Is the Hell of the Abrahamic religions real? Is it suffering for eternity?
I am a former agnostic.
Is the Hell of the Abrahamic religions real? Is it suffering for eternity?
I am a former agnostic.
You already live in canada...
Heaven and hell are illusionary states of being, hallucinatory and visionary states in the period just after death. There, one experiences all the good and evil they performed in their life, see other paths they could have taken, all of which influences how they reincarnate.
In short hell does not exist except in our hearts and minds.. hell is a state of ending not a place, hell is just the essence of suffering.
So after we die we are not judged? We judge ourselves? Then we all reincarnate?
Hell is seperation from God. You need a body to feel pain.
well since it was created by the humans the concept of heaven and hell need to be proved to exist otherwise is just like the shoredingers cat speculation.
When you die, the final thing you feel is the pain of whatever it is that killed you, then you vanish into eternal oblivion, never to be revived even with the "rebirth" of the universe :D
The afterlife is a harmful and very stupid superstition for poopyheads and religious imbeciles that aren't man enough to face the inevitable and must make up stupid fairytales to satisfy their fears. If there's something after death, why should I care about the Earth! Bullshit and woo-woo like "Heaven" drives Republicans to not give a shit about the Earth and science (see the global warming denial).
Only atheism and science are eternal. That, and funny cat pictures.
There are a lot of kinds of pain, and usually the most snekay is the psychological pain, so you dont need your physical body to experience pain.
ow the edge.
>Heaven and hell are illusionary states of being
Why do I feel like you are not even a real human?
To feel pain you need a body complete with a nervous system and emotions to torment you. A soul has none of this. It's bullshit if you haven't figured it out yet.
Yes hell is real.
No it's not the hell invented by a 14th century Italian poet.
Let me let you in on a little secret....
There are many religions. Many religious texts.
Many creation stories. Many after-life stories.
Whose correct? If you grew up and were indocterinated into a particular belief, you'd automatically assume it was correct. However, as you get older and you start questioning the world and discover there are many others and many other such devout followers who have equal faith, the veil of the world and such pronouncements falls away. The earth has been around for a long time as have human beings. It goes through cycles much like : day/night and the seasons. There are larger cycles of thousands of years, tens of thousands, and millions. We've been on this ride for a while, people have their hand-me-down tales of how everything went down. The best thing you can do if it so interest you is engage in a personal search of truth for yourself. Abrahamic religions reflect on the beliefs of people in the middle east. Other people in other lands had their own beliefs and Gods. If anyone of them declares their (local) god is the God of all and ignores the diverse representations people have and history, they be but fools and/or liars. The kingdom is in you ... Do some introspection and find out what it means in your personal life.
>Entertain people around the world
>Get brain damage at work
>Commit unspeakable sin
Go to hell or no?
It's a stupid concept, if you really think about it
It's the same caliber logic your older sibling would use to convince you to do what they want
Hell in Christianity is real. Hell from the other fake religions isnt
I am high as fuck and so I am trying to read these posts. This is some great stuff.
>Is Hell Real?
you are living in it
It's more productive to understand that your time on Earth is unfathomably important.
You judge yourself without the ego to protect you from your own failings and faults.. you see the worst things you've done through the eyes of those you hurt the most.. all the suffering you caused and all the foolish mistakes you made.. that's the part of the Bardo that could be called hell
The Bardo state is outside if time for the experiencer, like dreaming it's not tied to time in the same way as normal experience.. so one could say it goes on forever, or however long it needs to.
>christian philosophy
the worse kind, pointless, the middle-ages where intelectually bankrupt because of christian philosophers focusing on that kinda shit rather then more practical (read: real) concepts like the enlightment thinkers
could be , but only for demons i rekon
Well, Hell as a place of eternal torment is nonsense in a Biblical sense. The Bible states numerous times that Hell is where your soul is destroyed completely, the "second death". It isn't eternal suffering, but destruction. It's just the Medieval Catholic Church and Dante's work.
The Bible's bullshit anyway, so it doesn't matter.
Whoa I never thought of that before. So religion is fucking bullshit? We've all been lied to? Wtf I'm fucking pissed
No. They never tapped out.
Am I going to hell?
I am an antisocial hermit.
Yes it is a very real literal place where you burn and twist in agony for all eternity if you don't repent and accept Jesus Christ as your lord and savior.
What do I need to do to not go to Hell?
Bible doesn't really describe Hell in great detail.
Unfortunately, thanks to Dante's Inferno and Hollywood, everyone thinks Dante's Inferno is biblical canon.
ur gonna get cucked by satan
Abrahamic? We Jews don't believe in hell. Everybody goes to the same place. This life is what we make of it.
i get it now
Are you trolling me? Can someone else chime in? I'm really scared.
fantastical story brethren
suk dis dik
Is reality hell?
