Black troops as much as twice as likely to be punished by commanders

>Black service members were as much as two times more likely than white troops to face discipline in an average year, according to an analysis by Protect Our Defenders, an advocacy organization for victims of sexual assault and military justice. The group combed through Pentagon data from 2006 to 2015 for its report.

>the lack of diversity in the military may play a role in unequal justice for black troops. In 2016, about 78% of military officers were white, and 8% were black.

Why be white officers be trippin?
Is it because dey raysis? Or is it the black's natural and genetic propensity to be shitbags?

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Just a guess based on the rest of the world, I'd say they are about twice as likely to break the rules and require punishment. Remember, saying "I dindu nuffin'" is not the same as not doing anything.

The life of a beast master is a tough one. It was easier when it was just attack dogs

>twice as likely to be punished
>no mention if they're twice as likely to break rules
hmm. really gets my noggin joggin

And black Marines we're more likely to get DUIs, rape, and commit assault

>t. in the Marines for 5 years

Every fucking time.
why is Sup Forums always right?

I'm a marine. Trust me niggers are the worst soldiers. They are lazy insubordinate cowards. Even the spics hate them. That is why I never worry about the race war troops act like hood niggers? No surprise there.

>race of people who are known to talk shit, hate white people, be violent, and despise any form of authority
>surprised that they are twice as likely to be punished by commanders

Does Sup Forums think their family and friends are becoming increasingly racist?

Good God. Sup Forums is ALWAYS RIGHT. Behind feelgood bullshit news articles, outright lies, and undermining a government? - always a Jew


This doesn't surprise me. My best buddy is black in the Army and he was telling me he only hangs out with white dudes and the few black dudes who run in the same group. He said the "brothers" like to stick together and act like idiots, shit stir and cause problems. He said most of them end up in trouble for child support payments or refusing to pay landlords rent. I guess they also do gang shit and run drugs which they get in trouble for a lot too. The fact that he's black and was complaining about this shit made me think there must be some kind of problem.

>there are people who genuinely believe the government can solve the problem of people not liking niggers with affirmative action

I'm taking a shot at the dark here. Maybe because they break twice as many rules?

>the lack of diversity in the military may play a role in unequal justice for black troops
diversity means black people. Who cares about hispanics and asians

Tiny bit

Leadership lets blacks grow out their beards out of regulation, too. Black skin is apparently too sensitive to use razors.

>surprised that they are twice as likely to be punished by commanders
I'm actually surprised that the number is so low.

>the lack of diversity in the military may play a role in unequal justice for black troops. In 2016, about 78% of military officers were white, and 8% were black.

8% is too much!

Everything I've dealt with so far signing up for the Air Force is confirming the disdain I'll feel serving with/under niggers in the military.

>>Black service members were as much as two times more likely than white troops to face discipline in an average year
Can you prove to me black miltary members don't misbehave twice as much?
have you ever been around blacks? If you have you know that numer is way too low.
Sounds like they need to check thier black privilege because I garette that number is way too low and the white officers are trying to be nice to the blacks. it should be like 5 to 10 times as much

>blacks cause more trouble in military then white counterparts despite being a much smaller % of soldiers.

really makes ya....

they're getting there.

No shit, nigs gonna nig.

Blacks 75% more likely to commit a violent crime.

>In 2016, about 78% of military officers were white, and 8% were black.
The US military does IQ tests. They know why this is.

I have a black First Sergeant and he crushes other black soldiers in my company the hardest. Always ripping into them for having shaving profiles, being lazy as fuck, running late to formations, looking like ass, etc.

Might be because they are overrepresented because the army is the way for them to escape poverty.

It's called pseudofolliculitis, it's a real thing.

>Does Sup Forums think their family and friends are becoming increasingly racist?
yes a little bit. part of it might be that when I visit home I always make implicit racist references or bring up jews. the last time I was home I mentioned jews' involvement in the african slave trade whihc my brother confirmed. Slowly but surely people are starting to notice that things aren't quite what they used to believe

>be black
>fuck up
>get punished for it
literally everytime

>The largest part of the population, about 77.7 percent, is composed of White Americans. The largest minority in the country are Hispanics with a share of 17.1 percent of the population, followed by Black or African Americans with 13.2 percent.

they are the smallest minority group in the military.

