God is black, and is a woman



>a motherfucking birdfruit

>omg stunning

No, it looks like something out of a Wayans/Zucker brothers parody movie. If negros were't low IQ retards who don't understand subtlety and nuance they'd get offended as fuck.


I dont know why i attempted to masturbate at this picture. Anyone else successfully beat off to this picture?

could've proved everyone wrong and use the same technique to create it but no Photoshop like lazy niggers they are

>No father in sight

At least they went for full accuracy

Just glued tits on a man's body. Michelangelo would be proud.

>south America
what you guys there don't have anything better to beat it?

Isn't that considered cultural appropriation?

i...i i... i love you

>Here's the entire article and how you should feel about it in the headline

Dark skin is just objectively unattractive. Not being horrible but this just looks ugly and depressing

Isn't that cultural appropriation?

>everything is starting to make sense now.

>God is black,and is a woman

Ironically,this explains a lot. The world is shit,gynocentric and 90% of it's population is non-white.

People don't read beyond the headline

God has really saggy tits, wtf

Kek. Looks ugly, and Satanic.

As if they cared for God in the first place. It's nothing but neopagan virtue signalling.


We wuz godz in shiet

I'm imagining if this was pulled off a couple hundred years ago here, the Pope would roast these heretics with fire

>This x did y and its z

Why the fuck do they all write like this? Like "lesbian grandma goes to cocaine orgy and its EPIC"

>all those children

where's the father?

That reminds me of the ad from american gods of course the main actor has the be black

Umm... no sweetie. Whites don't have a culture to steal.

>Women give birth
>First men were black
checks out 2bh

>literally אָדָם Αδάμ ܐܕܡ آدم

much better desu

>out of africa was debunked
think again you dirty turk

but that's italian

Literally blausphemy.

oldest human traces were recently found on morocco. Morocco is in africa, if you weren't american you'd know that.

Why would anyone willingly play into the role of a pet?

Wew lad, top kek

there were basically no niggers in north africa until post roman times
literally kill yourself

art imitates life


Actually new evidence found just a few weeks ago it all originated in europe. As soon as the news was released the london muslims attacks happened.


Iirc, she named her painting "The Birth of God".

is that true?


well, I certainly am stunned

That's what I think I remember researching when this thread was posted a couple weeks ago, but google has apparently been scrubbed of the reference.

user, I...

god is neither black white asian hispanic or anything of that sort , he is formless unless he decides to take on a form much like lucifer in the bible can shapeshift into anything he desires from animals to humans to objects.

get learnt , also i know its a troll thread just dropping some religionpills.

To be fair, nigger fathers and god have a lot in common
>God is the father of all mankind
>Abandons us, never to be seen again
>Everyone tells us he exists, but they don't know exactly where he is

Wew lad

>stealing a white man's work and re-purposing it to fit your agenda

>no men in the whole painting
>negro race started without a father.meme

Wait, the headline is a lie then. How the F "articles" like this one get printed?


Nothing to see here, just a bunch of niggers "Detroiting" things because they can't come up with an original idea that doesn't involve rap or watermelon.

>stealing a white man's work
How do nigs not realize they play into their own stereotypes?


Wow it looks just like the human brain... If you use a very specific cartoon drawing of the brain while ignoring entire sections of the brain and then just arbitrarily section it off

Central spice here. We don't photo chop works of act we create them.

its a human brain. God is the pineal gland, a secret part of the brain that is key to the human existence. The old artists knew about this, but its kept secret nowadays because vaccines and medicine are aimed to destroy that gland

They just do this shit to aggravate white people don't they?
Apt name, buzzfeed. Like a fly buzzing around my ear feeding me annoying noises.

> muh 'and its stunning'

worst fucking meme after *sips tea*

>X did Y and its Z



God is blue and has no gender

This looks disgusting.

haha daz a small benis :-DD

Not hating on niggers but that looks disgusting.

The headline says "evidence it COULD have been hacked"... in other words they found a vulnerability which could have enabled hacking. They didn't technically lie but they are deceptive cunts.

Whats with these articles ending with "(...) and its beautiful" "(...) and its good"!??? Etc

Priming the brain to accept this as beautiful. It's a commonly used technique in psychology experiments

"Stunning" "Amazing"

fuckin' hell...



You know the actual painting represents the human brain.

Humans created "god", thus humans are god. Or if you like: there is no god.

Please dear god just end whoever made this. It's not even good quality art. If at least the artist painted it well, I would tip my hat for that. But it makes a mockery of the original in two ways, 1. Sucks ass and 2. Replacing the original characters.
But that really is the problem with all modern recreations.

>penisal gland

Muh dick

SO instead of doing original content, niggers go out and photoshop a classic. Color me surprised.

Give this man a didgeridooo

>t. clean room