Why does Sup Forums laugh at black people when they claim that they had civilisation before white people?

Why does Sup Forums laugh at black people when they claim that they had civilisation before white people?

Let's look at the facts

>Egypt is in Africa
>the Egyptian kingdoms predate any European kingdom
>to the Greeks the pyramids were already ancient

It doesn't matter that Egypt is in Northern Africa. It is still in Africa. Plenty of white people claim every invention by every European as their own. For instance the Periodic table was invented by a Russian, yet an American who lives much further away from Russia than let's say a Sudanese is from Egypt still claims it as being invented by "his people".

Does Sup Forums not see the hypocrisy here?

>implying Egyptians were black




What does it matter you absolute moron?

There are differences between Europeans too. A Spanish person has a darker skin tone than a Scandinavian. It doesn't make one not European.

Russians aren't white you fucking retard, they are dirty Slav niggers. The periodic table was made by Jews to spread cultural Marxism.

Fuck off and lurk moar.

so you be saying european jews born in egypt was black and sheit just because dey lived in egypt?

The greatest accomplishment of the egyptians was having slaves piling up rocks.


>black people

>all africans are black people
This is how retarded you sound.

What is it with black people? They ain't black and they ain't people, just NIGGERS

Why do blacks and whites care who came first?

Black people are white people who lived in Africa for too long, is it really that hard to understand?

There were probably civilizations that came way before any of the ones we know about today, some destroyed from history or altered.

Just look at Samoans, they clearly share genetic features from Asians but look black. Generations of living on islands in high sun environments have changed the amount of melanin in their skin.

>A Spanish person has a darker skin tone than a Scandinavian.

but they still genetically cluster as europeans. north africans and black africans are gentically distinct and at the time of ancient egypt were even more so. north africans are the result of a back migration from west asia.

>Just look at Samoans, they clearly share genetic features from Asians but look black. Generations of living on islands in high sun environments have changed the amount of melanin in their skin.

the chinky ancestors of samoans would have picked up the darker skin when they mixed with the papuan people on the way to their island.

My point exactly.

Also look at South Africans and Australians, if you compare them with Europeans they have redder skin and lower IQs based on the environments they live in.

> if you compare them with Europeans they have redder skin and lower IQs based on the environments they live in.

the redder skin is probably from sunburn and not a change in genes and i think australia average i.q. is higher than that of the irish which many australians are descended from.

IQ has almost no relation with genes. It's about education, environment, and money.

I mean, yeah, obviously if you exposed a Sub-Saharan African and a European to the same education and environment, the European may turn out to be slightly more successful. But it'd be a marginal difference, probably on the range of 2 to 3%.

That's not to say there aren't cases where this isn't true, like with Abos or *certain* African tribes. But in the context of race in the developed world, ie. black and white American mutts, there's really no difference. Much less when you compare North Africans, Irish, Anglos or Slavs, some of whom have barely even been *ethnically* distinct even during recorded history.

so #refugeeswelcome, right?

It's their rightful clay after all

There's absolutely no link between this and that

I see no problem with refugees in countries like Australia or America, which has no ethnic basis or any particular identity/tradition. European countries are completely different.

The reason refugees must be contained has to do with maintaining national purity, not IQ. I mean, there's no difference between a wave of Germans and a wave of Syrians as far as I'm concerned. Both would be alien to Greece.

>literally dick washers

They have the oldest civilizations? Yet they have not proceeded at all? White people could surpass them in only 2000 years?

>IQ has almost no relation with genes

Shut the fuck up.

by that logic africans got their civilization from asia
aka what is the fertile crescent

Niggers aren't Egyptian. If they were then why the fuck isn't there a shitload of black people along the Nile? Fuck Egyptian, civilization began on the Fertile Crescent. Building pyramids for no reason doesn't mean shit when Macedonia, and Rome make you their absolute bitch and your lands just go from empire to empire for centuries.

Every American nig's ancestors are West Africa where they've lived in mudshit huts since for fucking ever. Sorry your land is hot and you didn't learn how to farm efficiently resaulting in limited competition amongst your people giving them no incentive to advance. You talk shit about my ancestors living in caves while yours built the pyramids. That's cute... how much have the pyramids influenced modern society? My ancestors destroyed Rome, were a power house through the medieval centuries, birthed the greatest makers of music humanity will ever know, revolutionized modern engineering and aerodynamic, built the blueprints of modern warfare, gave the world the greater scientists than any other and have literally shaped today's world in every way you can think of.

>there's no difference between a wave of Germans and a wave of Syrians as far as I'm concerned. Both would be alien to Greece.

the difference: a wave of germans into greece would raise the national i.q. and a wave of syrians would lower it. a large portion of i.q. is heritable. for example there was that study done on adopted kids in america. whites scored higher than black or mixed kids, adopted or not.

Egypt is in Africa but sub-saharans were never kangz (to think so is laughable). Look at the DNA evidence and consider the fact that the likes of Tariq Nasheed thinks that blacks built the pyramids but literally thousands of years later they were living in huts made of dried mud.

Leopold did nothing wrong.


Archaeology proves that every civilisation that ever existed was created and ruled by blue eyed people with light hair and skin who built pyramids and used the swastika as their symbol.

It would raise the IQ if the wave of Germans brought some sweet Euros along with them to put into education. And yes, it's true that the Syrians wouldn't do that, and would actually need to have resources spent to educate them, bringing the IQ down.

Otherwise, it's more likely that the national IQ would be dropped by a Germanic migration. On identical conditions, people of Norse descent would most likely have slightly worse results. Since the Mediterranean has consistently been the peak of human achievement, everything north and south of it would naturally not do quite as well. But again, it would only be a marginal difference.

>Since the Mediterranean has consistently been the peak of human achievement

funny, i dont recall the industrial revolution happening in the mediterranean?

It was a consequence of the Renaissance, which did happen in the Mediterranean, or rather thanks to the Mediterranean

Making steam engines doesn't really compare with creating the concept of thinking

>creating the concept of thinking

youre getting a bit carried away there. mediterraneans havnt been shit since the Renaissance. if their discoveries werent written down, no one would believe they came out of countries which are so shit today.

The opposite is true. The Byzantine Empire is the only part of Europe that didn't go through the Dark Ages. Actually, the Renaissance didn't really happen in the Mediterranean, since it was already civilized at the time, but only western Europe through the political endeavour of Italy and the academic work of Greeks scholars. We really only went to shit after the Renaissance, and that's due to the Ottomans.

That's the ancient egypcians. The new wave of egypcians can long after the egypcians empire had fallen.