Eternal Portuguese Thread - Dia de Portugal Edition

This thread is dedicated to discuss Portuguese politics, society, culture, etc...

Today is Portugal's Day, so we'd like you to wish us a "FELIZ DIA DE PORTUGAL", please.

Exceptionally, everybody is invited to this thread today. Even Moors.

Other urls found in this thread:


You mean Dia da Raça? Please call things for what they are, not what our shitty governants want it to be?

Anyways, when do we murder every single communist in this country, abolish the Constitution, abolish taxes, flail the Socialist scum to death on lamp posts and declare a confederation of absolute monarchy microstates?

Sounds like a plan. I'll help

So many violent fantasies about Portugal.

It makes me think you guys are actually willing to free your country from european oppression like you've done to the foreigners (the moors, castillians and spanish) thrice.

Quite possibly. It will be hard

I'm afraid feminist and LGBT bullshit is already making its way over here with all these disgusting pride parades and socialist garbage being fed to our children at governments schools. All of our political class deserves to be thrown into a flaming pot of boiling water and cooked alive, their screams condensing into tear clouds and feeding the steam-powered capitalist machine of the free market.

Já viram este vídeo?

>I'm afraid feminist and LGBT bullshit is already making its way over here with all these disgusting pride parades and socialist garbage

How bad is it? We had this for like 10+ years, but it hasn't really progressed in any significant way.

Not many people are as extreme feminists as in America here


feliz dia da raça a todos os anões irmões

Its in a fetal state, i believe the cause (a commie party that grew like shit named BE) will die next elections, but if they were tomorow we would be fucked.

they won't die. The younger, more retarded generation is swallowing their bullshit in increasing numbers. And I studied in a science college. I imagine what it's like in cesspools like FCSH or Letras, where I found this.

quando é para andar à porrada, ganhamos sempre

There is no rigth wing party pulling the young kids, BE has billboards in many universities and they don´t mind spending like shit to make propaganda. When will the others understand that elections campaign is all the time non-stop?

I used to be a self-hating Portuguese east coaster, because I thought we were all spics. I'm slowly starting to get into Iberian/Lusitanian paganism, though.

Esse cartaz não pode ser real lol

Pretty badass.

I want to go home.

>FCSH or Letras
Don't hang out with those people. Even our average citizen recognizes they are useless lefties


It will be funny once everyone start coming back.

1 million in Venezuela, another in north america, another in France... As soon as this contries balcanize we will have another retornados crisis and i bet the governament wont give houses like they do to rapefugees.

That's because you all are spics. Even the best spics (Iberians themselves) have Moor blood in them. kys

mas é. Depois de 6 anos na margem sul vi várias campanhas do PNR que me fizeram rir na rua, tipo a dos graffitis com o símbolo deles, a dizer "um tiro no escuro"

I've recently began hanging out with a friend who studies at direito, so only now I've come across that special kind of places lol

Our African blood is from before the Moorish invasions.
We're whiter than you, mister 56%.


Facebook supremacists.

Calma eles dizem "fascitas" e "facistas" lol

they are not sending their best

>Iberian/Lusitanian paganismo
>implying that Romans recorded any devotion ritual of the people they conquered

I don't want gibs though, just avoid being cucked to death.

>quando andas em letras mas não sabes escrever

hoje perdi o telemovel na rua

tinha la mensagens emabaraçosas e nao tinha codigo de desbloqueio


>Letras, where I found this

Some courses... just shouldn't exist...

how many allalus ahve you seen where you live?

I don´t really care, get out of there before Canadá becomes like america with Trudeau.

Where are they now, 55 per cent, with more new-born "minorities" than white babies?

i went to lisbon recently, i have never seen so many beautiful women walking around

tfw live in england and 90% of women are gross

When you take a humanities course and you can't even copy the correct form of word from above

É por isso que andas em letras (repara no nome). São turmas de ensino especial para adultos.

Estou contigo anão. Fora com os republicanos, morte aos comunas.

Muitos deles moram na minha rua.


Baza baza

in case you had any hopes for this country, this is what people in highschool look like

There is NO HOPE that anything will change while we are a democracy
There is NO CHANCE the people will change anything because we are not armed
The army just doesn't give a fuck or is to oblivious.