Is reality an abrahamitic religion? Is eternity a suffering?
I'm a former christian.
Are you an adept?
At least he put Muhammad in hell
>Sowers of Discord, 700 years later it's still the best description for Muslims
The door to Hell is closed from within. You always walk in and stay there willingly until it's too late.
call me when you're a former cuck
> "It's nonsense in a biblical sense"
Kinda like how the bible is nonsense in a logical sense.
i would never troll you , you know this bae
How do I know if I'm going to hell or not????????????
I agree.
I actually think Hell is not best described by fire but by the ultimate form of sensory deprivation. Your being is overwhelmed by sheer nothing and you are and aren't at the same time.
it all seems like bullshit to me , not the reinacarnation thing , i'm aware of that
i mean the whole thing
No. This is a bad translation by the Greeks and the influence of hellenism. Don't buy into the "if the King James Version is good enough for Jesus it's good enough for me" nonsense.
No, its a metaphor to enhance the psychological effects of being targeted by their scapegoating.
Its a torture tactic and the people who use it should find themselves targeted for elimination from society. (without the special little fantasy story to try and hurt them more.)
u bin a bad boi?? does daddy have to spank u?
Which version do you recommend I read?
Υες ιτ'ς kαλλεδ Καναδα μ8!
Now go save the kid that it's parent turned trans and probably rape!
sounds like that thing joe rogan always talks about , the water thing
FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so scared.
This world is hell.
Whatever comes after must be heaven.
Yes, hell and eternal torment are real things.
"It is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgement." (No reincarnation)
But Jesus bore our sins in his own body on the cross.
"He became sin for us (who knew no sin), that we might become the righteousness of God in him."
It's up to us to repent and believe.
"Bring ye therefore fruits meet for repentence."
"But as many as believed him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God."
"No man cometh to me except the Father draw him. And him that cometh to me, I will in no wise cast out."
i can tell bro , i believe in u bro , i buy it , i sell it , my cousin steals it and resells it back to me at half the price
iirc, the official Catholic belief is that the pain of hell is just the pain of being forbidden heaven and therefore God's love. You will experience his true state and true love and realize what you gave up, and that will be your suffering.
Ah, well, cheers then bloke.
this ain't no hell you fucking pussy
it's a giant sewer in outer space though
And I tip
this is a lie to steal money
I had a relatives skull caved in over this lie
men like this need to be hunted and removed from society
Well, take religion to be passed down knowledge and wisdom wrapped in allegory, metaphor, and analogy.
Tragically and untruthfully, a number of religions don't profess this to be the case.
Instead, they claim it to be the ultimate and indivisible truth. It isn't.
This is where religious dogma sets in....
All of it are reflections of man and thus are privy to flaws. However, a number of religions state there are no flaws and that its the word of God. Declaring it as the word of God means that there aren't a multitude of interpretations... This is where the infighting and 100 and 1 denominations and interpretations get set in motion. Then comes the bureaucracy and politics.
What do you think happens to the truth in such cases?
Take Eastern religions for example.... They stick moreso to their books being : knowledge and wisdom wrapped in allegory, metaphor, and analogy. Many of them highlight the cyclical nature of the Universe. They don't speak of an ultimate beginning and end... Just cycles. This is in direct contrast to Abrahamic religions that center on fire and brimstone (heaven and hell). Under Abrahamic religions, you have one go at life .. If you fuck up enough, you go to hell. If you don't and believe in the God they claim is God and his holy son, then you go to heaven... I mean come on. And yet, this religion didn't exist for 1000s of years of documented history. I guess people were just fucking up then? No.
So yeah, use your head. IMO, alot of religions have great knowledge and wisdom. Christianity is one of them.
However, the story of the Universe is beyond all religions. You can believe in an ultimate creator, believe in good, believe in forgiveness, believe in karma, believe in being a good person, have morals, etc.. You can also believe in the fact that mankind lies about such things and likely did so in the authoring of religious texts. Thankfully, you have your own senses and heart to guide you past man's lies.
Belief in things that cannot be proven is the foundation of ignorance and suffering in this world.
There are no proofs for hell, so believing in it produces suffering, therefore hell is real.
why dont you read the bible and find out
Matthew 25:46
And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.
Rev 14:10-11
The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
Mark 9:47-58
47And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire: 48Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched.
