Black Pill Thread

>If every single western politician is (((controlled))) in some direct or indirect way, what is the solution?

Civil war, but it will never happen. These kinds of problems have been around since before the invention of cuneiform writing.

>So what will happen? Sounds like you're implying there's no hope.

Essentially we actually need a cataclysmic scenario in order to start over. The apple is rotten to the core and needs to be thrown away.

>But people are waking up.

The (((Alt-right))) wants to "preserve western civilization". Think for a moment, what does that even mean? It means enlightenment values, aka exactly what the Jews want. What counts as "Western" these days to the average person has now turned into pretty much anything liberal, which has been the root cause of our downfall. Within reason sovereignty is nice, but with nothing but nihilistic individualism society cannot be maintained.

>So become authoritarian?

Even if you were to do away with everything "liberal" the current stock of human beings have been out-dysgenic'd. Modern medicine is to blame for there being so many people who don't deserve to live. See the 3rd world population boom and the decline in world average IQ. Most people in the West used to harden as they grow on their own, like anywhere else. Now without effort you can remain indefinitely infantile due to our decadence. The "Beta" phenomenon. There were always outliers that became like this throughout history, but now the general masses have succumbed to this condition. There is no longer a rite of passage into adulthood, you can be sheltered and live comfortably. This is de-evolution. Everyone has a dandy-ol time being a degenerate well into their 50s.

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>I agree. You can especially see this in the cities where the worst of mankind is concentrated. Sometimes I think society just needs a reset.

Society does not need a reset, humankind needs a reset. A return to a type of hunter/gatherer/farmer society where if you were a greedy cunt you would be caste out of the tribe. Not to chuck away all our technology and such, but this is the type of social structure modern humans have lived in for 99% of its history. Cities are unnatural, unplanned and have brought more misery. A large portion of society can now just "live" and try to find trivial things to keep themselves busy with.

>So the Zeitgeist needs to be completely redefined? And the only solution is some sort of massive catastrophe?

Exactly, this is inevitable really. That's what I have been trying to explain to retards using "Blackpill" liberally. They have no broader perspective. "You're just trying to bring us down blackpill cuck!" When in fact I'm trying to explain the gravity of the situation.

>Has this happened before?

It's detailed quite nicely in the Sumerian Swindle book how Ubaidian traitors and merchants betrayed their tribe and started importing Sumerians to replace them slowly without any backlash. Even if you get rid of all the Jews or any similar group, you still have to get rid of the liberals, commies, kosher nationalists ect.

>But what about the economy?

There's more to life than just "the economy". Before interest came to be, before some greedy tribesman asked for more than he gave away, everyone had their fair share. Not because of a "gibs me dat" system, just because it was impossible for 99,999% of society to unfairly benefit, and if you didn't work at all (live like a welfare leech) you would die for not being able to provide for yourself. It's what commie pipe dreams are made of, except with actual work involved.

The industrial revolution and the industrialized "modern world" that it created were a singular event in history with a clear start in the 19th century, a peak of wealth around 1960 and ever since an irreversable phase of decline (in terms of standard of living per capita).

Wealth creation is at its core mainly determined the "quality" of available energy and mineral resources. Unfortunately there is this natural phenomenon called "diminishing returns". Ever since we mined the first coal and started pumping the first oil, the Energy Returned on Energy Invested ratio of these resources has been decreasing. Likewise, the energy acuisation costs for minerals and essential resources like food have been going up and up as we deplete the cheap and easy stuff first. Oil is the MASTER resource, it's everything around you in the modern industrialized world. Without abundant and CHEAP (in money and energy-terms) oil we will economically degenerate back to a pre-industrial state.

The inflection point where we had rising standards of living is already long in the past. And no we wont have a renewable engery revolution since these energy technologies can't provide for their own energy costs AND run an industrial society. Unfortunately many people are blinded by an irrational faith in technology to see what's coming and don't even realize that technology is not a source of energy but just a way to convert energy-resoures into productive work. Once the high grade finite energy-resources are gone, we're only left with the sun and its derivative energy-types. And we will adapt accordingly.

You will not go to space in your lifetime. For now, this is the rock we fight and die on.

>Then what happened?

Slowly but surely the tribes separated into two social classes, the Haves, and the Have-Nots. Obviously the haves dictated everything that happened, started foreclosing on farms and taking their tribesmen and families as slaves to pay off their debts which could not normally be paid. We briefly had a period where it seemed this dynamic would dissappear with the rise of the middle class, but since the 70s this class has effectively been culled in the west.

>So what’s then the ideal philosophy for society to follow if not an endless pursuit of prosperity?

Essentially we need to go back to Darwinian Eugenics, which in itself actually almost took off during the industrial revolution when it became clear to many we were spiraling downwards as a species. We have to do away with loans and financial manipulation, modern medicine that helps the genetically unfit and the imaginary concept of “human rights”. Many hardcore Natsocs and those that call themselves “redpilled” do not want to accept that modern civilization is what has led to our downfall.

