of blind hate. Discriminating blindly against any group overlooks the percentages of people who are intelligent and respectful in those groups. Consider two sides of white nationalism. There's nothing wrong with being a white or black or asian or arab or hispanic nationalist. Only a sub portion of white nationalists and other ethnonationalists (e.g. Japanese) hate literally everyone else indiscriminately. Smart white nationalists are usually friendly. They'll be friends with anyone who's a good person.

Everyone is racist. Animals rightly discriminate.

>In the real world, IQ is definitely meaningless.
Nice try, faggot. For large populations, IQ is a highly correlating predictor of achievement and human development. Individually, it correlates with good job performance, happiness, and lack of psychosis.

The act of compiling the data in a way that compares people of racial groups fits the definition of racism

Do you like indoor plumbing? Refrigeration? Computers? Lights? Western stable secular governments? Defensive technology? Medicine? Plentiful food? Clothes? Travel? You take the entire world primarily driven by white upper intelligence and pioneering. The entirety of western civilization and every material item you see and don't see is mostly owed to the demographics around you who produce higher average IQs.

Right down to the hole you flush your retarded shit down. It's say people aren't grateful let alone aware of basic reality. They grow up in the lap of decadence and don't understand why. They're the people who will flush it away by wanting lower IQs to flood their culture until it's too late to realize what they forsook.

I don't engineer microchips. I am however grateful to everyone who does. They happen to be predominantly whites and asians. That's reality. Welcome to reality.

>It's say* people


This is false.
(((They))) push this narrative.

Intelligence is such a broad concept though and IQ, as arbitrary as it may be, is the only thing we really have to gauge ones mental capacity.

What would be a better option?

False. IQ as an average measure is one of many reliable indicators of regional intelligence and thus stability and technological capability.

The only way average IQs start mattering slightly less is if the population is large and wealthy enough to maintain a large portion of high intelligence. In the US, for example, the total average IQ will start declining rapidly due to illegal immigration, dysgenics, and old whites everyone took for granted dying off. In the short term, the US has such a high population and material wealth. It has the means to maintain a large number of high intelligent people for sciences and stability, and the funds to brain drain outsiders. However, if this trend continues with (((globalists))) pushing white genocide, it will have extreme consequences in the mid term. If you hate whites and hate all the tremendous positives they've done and do around the world, and you want Jews and Asians owning you as a slave in the future, that's on you. Keep your head in the sand.

low IQ identified


In the real world
IQ is meaningless

Hispanic is not a race

Whoever made that graph has a low iq

Delete this thread

Do Spaniards and Mestizos look the same to you?

>strong correlation between the IQ of a country and it's economic success
>repeats that IQ is meaningless
Well here's your (you).

In the real world, higher IQ is a crucial factor behind modern civilization.
In the real world, you're probably borderline retarded.
In the real world, you're a shill.

Come on, IQ is important in predicting individual and group success.

The lower americas were taken over, interbred, and imported 20x more african slaves than the later northern white colonialists ever did. You're probably also duped into thinking there's no difference between male and female brains.

Source on that one? That looks handy.

They can have different origins, but on average the composition would be european+african+amerindian. So the average IQ for hispanics is somewhere in between these groups.

If you guys have such high IQs and are so smart,
how come you haven't realized it doesn't matter in the real world yet?

>Lots of blacks under 70 IQ
>Literally retarded

Why can't we stop them Sup Forums?

I guess according to this chart

People with higher IQs don't get laid as much

I guess that's why the Sup Forumstards have such high alleged IQs hahaha

>The Race IQ Bell Curve
>Is it racist and why is it racist?

anything that makes black or brown look bad is racist, even if its true

Each race has geniuses and idiots.
There are only individuals, no races.


Here's what happens when intelligent people attempt to have a dialogue and explain basic biological differences to severely less intelligent people. You get responses rooted in fallacy and communism:

>People with higher IQs don't get laid as much

>I guess that's why the Sup Forumstards have such high alleged IQs hahaha

prob true. higher IQs dont root around in the gutter with anything that walks by. maybe related, blacks have 4X the STDs


I know Jonny Kim

Kim is a new NASA Astronaut Candidate.

