We need a term for these people on par with 'Climate Denier' but in regards to the Russia hoax


Slavophobes, which would be the same as Nazis, no?



Digits confirm
this would undoubtedly rustle their jimmies to an unprecedented degree

If there is 2 things I hate in this world, it's xenophobes, and Russians.

I just hate people who rewrite lines from shitty movies.

Trips has spoken. McCarthyists

Checked and agreed

I thought the statement was a valid satire on the leftist cognitive dissonance. Just because my stolen joke was originally stolen from an austin powers movie doesn't make it an invalid point. Don't be such a sally. If anything why not explain why using the libs own labels against them is a bad idea. I like McCarthyists but if anything it will go just over most millennials heads.

ok faggot

These digits don't lie. And they'll take a dose in the process of learning what that means. A bit apprehensive of stigmatizing a saint.

Scratch that apprehension. He's already stigmatized, and nothing speeds up the process more than constantly insinuating they are counter-semites.

But McCarthy was right about everything you dumbass.

thats rich coming from a lefty

>Russia actually has very restrictive hate speech laws and no second amendment, exactly what Western libs want

Really made my sputnik go beep beep


That doesn't work as a joke. Calling them mccarthyists implies mcarthy was wrong.

Reality Losers

Why are so many of them wearing sunglasses?

That is already the narrative. Worst case scenario - they begin to defend McCarthy.