These links present a huge amount of evidence to prove that Jews, 'as' Jews, are actively working towards eradicating the European nations.




Jewish Supremacist Mythos:

"The mashiach [Jewish messiah] will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15)...The world after the messiah comes is often referred to in Jewish literature as Olam Ha-Ba (oh-LAHM hah-BAH), the World to Come...In the Olam Ha-Ba, the whole world will recognize the Jewish G-d as the only true G-d, and the Jewish religion as the only true religion (Isaiah 2:3; 11:10; Micah 4:2-3; Zechariah 14:9)."
From "Mashiach: The Messiah", Judaism 101




Orthodox Israeli Jews: Non Jews Are Beasts to Serve Us as Slaves
youtu.be/vfsf6go7MVM [Open]

What Happens When Jews Can Freely Rule?
youtu.be/E0LpQrJDgsw [Open]

Judaism in its own words on 'who is human:'

Saying something is 'anti-Semitic' scarcely ever means that it is untrue. It usually goes to excessive Jewish power or supremacist racism.


Other urls found in this thread:




bump stay woke senpai

bump - Kalergi Plan should be all we talk about

They'll be sorry. Case of biting off more than they can chew. They had a nice little thing going for them but greed has them by the nose. There aren't that many of them and certainly not enough to protect an enlarged izrayle. They'll be exhausted trying to protect an enlarged area and they'll have greater borders through which everything on earth will come waging war, all sorts of strife. So let them go. They'll lose and that will be the end of them as a religious group. They'll be scattered amongst people who've reason to hate their guts


People are conditioned to reject, without considering, anything negative about jewsor judaism.

the version of both world wars we get, or of the Bolshevik revolution is judaized and distorted.

Whether or not Hitlerkilled millions of jews, jews were not 'scapegoated' for no reason but for being perpetually disloyal and dangerous.

the bolsheviks led by jews murdered millions of Christians- executing priests and butning churches ((showing it was driven by racist hate... it was not a way to win over the people).

jews have been hated because as reflected in their own 'boly' texts they thibk God chose them... a god thats is pro-genocide.

eventually Israel will be destroyed, but not before oceans of blood.

Not a lot of point. Most of it has already occurred and can't be undone

I wonder sometimes if Israel promotes Muslim migration to the west aware that to know Muslims is to hate Muslims so we will not give a damn when they final solution the rest of the Middle East

If that is the case, it's worked on me. Turn them into glass, Israel. I don't give a fuck about any of those cancerous countries

Do they plan to take Bangladesh and sub-Saharan Africa for themselves too?

Why do so many of (((them))) reside in NYC?

>it's multicultural, which allows them to hide in the shadows, while building and experimenting with minority social networks, to weaponize against whites

>that's why the banks are, so that's where the Jews are. Like rats and cheese, user. This allows them to cheat and steal trillions, and fend off gentile investigators

>sex trafficking is huge in NYC, and they love to buy, rape and kill Slavic and white girls. They are trafficked from Florida, to Myrtle Beach in the Carolinas, through DC and finally NYC. Russian mafia Jews run this table. Look up sex trafficking and slavery in Israel. Rabbis are main customers.

>NYC is the capital of sin. Jews like to whip up sin to anger the God they feel spited them. Thisis why there's so many S&M clubs, gay districts, and general depravity. NYC is their material kingdom, temporary, until

>Israel is their true kingdom, but NYC is their material kingdom until then. They also prefer Miami because it resembles Israel, with Cubans and Haitians for Muslims

>skyscrapers are actually how Jews give God the finger. Skyscrapers are how Jews shove the craftiness of man, a man-made heaven, in God's face. Jews also have small dicks so they overcompensate with real estate, what better way to flaunt your dick than with a phallic skyscraper?

>Jews are protected in NYC. The NYPD actually trains covertly in Israel. Google it. NYPD officers moonlight protecting Jewish elites. This means cops often look the other way

>9/11 shows how deep the rabbit hole goes, with the destroyed towers serving as a Biblical Zionist prophecy, meaning they will "go home" sooner than later. And 9/11 was overseen by Larry Silverstein. Sometimes Jews shit where they eat, like rats

All this info is accurate. t. Ex-New Yorker

It's a sophisticated structure in which they benefit at every step.
In the shorter term, hostility to Islam (and/or awareness of Muslim barbarity) is guaranteed in the West, and the West is extra-rationally made more likely to ally with Israel (or to start to see things Israel's way.)
In the longer term the West ceases to be a "threat" (which is how Talmudic Jews reflexively see it regardless of its conduct).

Take your meds schizo

I've never seen such hatred toward Jews as I saw at a forum which I did not save a link to. The posters at the forum were Jews, but not super religious or tribalistic, they were pretty much assimilated and not very politically agitated. They were professionals who made money in NYC and then saved up to move to a nice suburb.
Enter a clan of ultra-orthodox, one large extended family claiming to be a religious sect unto themselves and therefore a "church" as it were for legal purposes. Somehow they convinced this small New York State municipality that the city ought to build houses for them. A complete subdivision of mcmansions at taxpayer expense. The claim was that these are religious buildings or something. There was an understanding that, once the structures were built, the sect would compensate their new neighbors. You can guess how that turned out.


Nice post. Reminds me of Jared Kushner's family, who say they fled the Holocaust, struggled, then viola: become the famous "Holocaust builders" of New Jersey, where Kushner's father makes billions before going to prison

The worst is how Jews have been made tens of millions, maybe more, in reparations for the Holocaust. This doesn't figure in, Holocaust charities, museums, tax cuts for "documentries," tax dollars for "Shoah education."

And now they're slowly poking at the idea of epigenetics, where Holocaust memories are genetically passed down to millennial Jews, thus they too deserve reparations. They haven't quite cracked it yet.

The amount of money and real estate held by the 20 million of (((them))) on Earth would cause us to jump off a cliff. Unlike trickle down economics, this wealth does water the tree of global Jewry. For instance, how every Jew receives a free trip to Israel in their life.

A hypothetical I like to present friends: what if there were 100 millions Jews on Earth. How fucked would whites be? How even more Communist and degenerate would MSM and Hollywood be? Pedos would be accepted. So, scale them back to 20 million, and their patient strategy reveals itself further.

someone add Kurdistan to that map and see if the borders match up

No wonder the Saudis want the whole peninsula

Oh God that pic is at once horrifying and clarifying. That would make sense of the suspicious nature of ISIS and the refugee movement. This is killing two birds with one stone: destroy the white man and establish Israel as the last superpower.

Oh shit that's why Russia and China are being targeted, and Iran, and why the campaign to topple all these mid-eastern regimes has been carried out.

My last remaining question is: why does the US have a good relationship with the Saudis if this is the plan?



If the kikes could achieve white genocide by nuking Israel they'd do it, with all the current Israelis in it if necessary.

White genocide is the top of their agenda, Israel is just a toy.

They want the whole world filled with docile slaves.

If there's too many slaves, well they are experienced in handling the logistics to solve that.

Amen to that אחי

The Saudi royalty are Donmeh jews from Turkey. Wahabbism is part of the same thing.