He is a Korean-American

His IQ/Brain Power is absolutely insane.

Check out his Education:
BSc in Mathematics, summa cum laude from the University of San Diego
Doctorate of Medicine from Harvard Medical School.

He also served in the US Navy
He served as a combat medic, sniper, navigator and point man on more than 100 combat operations in Middle East.
Earning a Silver Star and Bronze Star with Combat “V”


Yes, IQ correlates strongly with education level, wealth, marriage longevity, lifespan, happiness and everything else good about life. Then, because it is heritable, you pass these benefits on to your kids.

As someone whose IQ is not on that chart I can say Idiocracy is all true.

Success = number of children who breed as long as the state won't let 'em starve

Reminder. Leftist "university" (scam) courses and shill organizations really do flood Sup Forums in groups, now that Sup Forums is having more influence. They attack valid concepts like intelligence measurement. For several decades, leftists pretended The Bell Curve book wasn't real and acted like it was discredited. They're still taught to think that to pass their social studies propaganda courses, based on zero refuting scientific evidence and pure regressive emotion.

they should also control for percentage of black females are majoring in said field.

Having a high IQ is a gift and a curse. At a certain point you begin to realise just how screwed up the world has become an had people only taken the time to research and study topics for themselves; things might not be so bad. Its fucking insane that anyone could watch news on the TV and take it as gospel. People become very annoying as their preoccupied with insignificant crap. You can't help but see through the governments political theater; and see the coming catastrophy of automation and universal income. The bullshit Paris agreement which does absolutely nothing down to all the bullshit your brainwashed yo believe during school. Only to find out you have been lied to an for what reason; to fulfil some pompous dicks ideolical goals for the masses. I would give up having a high IQ it hasn't done anything for me. Ignorance is bliss wouldn't mind being a moron that sees being a manager at McDonald's as a good thing. Fuck it...I need more tinfoil for my hat.

Good information is hard to find. True information is "racist" to communists. Here's somewhat of an indication of the field proportions from all so-called "traditionally underrepresented" groups.

That's for humanities. Here's a general one over fields and race.

>when you have 135 IQ but you're only average for your chosen discipline.

If you came up with some alternate """""valid""""" test to test intelligence with, niggers would still probably score lower.

Too bad the info doesn't breakdown further. The data isn't as useful without accounting for factors like affirmative action, breakdown of scores, gender, and differences within fields (not all humanities are equivalent just as not all sciences are equivalent).

Here's an example of race and LSAT testing for law school.


It's like whenever a fool with good intentions says:
>"b-b-but other groups have other forms of intelligence"

It's like, no shit. That's true. Good for them. I can appreciate whatever good they bring to the table, my world isn't exclusively focused on IQ. Elephants, for one example, are very smart in the environment they have to survive. However, that doesn't help me in the context of western civilization and social stability.

All this has shown me is that Puerto Ricans are literally worse than niggers

so asians have more shittier applicants and god tier applicants than whites. i thought you guys said asians were supposed to be more concentrated around the mean.

The saddest part is a whole lot of mid-upper IQs (120-140) don't have balanced forms of skeptical intelligence. They're programmed to be cucks. They fall into (((mainstream))) brainwashing because they're just intelligent enough to fully engage in the worst forms of confirmation bias. They put blinders on to large parts of reality they built their careers around. They're perfect vehicles for internalizing the theater of devil's advocate. Many of them pretend to be secular but have replaced one cult allegiance with another.

Don't read so much into that data without more data to understand it. Data like that could solely mean that a higher percent or the less able or less prepared tier of Puerto Ricans are for whatever reason more compelled to try the test, more compelled to want to be lawyer, perhaps while the upper tiers are less compelled to become lawyers. We don't know. Culture can play a large role in shifts like that. Those scores are only good for a very loose indicator.

wtf is the University of Western Ontario

>over half the niggers are clinically retarded