How long until the public stops fearing GMOs?

How long until the public stops fearing GMOs?

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when they release ultimate cure for cancer

once the GMOS stop being bad for us.

it was literally just on the news again today. new research shows GMOs are inherently more likely to give us cancer.

thanks, Big Money

Never. They are dumb and the Jew has conflated the "hazards" of GMO'S with the Jew-y business practices of Monsanto.

Pulling this out of your ass?

Or do you consider your friends blog a "news" site.

I didn't think cockroaches had to worry about cancer

we worry about cancer as u amerifats worry about diabetes.

When the (((organic food industry))) stops telling them to be afraid

Ill pass on the spider gene strawberry infusions. Selective breeding is the way to go and sometimes i think people are confused on the difference.

How long until RoundUp quits being a carcinogen?

>Ill pass on the spider gene strawberry infusions
So what if a gene is deleted? It's still classified as a GMO
>selective breeding
Non-GMO food is more than just selective breeding
Creating GMOs is the most precise way to modify organisms

when we no longer have any other options

Hello Monsanto. The world doesn't actually need you to feed itself.

Hello Whole Foods
We are on to your tricks

fuck you

Tell me, was roundup resistant weeds part of your business model? I mean, farmers are having to dump more and more of that carcinogenic shit on their roundup ready crops to kill the ever increasingly resistant weeds. The same thing is going to happen with insects and the BT corn too. All of that shit is unnecessary and is a dead end technology.

>what is evolution?
Of course weeds would evolve
Or do you not believe in evolution

You are confusing GMOs with a company that makes them

No sane person fears it. GMOs are dispised because they monopolize food production and are usually made to have a long, good looking shelf life everything else is secoundary.

They make GMOs specifically to withstand herbicides and to produce their own pesticides, and have convinced farmers that they have to produce shit with their products or else the world will starve. I'm not confusing anything. You've just bought into their lies.

The fact is, most of the GMO plants grown are geared towards an ecologically disastrous method of farming involving biocides and synthetic inputs. There are other ways of farming that produce on par with GMOs that reduce or eliminate the need for synthetic inputs. GMOs are not needed. They're just a method for large biotech companies to get rich off of controlling what you eat while wrecking our soils and watersheds. You get lower quality food on top of all of it to boot.

>have convinced farmers that they have to produce shit with their products or else the world will starve
Sure thing, man, Because farmers are some stupid people and don't know what they are doing
>There are other ways of farming that produce on par with GMOs that reduce or eliminate the need for synthetic inputs.
You can't be talking about organic
>GMOs are not needed
All of your food, except Brazil nuts has already had it's genetics modified, by one way or another
GMO isn't a scientific term. It is a legal one
>large biotech companies
Monsanto is as big as Whole Foods
All large companies are evil
Why aren't you going off on Dupont or Dow?
They have done more
>wrecking our soils and watersheds
than Monsanto, except in Viet Nam of course
Monsanto still wins that one

When they will understand that any organism here is DNA modificated, has flexible DNA.
Even the air you breath changes you DNA.

lol this shit is why white people are going extinct

When glyophosate doesn't end up in the food chain.

When long term (30+years) studies prove that crops which are genetically modified to be immune to herbicides don't detrimentally effect human biology upon consumption / long term exposure.

>comparing air, a product of nature, to laboratory frankenstein crops.

>being born Russian

not even once lad

How, by releasing the ebil GMO carcinogen protein that magically appears?