Pray for war, any kind will do. (((ISIS))) vs (((The West™))), Fascists vs (((leftists))).
There is no alternative

EsTuDoS aFrIcAnOs


It makes me sad, teatchers in 11 year fucked me hard to give good exam reviews to a girl that didnt knew who Afonso Henriques was, even tough she was from Guimarães, went to a private school next year and the grades skyrocketed and i had 16 in the nationa exam in history.
Almost didn´t went to were i want, just to be reminded i´m surronded by those idiots.

a parte triste é que eu tirei um curso de engenharia de que não gostei com média razoável e arranjei trabalho na boa porque sabia que se tivesse ido para letras só iria para um campo de indoutrinação comunista extremamente caro, quando em todos os testes que fiz engenharia foi sempre a minha área mais fraca e tudo o que eu teria querido em termos de formação académica era tirar um curso de humanidades qualquer em condições

>extremamente caro
Ficava-te exactamente ao mesmo preço que o teu curso de engenharia

Posso confirmar isto, ando num curso de letras na uni e isto é simplesmente desgastante no que toca á indocrinação.

O nosso ensino anda a destruir a formação pessoal das pessoas. Tens de conciliar uma especialização científica com uma vertente humanística. O ideal é ter curso científico e focar-se nas humanidades no tempo livre.

Benção pai

Espero que vocês se livrem dos comunistas, aqui tomaram conta.

Santo Deus.

foda-se que bicho do mato

You must have seen other tourists. Portuguese women are generally ugly and small. And another thing. It is very rare to find portuguese folk in Lisbon.

Tá zoando mas fiquei sabendo que até no curso de Educação Física os alunos agora precisam saber o nome de uns pretos que lutavam capoeira e outras merdas.

A mulher tem pacotes de cigarro de chocolate pendurados nas orelhas.

Pode-se dizer indocrinação ou indoutrinização. Acalma-te rei.

sim, mas seria bastante caro para campo de reeducação comunista

>asq quando para fugir do ensino comunista vais para engenharia e tiras o curso para prostituires as tuas capacidades cerebrais

eu juro que tinha uma vozinha a dizer-me "essa puta dessa palavra não existe". E eu devo ser na boa a pessoa que melhor fala tanto do meu grupo de amigos como do meu escritório

fair enough so

Não se pode dizer nem um nem outro lol

Deves estar a falar zuca.


Bunch of poortugal faggots who suck the Anglo cock. You know you're just mini Spain right?

Sagres? Prefiro beber mijo fds.

Se o senhor confirma, eu peço-lhe imensas desculpas. Um simples campónio como eu não estar familiarizado com as regras filológicas da nossa língua.

not many people like you, but you really dont help

you're 2edgy4me mate
calm down and sit down with us, we have nothing against you.

Nice try potato nigger. Larp harder

Have a potato friend. One day you will be relevant.

Mas toda a gente sabe que os portugueses são magrebinos em disfarce.

>going full retard
Já percebi porque estás num curso de letras.


Por acaso, com gozo à parte, os cursos de letras são maioritariamente constituídos por acéfalos mas não existem maiores selvagens do os de ciências.

Eddy Gordo - Tekken
Calm yourself.

My mother had na intern in medicine that took Art History course in university to complemente her formation.
She fucked up the grade of internship - concilling the two - then took an internship in cardiology. She was very inteligent.

Back to frying chicken tyrone, who let u out da plantation?

>maiores selvagens
em que sentido?

Why don't your women love you?

Sou demasiado burro para ciências.

IMO Moors were the only "passable" African civilisation apart from the Egyptians

Em termos de saídas à noite e isso, e também são os que levam a universidade mais a sério por isso abusam bastante das diversões. Depois aparecem engenheiros com 30 anos no primeiro ano.

Our women are nigger tier.

Os portugueses são um povo que resulta da miscigenação. Não temos identidade racial.

Temos um QI nacional a baixo de 100.

Lots of muslim and jew blood in us too!

Boa noite ;);)


Same can be said about most western country's women really.Strong independent women who don't need no man.


They do, even tough to be honest they loved me more before i got sloppy.

You kidding me man, green eyes to fuckin die for.

Haver gente neste país com a mania que é intelectual que não faz sequer noção do que é uma porra tão simples como uma derivada é uma vergonha.

Just be nice to them. they still love you

Toda a gente sabe que os portugueses são pretos com cabelo liso, não é preciso um curso de ciências para perceber isso. Podes estar descansado, ninguém te vai pôr num barco Edmilson.

I can't handle more blackpills today.

Have some Helena to cheer everyone up.

I like your music portugal


Green eyes? My mother and I have them but that is it. You must never have come to Portugal burger.

Ya I see your point, but man I would kill for one of your girls. They seem great!

Tens toda a razão João, mas tem calma, não mandes os de letras para a câmara de gás.

Fuck them.

I've only met them here in the states. Is it only the galicians who have them, or where do the green eyes come from?

You must be under the spell yankee. Stop day dreaming

Are you guys white?

We got a fully fledged MGTOW over here!