>The police surrounded a man who opened fire on passersby in the Kratovo suburb near Moscow and then fled the cordoned house. This was reported by Interfax with reference to the source.
>"At the moment he is blocked in the forest belt," the source said.
>An hour after the publication of "Interfax" this information was confirmed in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
>June 10 in Kratovo near Moscow, a man opened fire from a gun on passers-by from the territory of his house. According to unconfirmed reports, three or four people died. Several people were wounded, among them - an employee of Rosgvardia.
The police cordoned off the house and, according to media reports, tried to assault. The perpetrator set fire to the house and disappeared.

LIFE streams:

Other urls found in this thread:

How it's sounds on a distance


bump Rusbro

He's not a Muslim. Mentally unstable sperg

The shots from Mainila, once again, eh?

It's not a happening in russia without RPGs .


He is a cool guy. Just imagine that your house is surrounded by russian police, heavy speznas is storming your small house, but you are not surrender, you fire back, throw ww2 grenades, kill 4 random people and run in forest. It's just full Rambo style.

Этo Пyтин.

Пидopaхи cocнyли

Meanwhile it's a second mass shooting this week. In both semiautomatic guns were used. Pro-Kremlin liberals (shills for big govt and muh security, just like SJW) are already pushing "ebil assault guns" narrative.


They say it's a Chechnya war veteran, coupled with mental disorders, PTSD likely.
Media says the conflict might have been started with the neighbours, who have built a spmething too tall, too close, blocking the sun.


The revolution is starting early!

>Heavy armor colums approaching village
>Military helicopter on place
>Assaulter previously served in army and took part in Chechen campaign
>Locals tells that he sawed down trees around his house lately to get better view around
>his first victims were his neighboors who build 3,5 m fence around their house and this drew man mad

Tы o чeм eбaнaшкa?

>Дeпyтaты coвмecтнo c экcпepтaми из MBД и Pocгвapдии гoтoвят зaкoнoпpoeкт, pacшиpяющий пpaвa гpaждaн пpи зaщитe cвoeгo жилищa.

>Пpeдлaгaeтcя внecти измeнeния в cтaтью 37 Угoлoвнoгo кoдeкca — нe пpизнaвaть пpecтyплeниeм пpичинeниe любoгo вpeдa нaпaдaющeмy, ecли пpecтyпник нeзaкoннo втopгcя в пpeдeлы чacтнoй coбcтвeннocти или любoe пoмeщeниe (дoм, квapтиpa, дaчa, oфиc), зaнимaeмoe гpaждaнинoм нa зaкoнных ocнoвaниях.

>Кpoмe тoгo, oпять жe дeйcтвия oбopoняющeгocя нe бyдyт являтьcя пpeвышeниeм пpeдeлoв caмooбopoны, ecли oни нaпpaвлeны нa зaщитy дpyгих людeй, нaхoдящихcя в зaвeдoмo бecпoмoщнoм cocтoянии.

o cтaтьe нa лeнтe
пocтил в пepвoм тpeдe


Russian rembo. I hope he'll manage to get out of this situation safe and sound. Russian policemen are not human beings as for me.



English or ban for 2h


englished right into your mouth

our hero

>be Russian
>get grenaded
> Пo дaнным TACC, пoчти 200 бoйцoв Pocгвapдии и coтpyдникoв MBД зaдeйcтвoвaны в cпeциaльнoй oпepaции.
> 1vs fucking 200

>In the place of the special operation in Kratovo will go the convoy of armored vehicles, consisting of 6 tanks and 4 APC's
>According to TASS, in the special operation to capture the "Kratovsky shooter" involved about 200 fighters of Rosgvardia and employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

not only that



>cool guy
>kills random drones

News inform that there is rumors that shooter could safely flee to Moscow.

This guy is fucking monster i swear.

I'm seriously intrigued by this shit.

How can you escape from a house surrounded and sieged by special forces and police?

By being awesome.


bomb that whole cunt
Russians are warmongers and they cause many problems around the world

"Hol up Pyotr, dont storm yet"
*fires several RPO-A*
30m later
"ugh fug can't find him, must of escaped"

hmmm, makes you think


I guess they were too late.

Man, I love this shit, you guys don't fuck around.
Military helicopters and armored vehicles.
"We can't fuck around Boris, this guy is Russian."

through the fucking escape tunnel, duh.

There was an order to take him alive by all means, I don't know why.

That's it time to impeach Putin.

That just made this whole situation even more awesome.
Is there any more info about the guy? Other then he is crazed ex military who hated his neighbours.
What was his function within the military?
Ex-KGB spy with Russian documents?

quick rundown pls

Dead now

even happenings in russia are more drunk

They claim he's dead on media, but the stream said he escaped.
The body was also never showed.
And the official here was mumbling and chocking on imaginary cock when presented with the question "How you shoot him?"

He's alive most likely. Praise Russia.


He's probably KGB agent gone rogue

People on sosach will be masturbating to this non-story for a week at least now.