>How do I prepare for the collapse?

If you’re in the west I encourage moving as far away as possible. Even remote regions in some 3rd world countries will be better off once the pot reaches boiling point funnily enough. semi arid, or semi tundra areas are ideal. Start a small group.

Realize that to live is to struggle. Really internalize this truth in your being and actions and when possible spread it to others that you care about.

In the end the Natural Order will always prevail. Nature is inherently fascist. The modern world is a world that goes completely against nature and the results are telling. It's tearing itself apart.

Nevertheless you as an individual can always choose to go against the flow and struggle and persevere while the rest of society rots and withers away. It's not an easy path, but you go on because you know that you are in the right and that in the end you will be vindicated.

Exactly because the modern world is so self-destructive half the battle is just weathering the storm until the whole edifice has degenerated so much that we can rise and deal the final blow.

Live to live your life correctly and that will bring happiness to yourself and those around you.

>This is all very morbid though. Don’t you feel any empathy for those that might perish? Don’t you want to save them?

Most normies base their opinions off 9gag memes. That’s why I say let it all burn in hell. I’m not sacrificing anything for such sickly people. It would just be arrogance at that point. Maybe some like Hitler thought there was a possibility because there was no internet, otherwise all hope ended there.

>This thought process makes me feel like a psychopath though.

Nah. The psychopaths are the ones who do not understand these simple concepts. I used to think everyone was a normie - when in fact, we were the normies all along. I cannot imagine living like the average western individual today. I used to laugh at the “wake up sheeple” crowd until I woke up. It was depressing for a time, but now its just funny really. I started digging into all these nationalist movements but found out they were all just another strain of the Jew virus. I can’t believe I fell for the Trump meme one time. I realized my mistake roughly 6 months before the election.

>I’ve come to realize all these political events, elections, movements ect have no true effect at all on where we’re going. Do you agree?

Yeah brother, here’s a good analogy; it’s like kabuki theater for the goyim.

But for those that have realized this and those that have been convinced; you are part of a small fringe that might outlast this event and can then ensure another chance for mankind as a whole, a chance for your descendants at the very least. For us to eventually reach the stars, we need to come to terms with this.

Stay strong, prepare, and good luck.

Also, this is quite the opposite of nihilism. Nihilism is not giving a fuck. I very much care for the future of my race, I am a practicing Calvanist Christian aswell. Like the great flood we need to wipe ourselves clean. I firmly believe we have never strayed this far from our morals as the entire world has succumbed to secularism and nihilism, worshiping ideals rather than nature.

t. posting from an isolated Karoo farmstead

Thread theme

very interesting, not a typcial BP thread you analyze and try to still find solutions, thats not (((BP)))
stop listening to depressive music, being a logical guy you have to admit listening to sad music wimpering like a lil child brings you ZERO positive effects

>thats not (((BP)))

Well you misinterpret what the black pill is about then.

well i just finished your last post, you spinned from no hope to hope, saved

Do realize I'm not saying give up all hope, but do be prepared for the worst since things aren't going that swell. I'm saying do not let your guard down with a false sense of momentum. Always fight as if cornered, prepare for the worst case scenario. In the meantime, yes sure, vote for the most conservative politicians, but don't rely on them.

Move to a rural area, connect with your community, learn a trade. You will be part of the few who will rebuild when nothing but the ashes of the Kike Empire remains.

Interesting image. I've always considered myself blackpilled, but I never knew of the Green pill. I believe in God, and I believe in a universe with a plan much bigger than me, but I don't think I will experience any so-called 'afterlife'. I never knew a life before so it's impossible for me to know a life after I believe.
Pic maybe or maybe not be related.

>Modern medicine is to blame for there being so many people who don't deserve to live.
You're wrong about this though. Thanks to modern medicine, people with "mutations" like being short-sighted, for example are "allowed" to exists whereas they would not exist so long in a more primitive society.
But that's the whole point, we don't NEED to have perfect eyesight, a perfect body, perfect muscles,... because we have created medicine. We have simply adapted to our own system. It doesn't matter if more people are born with "defects" because we can easily fix them. Because of this more people who are intelligent, but very "healthy", are allowed to breed. This makes for a smarter population.

The problem is that in this society people with low IQ's (and "strong bodies") have an evolutionary advantage to people with high IQ's (and "weak bodies").

>Because of this more people who are intelligent, but very "healthy"
Meant to say NOT very "healthy".

You only need have the bravery to take action.

>Thanks to modern medicine, people with "mutations" like being short-sighted, for example are "allowed" to exist

You could argue that maybe these disadvantaged people who died from their disabilities back in the old ages, was natural selection- The stronger survives! As nature intended it to be.