My mom is a ER nurse and dad was in the airforce for years and is a firm right wing catholic. They don't hate other races. But they are more than aware of the problems they can bring.
Mom even got a conceal carry for her trip to Chicago a few years ago. Her and 2 other old white women all carrying made me laugh.

>Black troops as much as twice as likely to be punished by commanders

Black troops are about 10 times more likely to fuck up, though.

The number of second chances that blacks in a unit get (over whites, who are expected to know better) is staggering.

Also, black kids get more punishment in schools than whites. Because black kids break every rule they think they may get away with (or they ignore the potential punishment because blacks are incapable of envisioning anything beyond the current moment when they are even mildly agitated or horny).

Obama's answer to black discipline problems? BLAME THE TEACHER.

I ain't fighting no white mans war fuck outta here bruh

Keep the niggers in line, just like in the good old days, otherwise they'd chimp out. Simple.

Stop larping faggot


Marine Here.
Dark Green Marines (yes thats what we call coons) were always the worst! They bitch and complain about fucking everything! Even if we had an alphabetical guard list, they'd find some way to say 'datz raysis'! Individually Dark Green Marines are pretty good to go, but get them together and they have to 'live up to the hood rep' shit! Its a shame really.

Abooga booga to you too

As someone who was in, it's because the niggers treat the barracks like the fucking hood. Cliques, infighting, drug use, drinking, sneaking off base etc etc. 3 weeks before I got out, 5 of them were caught off base by MPs in a hotel room smoking weed and drinking with two strippers. They aren't being singled out, while the other races are playing videogames, watching sports, playing sports and generally keeping out of trouble and keeping some military discipline, the niggers are acting like they are still in Newark on a Friday night.

>black troops act up twice as much as whites
>get punished twice as much

So inspirational. Truly the greatest members of our nation. I feel the need to honor them on several holidays, give them discounts at stores, and take care of them. Is there any way I can give more benefits to this brave womyn?

Is that why shaved black pussies always look so fucked up?

Back in the Old Corps, Dark Green Marines made good motivated NCO's but merely adequate SNCOs.

About half (or more) of the non-rates were shitbirds.
Lousy officers, with the occasional exception.

Here's hoping she gets rape by infidels

I cannot begin to tell you of the blacks who shaved with lighter fluid in order to get a non-shaving chit.

Stupidest thing I ever heard of.


Kek this ride never ends

This. Being more likely to be punished just means niggers nog

USN 1993-98, can confirm:
Capt. Mast/ NJP/ Article 15 weekly, always niggers going up.

Fuck off racism is not systemic

So you probably remember the Racial Officer quotas then. Any DGMs only had to whisper that they were thinking about becoming an officer and they were whisked away to OCS or Warrant Officer school. But most would wash out and come back the unit in about 3 months. I had a real squared away Cpl that worked for me, he was a 300 PFTer, Rifle Expert, 4 yr degree and he couldn't get a seat because of minority quotas.

She probably never would because there is a 99.9% chance she has a desk MOS and is on profile anyway and non-deployable, bringing general readiness numbers of the US Army down.

"The 1995 Okinawa rape incident took place on September 4, 1995, when three African American U.S. servicemen – U.S. Navy Seaman Marcus Gill and U.S. Marines Rodrico Harp and Kendrick Ledet, who were all serving at Camp Hansen on Okinawa – rented a van and kidnapped a 12-year-old Japanese girl. They beat her, duct-taped her eyes and mouth shut, and bound her hands. Gill and Harp then raped her, while Ledet claimed he only pretended to do so out of fear of Gill." -Wiki

I was stationed at Camp Foster when this happened. They took her to the baseball dugouts near Kin Blue Beach.

>The marines were afraid of their doc

You can't make this shit up.

