Brit/pol - Sinn Fein Edition

>Nigel Farage to decide in the next seven days if he will lead Ukip

>PM May promises to provide certainty

>May to form 'government of certainty' with DUP backing

>Stabbing in London's Russell Square not terror-related police say

>How Theresa May's gamble failed

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Remember to archive

>theguardian com/politics/ng-interactive/2017/jun/09/theresa-may-election-gamble-fail-conservatives-majority-polls

Is Ireland (northern or republic) a safe haven for the white man? The list of suitable destinations for us is running out.

Was this the first recorded ARYANDIED?

When will all milk turn to blood again, ANGLObros?


Of course it is, first of all Ireland shares no land border with any other EU state, second of all we've already got negotiations with regards to Schengen and a special case with Ireland since as we are not in Schengen.

You heard on QT last night, no one wants a hard border, not Ireland, not the EU, not us, not the DUP. It's not going to happen..

>The list of suitable destinations for us is running out.

Current list:
>Norn Iron

Anywhere else?

How can Proddy Huns even compete?

She did warn us that the we could end up with a coalition clusterfuck with links to terrorist organisations.

I'm sure it'll be fine

Australia is fucking minging lad. There are bugs everywhere and they have more non-whites than we do.

Corbyn is a hell of a lot stronger than people think. He may come across as soft and agreeable, but he defied all odds to become leader, faced down practically his entire party and got them whipped into shape in time for a snap election.

He's brushed off a vicious, all out smear campaign that even the BBC played a part in, along with the Murdoch media empire, and left the Tories with the choice of ceding Downing Street to a Labour Minority, or joining forces with a party who could massively stain their public image. Hell if the Tories had lost a few more seats it would have been a guaranteed Labour Minority Government.

And through all this, has he ever looked even remotely flapped? No.

In my opinion he has the correct blend of steel and agreeableness to negotiate a fantastic deal. May seems to be a disaster in waiting. She cant run a fucking campaign, we want her to parley with """Europes""" annoyed elite?!

Well at least their our terrorists.

Maybe some of the other Eastern European cities like Budapest, Prague, Bratislava, etc. Canada and New Zealand might still qualify, but not sure if they'll stay safe in the future, especially with le weed man in Canada.

Sinn Fein are commie scum

No, the EU is flooding it with Africans.

Faroes lad, the white mans forgotten refuge.

>poll on the radio for what you call round bread things that you put stuff in
Which one is it?

>You heard on QT last night

was it worth watching?

>>May to form 'government of certainty' with DUP backing

'No-one wants a hard Brexit' Arline Forester

Brexit cancelled then, which was what May wanted all along: to stay in power but ditch Brexit, she nearly over cooked it though but otherwise mission accomplished as she has no mandate for a 'hard Brexit'

Always fucking happens...




looking fairly warm today

good weather to get outside

have a beer, do some gardening

have a wank in the garden

it's a bap

as in; "phwoooaarr did you catch a look at the barmaids baps?"

He just offered a load of gibs dude, that's all

Good lad.

This is what Australia looks like when you leave the cities:

>tfw no big-titted Czech gf
They're the qtest of all continentals.

We will get an EEA or EFTA arrangement. Better get used to it.

Easily, Taig.

>smear campaign
It's not really a problem if if it's all true though tbf, which it is. They could have, and should have, been much harsher. And, no, he isn't strong, he's a complete cuck.

He shouldn't, it's a waste of his life because UKIP is a dead party.

The only people who want him to return tubers and media people who want adclicks based off posting content about him.

Our wee Emma Little-Pengelly


Looks like a fucking quadroon. 3/4 potato, 1/4 nigger.

>they have more non-whites than we do.
Only in Sydney and Melbourne and they're mostly East Asians.


Not just bugs; snakes, crocodiles, SHARKS!

roll or depending on the size, shape and consistency a bap

Wow, Corbyn truly is /our guy/, huh Brit/pol/?

He's so principled and honest and kind, just like Bernie. And just like Bernie, there's no way that he'll ever, ever sell us out to neoliberals.


chuckle brother #1 (paul) - "oh dear"
chuckle brother #2 (barry) - "oh dear, oh dear!"

You don't get it.

Leaving both the Single Market and the European Economic Area (EEA) means that the UK automatically becomes what the EU calls a "third country"; which in turn means reimposing border controls.

This is just an undeniable fact.

What a munter, got the face of a well chewed pastie bap.

the bait wasn't for you, blowhard

England was the most fucking depressing place I've ever been to overseas. Cold and wet and full of evil looking nigs and ragheads. Fucking made me suicidal. Scotland and Ireland were comfy though. Though both were still cold and wet. Or full of midgies.

Have you heard her voice? Give her a mouth gag and it would help. It may sound like northern Irish to all you foreigners, but as someone from the east of ulster her voice cuts right through me.