Instead, humankind have invented ways to reverse illness and weakness in fellow man and prolonging lives of weaker humans, allowing them to procreate- thus watering down strong gene pools and voila we have SJWs, trannies and retards.

I know I sound mean here, but nature never intended for disabled people to live long and reproduce.... Survival of the fittest.

(pic related.... Ephialtes the hunchback retard in 300)

>Because of this more people who are intelligent, but very "healthy", are allowed to breed. This makes for a smarter population.

>The problem is that in this society people with low IQ's (and "strong bodies") have an evolutionary advantage to people with high IQ's (and "weak bodies").

I do not understand what you're getting at when you put these two quotes together. From a philosophical perspective it's bad to give up weakness for intelligence, you should aim for both. If we were all "tfw too intelligent" NEETs while being physically weak we lose our independence and become slaves to technology and the system. That only tightens the powers that be's grip on you more since you can do nothing to defend yourself. Thinking this is good at all or "just the way things are" is pathetic at best. "Lmao I work out at the library. " mentality.

From a practical standpoint the greater problem is that we artificially inflate otherwise self destructive populations by feeding them food aid and medicine when they cannot maintain themselves. What I'm getting at is not Sparta-style "chuck the deformed baby down the hill", it's more "Don't help the savages breed and just become more dependent on you".

The aim of the kikes is to make us physically and emotionally weak, to make us not want to break out from their grasp because it would be too scary for us to take too much effort.

Do not succumb to that.

*give up strength for intelligence.,

I endorse eugenics. But the medicine part I was referring to was more to do with artificial inflation of 3rd world populations. But yes, our genetics get watered down as well.

>thus watering down strong gene pools
My point was that we don't really strong genes anymore, but rather smart genes. Of course if someone is strong, so the better.
An intelligent nation/tribe/culture will always conquer a "strong" nation/tribe/culture due to things like superior technology
>and voila we have SJWs, trannies and retards.
Physical mutations like bad eyesight, crooked teeth, a hunchback, weak bones,... don't lead to any of that.
Yeah, people need to realize the races aren't equal and end egalitarianism in general.

I don't agree with your primitivism though. I think people who chose to live in small communities, will in the end be conquered by big communities(/empires)

I'm not anti-tech, I'm anti-automation and urban living. Cities as we know them today have only been around since the mid 19th century, when cities reaching hundreds of thousands of inhabitants really started to become common.

We should grow our own food, not rely on other food producers. Over specialization creates a society without purpose for many.

Because cities are inherently self destructive because they are unnatural.. The countryside would remain unaffected in the long run. 99% of our history has not been like this. I do not wish for us to suffer under the Dystopian future (inevitable unless we topple the governments) so I'm just saying be prepared, don't just rely on politics because its a kike's game.

Industrialization will always create cities. Automation is actually kind of a solution to this.

>We should grow our own food, not rely on other food producers.
Even Rome was dependent on Egypt's grain, although that did have it's problems.
A lot of countries today, have policies that make them (somewhat) self sufficient when it comes to food, in case of a war breaking out.
>Over specialization creates a society without purpose for many.
Don't really see what you mean with this. If people have something to believe in, a religion and/or an ideology, they do have a purpose. If you are specialized in something, you know you are contributing to your society and that ideology.

>Humans are naturally 'designed' to approach the problem of survival by means of a 'power process', consisting of goal -> effort -> achievement.
>This process applies to power over nature (material production) and power over people/society (building relationships, defeating rivals etc).
>Being cut off from this process brings listlessness, depression, irrational anger, descent into hedonism, and so on - much like a bird whose wings have been tied, or a predator in a tiny cage.
>The 'power process' can be further broken down into three categories:
>1. Goals whose achievement is guaranteed with minimal effort
>2. Goals whose achievement is within reach, but require the exercise of one's full mental/physical capacity
>3. Goals which cannot be achieved even given one's full capacity
>Only type 2 goals bring a sense of fulfillment, confidence, of one's own worth and right to existence.
>In addition, the 'power process' must be implemented with autonomy - that is, the individual (or a small, familiar group) must select the goal himself, take control of the process of working towards it, and reap tangible rewards at the end.
>For primitive man, the task of mere physical survival required constant type 2 power processes, with relatively high autonomy; thus, although his life was materially impoverished, he was more fulfilled and possibly happier.
>But for the vast majority of people in modern, industrial society, only type 1 and type 3 goals are available, due to productive and social technologies.
>Productive technology (Industrial Revolution) makes his physical survival trivial, requiring minimal (or even non-existent in the case of a welfare state) skills and effort to put food on the table.
>Social technology, such as the ubiquity of 'niceness', customs, manners, marriage etc., not to mention declining standards of morality and achievement, make retaining his social status trivial.