>Racial Officer quotas

I go back before that, user. The Corps used to pride itself on no quotas at the officer level. We had 2 in the Bn. One was smart as hell and looked like a pygmie; the other looked like a linebacker and was the dumbest officer I ever met.

I remember that the Navy had that BOOST program, though. And they had some shitbird grab-their-shit officers.

hunh? what? are you high? a soldier is literally just a catch all term originating from latin, solidus, meaning to slash with a blade, or puncture with a spear, hence the term tip of the spear.


No, it's called the brass giving affirmative action minorities a pass on pretty much everything.

Translation: Black troops twice as likely to not follow orders

t. not a marine

I was in 90-98.

We had the same thing 2 nignogs officers. One literally played college ball at Nebraska & the other was a porthole-wearing pencil neck.

Wait. Were you in Hawaii in the early 90s?

>there must be some kind of problem

ya no shit. i feel bad for the good blacks, but not in a patronizing way

the fact that you know that proves you aren't a marine lmao

>Were you in Hawaii in the early 90s?

Nope. Was it good duty?


This guy was my friends roommate when I was stationed in Okinawa.

>Investigators accused 25-year-old Dejon Baskin of trying to kill his estranged wife and her family. Investigators say Dejon traveled all the way from Miramar Air Station. Rachel Baskin is in critical condition. Her estranged husband Dejon is accused of slashing her throat. Her mother and brother's conditions have been upgraded to fair. Investigators say this all started because of a messy divorce. On Friday, we searched court documents that show the suspect's war time experience could be a major factor.
Alex Esquivel said, "First thing I knew, my door bell was ringing frantically. I thought it was one of my sons." It wasn't Esquivel's son. Instead 25-year-old Frank Gentsch was at his door step with a gun shot in the head. The throat of his sister 24-year-old Rachel Baskin was slashed. A Reedley journalist photographed pictures of Thursday's crime scene. Esquivel's said Rachel was found carrying her 1-year-old daughter covered in her mother's own blood, "The paramedic gave me some towels and all that for me to clean her up. I sent my wife inside the house to get a wash cloth or something to continue cleaning the baby."

Investigators arrested Dejon for trying to kill his estranged wife and her family. Rachel and the suspect married more than three years ago. Rachel indicated in court documents they only lived together about 7 months. Most of her time has been spent in Reedley where the shootings and stabbings happened.

Rachel filed for divorce in February requesting sole custody of the child. We found a document where Rachel claimed Dejon experienced combat trauma in Afghanistan and Iraq: "I believe that as a result of [my husband's] military duty he has been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. I am also aware that [my husband] has been diagnosed with chronic alcoholism." She also stated Dejon was verbally abusive.

Yup, the usual abuse of statistics to make it look like the white man is "keeping everyone down." A lot of blacks who join the military try keeping "ghetto" culture so they're more likely to misbehave. While the white guys are a) really passionate about serving and have clear goals or b) low-energy fuckups who need discipline and motivation, but either way they have less chance of misbehavior.

It's like the feminist lie about women getting paid less than men, men do most of the hard, dangerous work while HR is mostly women, so what do you expect.

Nah, this just reflects the same thing as black students being unequally punished. They commit more offenses/can't follow rules. Even at primarily black schools with all black teachers niggers are punished unequally.

>good duty
I was a FO with 1/12 and pumped out with 2/3 and 1/3 to Okinawa in 93 & 95. However, when were in garrison Hawaii was awesome. The Aussie girls in Honolulu was the best. Every week we would get a fresh patch. They always had hotel rooms and were always up to shag a Marine. Diving was amazing too! I got over 200 dives in over 4 years.

Short answer YES! being stationed in Hawaii was the best!

what? this give no information to what they had done? It only matters if they are wrongfully disciplined

Blacks have been causing problems in South Korea and Japan aswell whilst stationed there.

Sooner or later the ones recently stationed in Poland will overstay their welcome and get hanged by angry nationalists.

I love how libs spin this around, the problem is that blacks are more violent by nature and less likely to follow rules.