Still cucks to international law though.

might vote labour for a laugh lads

Post it in a different thread then, retard.

The people have spoken and 84% of people voted for pro-brexit parties

even Labour's manifesto said an end to free movement

leftists in charge of actually learning what they voted for

See, this is it. I think they'd underestimate him, just like everyone else. Thats an advantage in and of itself. Still, its done now. Lets see if the Tories can keep the DUP on the leash. It could be fatal for them if they can't.............

>'Let June be the end of May'
>May is still here



Decent music

>the most fucking depressing place I've ever been to
You admit Australia is worse then

>80+% vote for Parties that commit to an end to the freedom of movement in their manifestos

You seem to think that compromises don't exist, it's not black or white and it can't be in this particular case.

>Nige returns to lead UKIP
>Nige tars May and Tories with "globalist" label, citing May's call for "international agreements to regulate cyberspace"
>Trump is re-elected in 2020
>Trump slyly endorses Nige in a wink-wink fashion for 2022 elections after fallout with May after she cozies up to the EU more than the USA
>UKIP mania erupts in the UK after Trump and Nige are viewed as an embodiment of the new Special Relationship™
>UKIP wins all seats in Great Britain
>Forms government with DUP anyway to spice it up with some anti-papist bantz like pic related
>all is well

>heard her voice

sick of cucks on normiebooks calling pro-brexit people stupid and saying we don't realise the consequences of leaving Europe and what it all involves

fuck those people

Yeah Shami gets BTFO a few times by Are Isabell.

butis posting in this thread "retard"


>Trusting Labour or the Tories to stick to immigration targets

According to EU rules. What happens when rules don't fit, you change the rules, or ignore them, like Greece. A hard Irish border is a EU problem not a British one. To impose one they, have to break the NI agreement, they have to pay, man and control, not the brits.

Everyone is cucks to international law.

70% of EU law originates at the international level.

This is why leaving the single market is a waste of time.

Thought she was holding a penis from the thumbnail

curry my yoghurt

May will resign today.

allows free movement, which was what Brexit was mainly about. Brexit totally sabotaged, May was the patsy

No, Northern Irish are racist to all foreigners, including whites, we don't want you here

and then what, oracle?

Careful, you're only making us want to move there even more.

Each one is something different, it is wrong to use any as a generic term.

a large soft one shape and side of a c-dd bra cup


Medium sized soft round one, not to tall and not too thin, eg a burger bun in a fast food restaurant

Cylindrical soft one like you might use for hot dogs


Hard crust all over round version of the bun

Cobs baked so they are touching so when cooked and pulled apart they have soft sides but a crusty top

A large flat bap, best used for putting chips in.

Allahu akbar

Your sauce?

When will a government form??

Labour manifesto included "ending free movement of people" i.e. HARD BREXIT
Don'e let remoaner blairites correct the record and say this vote was against brexit


Not many things shiver my timbers but people who say batch should be fucking gassed.

When does the 1922 Committee next meet?

they are ALL rolls

check packaging, marketing, general fucking consensus

in Britain, we eat bread rolls

any other word is pure local dialect and not the Queen's English

That's some good bread knowledge. I just call everything a roll.

Tell that to Lichtenstein.

EEA members have the right to unilaterally invoke article 112 of the EEA agreement. Liechtenstein were able to secure a permanent opt out to free movement through article 112.

But it was

>Labour shills with brown "qts"

You couldn't be more leddit if you tried.

This is the truth

>Is Ireland (northern or republic) a safe haven for the white man?

you a prod or a taig?

It will be seen as a consequence of Brexit, which the EU neither wanted nor asked for.

cute pakis exist m8, calm your fanny down

It pains me that after years I still recognize these characters. Those were dark times.

i asked before and i ask again. is Nigel actually retarded? he was leading ukip, then left, the party crumbled and he wants in again. Why the fuck cant he make his mind up


didn't get the majority but did what we needed and managed to keep comrade corbyn and his commie cult out of parliament at least while we finish brexit til 2018 and the years following

The absolute state of your life.

You wouldn't like it here, I promise!! Please don't come here

Roll makes least sense as an umbrella term. It clearly refers to a hotdog bun.

Bun is the only catch-all.

She looks about 14 you paki nonce.

>pakis exist
>calm your fanny down

Do you intend to post one?

Question:should may resgin? He didn't gain seats but didn't allow labour to take over.

So the tories are now in the position where they could easily be fucked by the DUP and/or easily fucked by failing to get a good Brexit deal. Which looks highly highly likely. Whats more is both events are entirly of their own causing. The damage these events could cause to party would be massive. If coupled with implementing highly unpopular manifesto policies then its hard to see anything other than the party being in absolute ruin. Anyone care to argue any differently?