Married herself

>Married herself
>Changed her name into "Beautiful Existence"
>Named her sons Epic and Edge
>That hideous haircut

I don't care.


check my five


Damn, here I was hoping I'd be able to pay for her sons while she grows increasingly haggard.

>post number ends in 5
>ID begins with 5
Top job m8

checked and kekked


What sorcery was this ?


Nice. Now look at the 8

Nice script gevalt. Mines better. Check my 8


Or this 7

This thing bred?


you tried to fly too close to the sun bro, my condolences for the rekt quads attempt

do you ever think that these sick people wouldnt have the same "fame" if you didnt repost every retarded thing you find on the net?



This is what happens when someone is too mediocre to be able to succeed as a normie but still has a pathological craving for attention.

i can bet you this woman spends all her free time thinking of more ways to "shock" everyone with her quirky uniqueness

my question.

This guy is browsing the catalog

truely a race of shitposters

this board is where sjws post their bullshit for free publicity, it keeps me on my toes, but it does get exhausting after a while. Most of the time I could really give a shit if some woman wants to do some weird shit with her life, only time it bothers me is when I might have to encounter her crack addicted kids in an alley one night.


you just described basically all normies

gives 'till death do us part' a whole new meaning.

nice, czech these doobles my dude

czeched and Kekd



So undesirable that she had to marry herself. SAD!

Western women are the most privileged group of people to ever exist on earth.

That's about to change after they get their wish to import shittons of violent third worlders.


>implying this isnt what they wanted all along

feminism was a giant shit test and the west failed

>Ms Existence was previously married for ten years and has two sons - Edge, 16 and Epic, six. During that time, friends would confide in her that they thought she had lost her spark.
>They told her she 'wasn't herself' when she was married, and questioned what had happened to the independent, optimistic woman they knew.

I remember this maniac from 2 years ago. I think that she ate nothing but Starbucks for an entire year or something. When does the attention seeking end...?

He was just sentenced so it's all coming back. Over two years ago, chum.


Wrong thread

What a special, beautiful, independent, brave, and unique individual

Kids will suicide before 20. Sad

I think marrying oneself is pretty close to trans-tier degeneracy. Just another sign of decline.



Check my 3