They spin it as RAZIMZ

if there i more likely to be punished dosent that means they are more likely to break the rules?


>more violent by nature
Is there a study that proves this, for example by comparing black children raised in white families and vice versa?

I knew a lot of niggerish niggers in the Navy but none of them got in much trouble. They talked a lot of shit but I never saw one go to Captains Mast or even get many write ups/NJPs. Most of the fuck ups were young white kids that got sent to a duty station close to their home and would go hang out with their dipshit civilian friends on the weekend, then pop positive for weed or coke.

The non-lazy nigs ranked up fast, if only due to sheer tenacity, as they were usually pretty dumb but could do well at PT and ass-kissing.

Black girls were usually always a pain in the ass. Some were nice and smart but most of them were fucking awful. I'd take a battalion of hood nigs over ten female nigs any day of the fucking week.

No mention of whether they do things that require punishment more often.

>ya no shit. i feel bad for the good blacks, but not in a patronizing way
Your so progressive

>Basic Training
>Niggers gon' nig
>Get us in trouble all the damn time for doing stupid shit

>Niggers running around on the concrete extension below windows
>Nigger walking around with blouse half way unzipped, pants baggy and not bloused. Boots untied. Smoking a cigarette and walking while on cell phone outside smoke pit. Epitome of shitbag.
>Niggers intentionally walk through freshly raked sand to piss off people
>Niggers loud and hooting and hollering at 2AM playing spades and gambling. Get in trouble. Full inspection next morning.

>>Niggers intentionally walk through freshly raked sand to piss off people
The fact that you rake sand is worse than any of those things that nigs do.

Really? Raking sand? Nice waste of MY money you fucking welfare queens.

If that pisses you off, you will love all of the rocks that get painted.

>Now, fuck off.

I call bullshit.

Where are your NCOs?

I've seen it first hand. All data reflects what I saw. Niggers break more rules in school, then they move to breaking laws as adults. It's only logical this pattern would be repeated in the military.

Rake lines in the sand to make it look pretty in TRADOC. This was Fort Gordon.

AIT TRADOC. NCO's were lazy and this was on a weekend so only a couple around. Not enough NCO's for size of the company.

>NCO's were lazy and this was on a weekend

In that case, the SgtMaj and some officers need to be shitcanned.

I completely agree. The place was a shithole. No discipline. People always yelling at position of attention, etc. That's Fort Gordon for you, though.

Looking back, there were a few absolute dirtbag nigs I had to deal with. One was this little fuck in field med that was constantly late, failed tests and wouldn't clean up his messes ever. On the last day when we all had to clear out our lockers, he left his open and went out to the smoke pit while we all packed. His fucking locker was filled to the BRIM with trash and dirty laundry. We found him and he was like "I ain't sleep well at night, Its too hard to clean up. Ya'll being racist cuz I'm the only black guy in our barrack." We dragged his ass in there and made him clean up his shit, sew his fucking rank insignia on his uniform (He made E-2 while there and never got it put on), then mop both sides of the barracks. Took him 6 hours but he did it. I am sure he got kicked out at his first duty station for being so fucking awful.

Yes, I hate all the fucking sand raking, rock painting, floor polishing pointless shit you idiots do instead of doing something productive.

I bet the rate for Asians is lower than whites too. They should throw more Asians in the brig to be fair and equal.

>as much as
Stupid fucking vague shitty clickbait headline
In other news my dick is "as much as" three feet long. More at 11.

If only there were an explanation for higher rates of dumb behavior to discipline.

I guess we'll never know... Forever a mystery

The point is not raking sand. The point is following orders to matter how stupid seem.

In other words:

>Black soldiers commit more crime and disciplinary offences than white soldiers
>Number of people shocked: 0

>78% of military officers were white, and 8% were black.
That adds up to 86%, what are the other 14%?

Fort Hood, the largest Army base in America, has a gang problem that rivals major cities.

All those kids with father's gone for years at a time...

I guess we'll never understand what the problem is.....forever a mystery.
