holy shit is he our guy?
Holy shit is he our guy?
>a fucking leaf
you have to pick one
>cartoned milk
It's a start.
>not natrel
leafs do have milk cartons? then why do you drink out of sacks?
Id say it's just an attempt to get our attention.
4 L bag = $4
2 L Carton = $2.5
Assad is /ourgoyim/
>mfw a Canadian near me calls a milk carton "boxed milk" near me
Is he drinking the milk of another species?
Urgh, thats fucking disgusting!
holy shit that's expensive
I pay $2.80 for 4L
damn the memes are real
I don't get it
>not calling it a bag of milk
Many Canadian cows are now used for sex as it is legal there.
Well isn't that just a top kek. We must have just slipped into some bizarre new timeline when a faggot gypsy can sit there and insult Canada. Your country is a literal giant shithole, brother. You should pray to whatever God you pray to that in your next life you can be born in a country as nice as Canada.
Milk and the alt right are synonymous.
Heavily controlled market with strict price floors/ seeling, and production quotas that cannot be exceeded by law.
I pay $1.10 for a gallon at Aldi.
This guy literally got elected by dairy farmers joining the party to vote for him over the guy that was going to get rid of price controls for milk and shit.
>not in a bag
Might as well use them Yamnaya genes if ya got em
one might say he is the milk man
Fucking supply management supporting degenerates. Bunch of rurtards.
I pay $10 for a gallon because raw milk is 500x better than your cooked milk bs
Worst of all they were from Quebec.
being able to digest lactose is a white attribute.
if you are white and have significant lactose intolerance you need to do some serious soul searching
Here there are regulations on hormones and antibiotics in milk, so drinking it will turn you gay slightly more slowly. Worth the expense tbqh.
I haven't seen bagged milk since 1998
It doesn't exist anymore.
$2.80 CAD?
Bagged milk is the best
What's that you've got there, Mr Canada man?