What does it mean, Sup Forums?

What does it mean, Sup Forums?

You wouldn't want your own kids to be used in the pedo cabal would you?

That's actually damning.

No stake in the future of Europe.

easier to genocide your own people when you have no stake in their future.

Statistically how is this possible

Why has this not been mentioned

Unironically a bunch of satanists

>people who worked hard enough to get in positions of power didn't waste their lives making kids at an early age
wew lad, groundbreaking

It has on one recent infowars video that was shilled all over Sup Forums

>powerful people didn't have children before

None of the important Euro countries leaders have children. Not one. Why?

Yeah it's not like politicians have had wives and kids forever

in Stefan Löfvens defense he was adopted so eh.

>People with no children and therefore no stake in the long-term survival/prosperity of their countries don't care about implementing policies that will earn them a quick buck and easy votes now but destroy their nations in the long-term

Hmm really depolarizes my neuronal cellular membranes

The sooner those kike owned countries along with the usa die out the better

Kids are fucking annoying and will burden you for the rest of your life and when you're old they're going to kick you into a retirement home and forget about you. No thanks, I'd rather live a hedonistic lifestyle.


White genocide

Few do, and the ones who do are never around for their children anyway.
Being a politician is a lifestyle choice, not just another career.

>millions of generations of ancestors going back to single-celled life all had an unbroken chain of reproduction to create you
>choose not to have kids so you can live as a butthole-worshiping hedonist

smdh tbqh senpai. Make sure to welcome those refugees they bring in due to falling birth rates too :^)

>waste their lives making kids at an early age
>Wanting someone who doesn't plan on having kids ever tell you how to raise your kids
No wonder you voted for macaron

fuck off monarchist shill

That we will not have a next generation of fucktards from the same family

well traditionally, it was easier when you just had to plant your seed and didn't have to take care of the kids whatsoever because your slave wife and house workers would do everything

In our modern society, maybe european politicians are just not willing to conceive kids they will not be able to give any attention to

What good are traditions if they're just followed to maintain the illusion of values?

>natgeo wild

European leaders have no investment in the future. European leaders have chosen erasure.

Trump is a buffoon and like every buffoon, he desperately wants to appear like a good man.
It would surprise me a great deal if he ever spent meaningful time with any of his kids.

There's a reason barron's a freaking autist

your self image has more holes in it than your cheese, chef.

Savior or Destroyer?

Orphan confirmed.

On the contrary fucking moron, I know how a good parent is supposed to act like

French winning the Darwin Award for removing themselves from the gene pool. I would give you a money prize but you can't bring cash in the afterlife.

This is fake. Sweden's PM is a father, he just allowed men to fuck his wife for him.

That's the whitepill on all this. It's sad that whites overall are having terrible birthrates, but the ones who ARE having kids are the most conservative among us. Meaning all the libshits, marxists, and atheists remove themselves from the genepool.


I'd rather be removed from the gene pool than allow the birth of generations of degenerates soulless subhumans because I couldn't be a good enough role model and was too insecure to not make children...

Someone has to make those children. While you are being an insecure pussy a man with no educacation, no self sustainability in the middle of Africa is having 7 spawns. This is the heritage you leave, this is what you inadvertently choose.

People without children should definitely be excluded from shit involving future in anyway at state-govt level.

When you don't have children on your own you firstly have no experience and secondly have no reason to care for the interests of a nation.

Oh I'm not insecure, that's why I won't give in the suicidal "make kids" propaganda

>in the middle of Africa is having 7 spawns
yeah I know
Is that a reason to act exactly like they do? Make kids we later can't fucking deal with
In most major cities in Europe, nearly 50% of marriage end up in divorce. Most of the time, they have kids too.

If that's not nigger behavior and total disrespect for human life, I don't know what it is

You are just making excuses. It's easy to raise children in the modern society. A few generations ago you had to fight starvation and diseases. Those were real problems, not your pussy insecurities.

Well, enjoy your Blacked and Islamified France then.

Because macrons wife's uterus is as dry as the sahara by now. No way he's having a little cuck child

it is good that this scum does not spread its genes

it means that those old baby boomers who decided to not have kids so they could hoard all their money for their selfish pleasure will bring in millions of young niggers to pay for their pensions, there's only one thing they miscalculated in their masterplan: niggers only take, they don't give back.
these old farts will have to starve to death for their deeds