>Meanwhile his concept of what is 'important' has widened dramatically, to encompass world war, the nation's economy, environmental issues, the seeming insignficance of his place in the universe and so on.
>However, his power to actually DO ANYTHING about these 'big issues' is next to zero, making them Type 3 goals.
>In theory, he could reach his full potential in his work, making it a Type 2 goal.
>But in a modern economy, all production is extremely large-scale, collective and hierarchical in nature, voluntary hierarchy or not.
>Thus, even if his job requires his full capacity, the individual man does not have autonomy. Hard work will bring greater rewards, but by and large he does what he is told as part of an immense machinery over which he exerts no control.
>In other words, his life is in the hands not of nature (which is indifferent but never cruel or irrational), but of OTHERS. The environment in which he must survive is not hard, immutable, comprehensible REALITY, but shifting, formless, often irrational SOCIETY. This is inherent in the nature of civilization, large-scale production and the division of labor.
>This may be remedied to some extent by the introduction of RIGHTS to society - the rights to life, liberty and property. These rights are principles, upheld by force, whose purpose is to insulate individual man from the whim and interference of others and leave him free to deal with reality, supporting his life by his effort (and trading the results thereof voluntarily with others).
>However, even a fully free society still faces the fundamental problem that large-scale, hieararchical action is INCOMPATIBLE with human nature (with exceptions which I'm coming to).

>Human action in the society becomes by necessity ever larger in scale an more hierarchical as technology advances. A single blacksmith could forge a plow blade, but a combine harvester requires a factory of thousands. And each of those thousands of workers is simply going through the motions set for him by engineers. Earning his wage is a Type 1 goal or at best a Type 2 with no autonomy, but designing and producing the harvester (not to mention organizing the vast productive processes which go into agriculture and the economy as a whole) is a Type 3 goal. And the engineers are simply going through the motions set for them by the scientists and business owners...
>Which brings us to an intriguing realization: there ARE people to whom fulfilling, autonomous Type 2 goals are available in modern society. These are the people who are so intelligent, capable and creative that for them the 'big issue' Type 3 goals, only dimly comprehensible to the average man, BECOME type 2, achievable goals which require full mental capacity. These are the Elon Musks, the Winston Churchills, the Einsteins and Dagny Taggarts.

>Thus we get to the central problem: humans fall on a spectrum of (especially mental) ability. When one is in a society built by and for the top 0.001%, the 99.999% are simply OUT OF THEIR DEPTH - not because they're 'exploited' or any such meme, but because the society is TOO GOOD, too advanced, too complex, too big, too fast, too efficient for them to handle. When the burden of survival is lifted effortlessly on the backs of a few by technology (this is about to become blindingly obvious with the AI revolution), the rest are left with nothing to do and no purpose, action or meaning in their lives. Sup Forums loves to talk about how technological society is too advanced for most blacks, which is allegedly why they live off welfare and shit up the surrounding area. But what about when technological society becomes too advanced for 50% of whites? What about 90%? 99%?
>Kaczynski's solution is to destroy technology completely and return to a primitive state.
>Also has some great insights on the psychology and purpose of leftism

Indeed. While I do use my computer like now, I try not to make it part of who I am am. We are constantly stimulated by technology. This itself is also unnatural since we used to be able to just sit for hours and reflect, a form of "meditation" I suppose, but its nice to do it. I have a garden I go sit in during the late afternoon and just gaze out on the nearby mountains. I don't think about anything in particular, I let my mind wander. Really healthy and fulfilling.

The vast majority of things that modern society has brought is inherently bad. The only "good" things it has brought are directly or indirectly related with making life painstakingly easy and almost meaningless or just increasing world population to insane levels. The kikes would have us be dependent on them soon; once post industrial society hits and we become unproductive slaves to the state for our monthly food ration.

The plane will have to be crashed with no survivors(well, hopefully their will be a few).

Only then will the wheel turn.

Bump for truth and justice

This thread is very gay and so are you.

Normal people are content with their life only schizo wannabe nazis are terrified of everyone and everything.

Endgame. Maybe East Asia will preserve civilization. But for whites it's all over

>he hasnt taken the final blackpill
we will literally be able to breed out bad genes

we can breed out the niggers from blacks

we can breed out the non spaniard from mexicans

we can covertly sterilize entire ethnic groups of people under the guise of helping them edit their genes

crispr is eugenics best friend


The problem is the outcome of the upcoming chaos will probably be European people being wiped out rather than starting over. We shall see.

>Normal people are content with their life
Yes, that's why most people rely on drugs and prescription medications to get through each week. That's why most people save the money they don't waste on alcohol and other bullshit so they go on holiday and escape normal life if only for a few days.


Send the fucking nukes/meteorites/volcanic eruptions our way already ffs

Back to plebbit or kill yourself already you pathetic faggot