This is just too perfect
This is just too perfect
OP can we just not
Looks like a good movie. Why does the sight of a black man trigger you so much?
looks gay. homosexual.
its lit
100% 100% XD
Lit senpai
100% 100% smiley face
It's a movie based on a fucking comic, they're all retarded, like the Thor nonsense and the Wonder Woman Atlantean Amazon or whatever. Stop foaming. There's a difference between being a proper educated racist and a butthurt moron with an inferiority complex.
>2 minutes ago posted
>600+ upvotes
Can someone redpill me on what this guy is trying to do?
The fuck are you nolifers complaining about ? A ficitonal movie based on fictional cartoons ?
Get your heads out your asses you fucking retards.
Just the same with that Ghostbusters faggotry. Don't fucking watch it and you're fine. Holy fucking shit, the amount of butthurt retardation on this board is just amazing.
>proper educated racist
I'm actually hyped for this movie tbqh, I just find Sup Forums's reaction to this kind of stuff hilarious.
>Don't fucking watch it and you're fine
I said this in a thread last night and was called a shill from multiple cunts
I love it how whites painted them on with helmets, as if simpy painting them white wouldn't work, you'd have to hide the whole black face.
Yeah looks bretty good.
For real though. There's a massive number of substantial problems in real life to solve and no amount of mimimi about a fucking movie will solve that.
But I guess it's the way they're thinking.
>rant about the trivial shit, ignore the real world
>main character is a king
>hails from a secret and super advanced african civilization
>they have space ships and are several hundred years more advanced than anyone else on the planet
>everyone in this utopic society is humane and well-educated
>they only pretend to be a dirt-poor third world country to keep whitey from asking them for gibs
it's a power fantasy for nogs
not a big fan of black panther , he is just a dude in a suit with overpowered defense and martial arts.
he is the black verison of batman basically with plot armor.
will still watch the movie cause i love comic based movies no matter how much people hate it since i grew up around comicbook stores and read a lot of them.
sort of nostalgic.
he could be white , asian , an ayylmao i wouldnt care either.
There's a vast difference between an african and a WE WUZ. As far as I can see, only 'murcan blacks care about nubs n shiet, and that movie is about a fictional african country with a native african as its protagonist. Even africans hate the stereotypical afroamerican, so I don't really get how this is a movie that should be viewed with kangz in mind anyways. I just hope buzzfeed and other shite magazines go on about racial stereotypes, how the film is just a "token" and demands for reparations by Anaconda Alohisha Brown.
KANGZ would have more in common with captain america than black panther, so I don't really care. Apart from slavery blacks in the US have no history, no wonder they yearn for something to hold on to.
Much like how white 'murcans behave really, they put their great great great grandmothers ancestry on a pedestal because "yeah it totally makes me italian, that's why I love making pasta like mac and cheese".)
Most superhero comics are power fantasies. Also, his creators are white.
Hold your horses.
The next Assassin's Creed "Origins" in Egypt will showcase the full extent of Kangz.
>No one cared until they put on the masks
We wuz big guyz n shieet
dont have a problem with this one. at least theyre making their own stuff instead of taking our myths and legends and turning Thor into a black lesbian
>American movies
Why are burgers so addicted to the BBC?
>people from Sup Forums are actually triggered by this
>looks like a good movie
>superheroes movie
Pick one, faggot
Oh great just what we needed, another movie sucking nigger dick, just like (((Hidden figures))) and that one about the nog who's hypnotized or something and all whitey are somehow evil.
Now a literal WE WUZ movie in which they literally say "They're the conquerors now!"
I fucking hate this obvious nog fixation Hollyjew has, after all these movies nogs come out feeling super proud or something, checked Twitter after that movie "Hidden figures" and nogs were literally super pissed at whitey, "cuz they hiding mah history, we wuz the ones who sent whitey to da moon! Down with whitey" (even though in the movie is explicitly shown how it was the mercury missions (not even to orbit) and if you look to the actual people in which the movie is inspired of, they're aren't even fucking black.
Fuck i hate how the media is so desperately trying to make niggers proud while trying to make whitey feel bad about themselves
I usually don't like Marvel movies, but this looks very interesting. I like the alternative timeline where African customs blend with scifi technology. I hope they don't ruin the movie by glorifying the ghetto lifestyle. This kind of movies could slowly replace street culture and that's a GOOD thing.
Final boss leaked guys
damn my niggu, dam dam, oh oh aahah Sup Forums btfo for good this time nigu
Values > IQ. You don't need a high IQ to live a good life. In Liberia the same warlords who ate children's hearts are now building houses and living a peaceful Christian life. You need less poverty and solid principles. Any movie that shows to black people an alternative to tribalism and street culture is a step forward.
Dude, nobody is butthurt except (((You)))
>it's hard for a good man to be a KANG
Lmao ain't that the fucking truth
Unintended implication there, marvel?
It's a bot you idiot, not exactly hard to get one to shill your shit on popular vids
We get it shills, based black comic that you're totally gonna watch
>his creators are white.
implying this matters with the amount of cucks everywhere.