Will the UK survive to 2025?

Does the UK have more life in it, or is it all over?

It's all over save for mass rapes. America is only 20-30 years behind them, at most.

Yes, eternal Anglo is eternal

I have faith a civil war can save them and us.

watch your back

Them? Lmao. No. They can't even own knives. What the fuck are they going to do when the london, and therefore the government becomes openly anti-white?

It would be better both for them and for Europe to dissolve into their individual states, and have less of a central government and a more direct governorship. The city of London while a great boon for them,has also been a source of great problems,and was the primary reason for all of that unfettered migration enforced by the centralgoverment.An enlgish state would function very differently.

Good point. I had forgotten they cucked themselves out of firearms. Man, how big the gun control debate looks now with all the attempts by them to globalize and castrate white countries. Your ability to arm yourself as a people is life or death.

Yuropoors will soon realize this. In 2-3 generations their major population centers will all be minority white and therefore the government will be minority white. They will openly mock the white "country people" like they do here. Then their government's will start to act like most non-white government's and start trampling people. Especially since they are intent on importing sharia.

Thank God for the founding fathers and a decentralized government.

Yes. They won't stop until the aryans are destroyed

Why would the USA be crying? Dipshit UK does all this shit to themselves. We watch and shake our heads.

There are groups of aggressive, pale white Anglos on every street corner who speak some strange Jamaican patois, I'm not sure if they're even speaking English most of the time and they mock, jeer and insult passers by with impunity

Everyone is playing rap or grime music and are loud, uncouth savages - there was a football game earlier and they were out in the streets whooping and chattering like forest apes.

All of the shops are exactly the same no matter where you go or what town you visit - there will always be roughly the same limited selection.

Toothless dirty Anglos clutching cans of cheap max strength cider accosting the public in the street or asking for chance

Muslims and mosques everywhere - I literally passed THREE on my way into town from the airport and in the town centre there was a guy handing out Islamic leaflets to all the cucks who were eagerly discussing Islam with him

Africans all over the town centre and uncountable amounts of women carting around multiple race mixed babies

Some streets are literally filled with just kebab shops and turkish barbers - no English is heard on any street. Many butchers are boasting of their extensive halal section.

This country is an utter shit hole. I have never seen anything as depressing or soul destroying as this place. To live in this place is to know unending despair and to truly know what it is to live a cursed life.

We're finished, Son. We had a good run but in the end we couldn't quite cut it.

Pray for us.

Your country has seen a lot of pretty arbitrary murder lately. What'd happen if your most esteemed mayor was a victim?


It's over. Don't make our mistake.

started going down hill when we lost to you lot and we were pretty much fucked once we entered ww1.

It's over. We've officially become a nation of gibs.

Eh. I would say it was closer to modern day. The moment the EU decided that, against mountains of evidence in the form of the US and Brazil, that this time multiculturalism will work was when you were done. At least here in America the federal government is limited in its power and we have firearms. You have none of that so in 3 generations your country will be minority white and whites will have almost no power in government.

Oh and your minorities are Muslims.

You must live in London.


I love how Americans talk as if their country isn't already long dead or anything.

Europe is still 90% white, the UK is 85% white. London is whiter than every American city for gods sake, sort it out.

Right, but we can still move our non-whites and elect politicians like Trump who campaign on deporting Mexicans. You can't elect anybody who isn't openly campaigning for your genocide and you have no means to protect yourself when your Muslim majority comes in the next 50 years.

>what are trends
>what are differences in government
>what are rights
>what is the difference between Mexicans and African Muslims

You're in a much worse position than you realize. And your children will pay the price.

There's a simple solution to the Eternal Anglo's problems. It's one they have always used successfully. Blame the Irish.

>MI5 secretly funds IRA to bomb Mosques and other Muslim institutions in the country.
>Falseflag outrage for the attacks while continuing to fund the IRA and conveniently being late to stop the attacks.
>U.K. begins to patrol muzzie controlled areas in hopes of preventing more IRA attacks.
>Attacks continue and muzzies are put under government surveillance for their 'protection.'
>Muzzies get scared, U.K. no longer friendly territory and free to France.
>Remaining muzzies are of insignificant number
>U.K. government declares war on Ireland.
>Drops a couple of nukes on the paddies, as retaliation for their xenophobia.

Get rid of two birds with one scone.

GOD doesn't change what's within a nation until the nation's people change what's within themselves. Get to working UK.

Please give us a bump lads. Everyone is ignoring major news that UK abortion laws could be getting overturned. Even Brit/pol/ doesn't give a shit.