Why does Sup Forums hate gays?

I might be gay, but I am smart enough to realize the importance of preserving my race, the white race, and western society. I plan to marry and adopt a white baby with my partner soon. Hopefully we can talk some poor young mother into giving us her baby instead of getting an abortion.

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you wanna fuck a dudes boyhole go ahead but don't bring that shit around me.

What if I end up being your neighbor in the huwhite enclave?

Join the OFFICIAL /polgb/ Discord-

discord dot gg/ynzDX

Don't hate gay.
hate gay lobby that is destroying the family


>I plan to marry and adopt a white baby with my partner soon.

Yeah that's tantamount to child abuse.

Break up with your gay lover and find a qt asian waifu if you have to, but gay parenting will hurt a child's psyche. And that's if you don't molest them.

I don't care about what gays do.

as long as you arnt pushing your fag agenda on me , you can enjoy your dick.

Tread carefully. archive.is/1A4lq
The Oedipus complex is real and teaches the child a lesson that is critical for childhood psychological development. You'll need to find some way to introduce that conflict or else your child may become degenerate (similar to the problem with single motherhood.)
