Why has Africa been retarded, as in slowed down, all of human history? Not including Egypt...

Why has Africa been retarded, as in slowed down, all of human history? Not including Egypt, who are culturally more Mediterranean, there weren't any notable civilizations. No impressive ancient structures. No inventions. No wars. Not even much written language. Africa has had absolutely nothing since the dawn of human civilization. Unlike all the other continents, Nobody ever tried to take over the continent. Nobody wanted it. When the imperialists in the 1800s did it, they didn't even want to keep it. Even now it's still a trash heap.

Why is it this way?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because there weren't any real Humans there.

>implying they had no civilizations
Anyway, yes they were on average less developed, but this has less to do with racial reasons than international. You see relatively more developed civilizations on the East Coast, due to the Indian Ocean trade, with Punt, Sabeans, Aksum(Ethiopia), Swahili City States (like African Greeks), and even Somalia, which has been pretty based historically. When you compare to the West Coast, who's only empires of note became developed through Trans-Saharan trade. But West Africa has been historically more isolated from other cultures, which is why they haven't made more complex civilizations even comapred to other Africans

So why do they suck still now?

Africa has a North/South axis which means lots of differing latitudes and almost no differing longitudes, this creates non-uniform environments which are not conductive to trade and agricultural practices, therefore African countries (outside of the Mediterranean areas which benefited from trade from Europe and Asia) are backwaters and shitholes. Also niggers.

No people living close the equator ever did shit. End of story



Ill copy my post from other thread
Because they weren't located on main trade routes.
all developed peoples become more and more prosperous and progressive due to trade, as it was not only economic, but also a cultural phenomenon. traders transmitted not only goods, but ideas and new inventions. all nations, that were developed were located on silk road, that was largest trade rout from china to europe. Africa was outsider in this case. Later west become more developed also due to advanced maritime trade routes and yet again, africa was an outsider. Its perhaps due to a climate, that made transsaharan trade more difficult, thus halted development of trade routes in subsaharan Africa and consequently, halted their development in general.

Africa had one interesting point to it, being the place of origin for humans, now that that has been disproven it is literally just a fucking haven for fuckering. Niggers in africa have an average of under 90 iq, in a developed country that is seen as a slow childs, or a retarded adults..

>No wars

Oh they warred just like anyone else. But mainly this sticks and stones.

inb4 some faggot unironically blames colonization

>Liberal media picks up this thread, makes a story of it.


Because it's full of niggers with an average iq of 68 meaning that the average african is medically retarded

Look at their native languages.
No concept of time, future, or planning. No words or concepts of mathematics. No morals, only fear of punishment.
They've actually come a long way in the United States.

What is this? Dick capoeira?

The Ottoman empire was a great civilization and a wonderful enemy to unite Europe in Christianity.

>continent full of niggers
>anything but failure

Only one of those can ever be true.

Pretty sure Genghis Khan and PooHamad, King of all Islams tried to take over Africa. commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Atlas_of_the_Caliphate

But indeed past the desert nobody really gave a shit, hell even Gandhi when he lived in South Africa wrote how the locals were happy to sit around naked doing nothing all day

*with* sticks ans stones

I don't know. I have an entire folder with pics of rich and vibrant africain traditions that the white man is unfortunately unable to grasp.

Colonial exploitation. China industrialized 40 years ago and it's still shit. Japan industrialized in 1800's but never reached parity to western tech until after WW2. Shit takes time yo

So it be whiteys fault? People have been living in Africa longer than anywhere else. Why weren't they ones colonizing and exploiting?

God dammit, why does animal cruelty come so easily to niggers?
When I was a kid every nigger I knew with a pet would literally torture their pets when adults weren't around. I fought a nigger kid when I was like seven for trying to drown a stray kitten. They're god damned sociopaths by blood.

>West Africa has been historically more isolated from other cultures
Bullshit excuse, given that plenty of isolated cultures still managed to come up with some form of civilization (e.g. Mesoamericans).

>Not including Egypt
North Africa*

The Libyans and Berbers had a written language and were pretty engaged in Mediterranean history in later periods. It's the ultimate proof it's entirely about race, if it was isolation, Berbers should have been just as retarded as the Sub-saharans, given that they lived under even harsher conditions. Same goes for Gulf Arabs/Arabia Deserta who still managed to have a written language, despite their limited access to the civilized East Mediterranean cultures. On the other hand Nubians who were in direct contact with Egyptians for millennia still failed to come up with a written language, or oven copy the Egyptians'.

And I remember he was laughing when doing it.

Isn't this kind of a tautology? You're saying they weren't on trade routes but isn't that because they failed develop a lucrative economy? I mean what natural advantage does Europe or north east Asia have over SSA in terms of trade? Africa has fertile land, abundant resources, unique species.

The Mesoamerican civs weren't based around major trade routes anyway, and they still built complex cities and societies.

It just seems obvious that somewhere that fails to develop an advanced economy will not see trade. So your causation is backwards.

If colonialism is to blame for Africa's lack of development, why are the countries with the greatest colonial presence (SA) so much wealthier than the ones with the least (Ethiopia) even though in terms of development Ethiopia was infinitely more developed than South Africa before colonialism?

This whole thread is framed wrong, you should ask specifically about sub-saharan africa instead of all africa, since that is the region where black people come from.

Africa is huge compared to Europe. Has plenty of space for agriculture south of the Sahara, and non-uniform environments should result in non-uniform cultures and heaps of trade and cultural exchange. Should have done better than Europe.
But niggers.

Disproven? I believe that as well but I haven't found enough information on the topic. Help a man out with some reading material

Because Niggers!
if it was full of whites it would be glorious & jews would be pushing refugees on Africa!


The first thing that was more human than monkey lived in Europe, but modern humans and close ancestors like erectus are still from Africa.


The "out of africa" theory of homo sapiens suggests the lazier, timid, dumber and parasitic ones stayed behind and bred with each other

Because kaaingz n sheitt

Sub-Sahara Africa is unsuitable for farming or herding. The jungle killed everyone before they found anti-malaria and savanne animals arent herd animals and couldnt be tamed. They had no chance. But the kingdom of Mali was rich with its gold mines, and ethiopia has its own script and was one of the earliest adapters of christianity.

You sure about that white boi? pic related: Africa

Didn't evolve enough yet, they got pretty close and then error brain stop working

They have a couple of impressive old structures, and a few of their older kingdoms/empires were quite interesting. Obviously they went to war with each other so I'm not sure what you're talking about there, they just didn't record stuff all that well because niggers

Because black people live there

>ethiopia has its own script and was one of the earliest adapters of christianity.
No, it doesn't, Amharic is Semitic, it was brought in by Semitic tribes from the Arabian peninsula that settled there, and shares a common origin with early Arabic script, that is how they adopted Semitic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) as well instead of nigger religions.

The ethiopian script evolved from egyptian hieroglyphs and was still in die after ethiopia became christian

The niggers did a great job at destroying Rhodesia (now Chimpbabwe) and have successfully destroyed South Africa.

>The ethiopian script evolved from egyptian hieroglyphs
kek, no, it didn't.


and pic related, early arabic script

spotted the nigger


>Why is it this way?
Like, Botswana was one of the few country not being colonised (it still was under a protetctorate, though) and is now one of the few country to do good in modern time.


>it was brought in by Semitic tribes from the Arabian peninsula
That's still from Africa.

I mean, Europe had very basic writing before the comming of the roman empire and it's alphabet too.