Matthew 25:41
Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
Luke 16:19-31
There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
hahaha , oh man if that's the case i might as well become a serial killer or something , i'm going to hell anyways
nah , it's all gonna be gud ALL OF IT , for everyone i rekon
are we all gonna make it brahs? i think so , nothing else really make sense to em , it all sounds a bit like bullshit , like seriously , u gonna judge me? who are u? fuck off brah , i don't know u
"Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?"
I remember reading a book about exorcism from a renowned Catholic exorcist; in one of the possession cases he mentioned the demon spoke through the victim laughing at what people imagined hell to be, explaining that hell is rather a place where your "mind folds in on itself". I found that quite profound... once we decide to "reason" without God, we lose ourselves in our rationalization, like I assume nietzsche did towards the end of his life (his idea of eternal recurrence is dehumanizing), so it's definitely possible to experience a level of that anxiety in our current state, but imagine being stuck in that state of mind for eternity... The medieval scholastics (and ancient greeks) conceived God as "pure actuality" or "existence itself". If we disregard God, we are in essence disregarding ourselves. Do not lose yourself in your own self-rationalization; we need God.
TL;DR: Hell is nonsense, Christ is not.
It's but a shadow of what really happens. There's a spectrum of dimensions, some closer to the source, some far away, of lower vibration.
Imagine a tall building with many floors. Now imagine the lower you are, the shittier the rooms are. At whatever floor you might be at a given moment, the one below you could be considered hell, and the upper one could be considered heaven.
You can get up or down depending on your vibration at the time of death. Then you`re reborn in that new dimension, to die again. Death is like an elevator in the building, and your vibration\karma\moral standing is the number you press. The higher in the building you are, the longer it takes for you to die, and the lower you are, the shorter your lifespan will be. So at lower floors, you might live about 10 or 20 years, and on the upper floors thousands, millions of years.
As you reach higher levels, your soul vibrates at a higher rate and you can penetrate the lower regions with ease, in the same manner x-rays can penetrate things, but normal light can't. So the higher the vibration in the light spectrum, the easier it is to pierce through matter.
That means the lower demonic souls can't enter the upper level through their own free will (unlike higher beings), and the people having trouble with these spirits have just lowered their vibration and invited these demons to the safe space they created. But higher beings can move freely into the dimensions between them, though with some difficulty in the lowest regions.
Yes. Saw it in dreams.
It's like that film with the glasses then you see what things are really like.
But in hell those glasses are your eyes.
The hell version of your town, the school would be replaced with a prison because that's how many kids saw it.
The shops would have kids outside caughing up from all the cigarettes they were sold.
Warehouses would be empty hollow buildings falling apart because business don't last.
That's hell.
The truth.
The truth is hell.
I'm not going to hide anyone. God will.
"Every knee shall how and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord."
The harder and louder the lie is pushed on the unknowing masses the more the families of these people should tortured.
You cannot debate them. The will just repeat the lie.
You mad cause you gay
god kills 2 million people in the bible, why follow a book of a mass murderer. Get your own morals and find your sense off community some where else. the rest is science
You cannot just quote raw (and as times poorly translated text) as proof of Hell. Take Luke 16:19-31 You have no idea what that is really about and you cannot read it literally.
No, Revelation was written by the poor, suffering and persecuted early Christians who wanted post-mortem punishment for the Romans to justify their shitty existence.
Their might be some kind of karmic payback in the universe but not the literal Abrahmic Hell.
It will be. That's all that matters. The human race had an uncanny ability to construct whatever things it's capable of imagining.
Mind = blow me
cute story , so that's it? that's the meaning of life? really? nice talking to u brah , i'm gonna go embrace the pointlessnes of existence and live purely in the moment for the rest of my life
i might even go all sam hyde and die for the cause or sumthing , who knows
that happens btw
Hell is not eternal.
Here's some solid red-pills on the bible. The Old testament is based on a translation of the books of the Torahs. That's right, the creation mythology, the fall, and the tale of lucifer is based on what the Jews claimed. The cornerstone of the bible is based on Judiasm.
Main article: Torah
The Torah (תּוֹרָה, literally "teaching"), also known as the Pentateuch, or as the "Five Books of Moses". Printed versions (rather than scrolls) of the Torah are often called Chamisha Chumshei Torah (חמישה חומשי תורה "five fifth-sections of the Torah"), and informally a Chumash.
- Bereshit (בְּרֵאשִׁית, literally "In the beginning")—Genesis (Creation)
- (יְחֶזְקֵיאל / Yĕkhezqiēl)—Ezekiel (Lucifer)
Here's what the authors of the creation mythology of the Bible and Lucifer think about Lucifer :
The more you actually dig into the details about the Bible, the more red-pilled you'll be w.r.t to understanding it as a collection of passed down stories. The depiction in the bible flies in the face of Eastern Religions that believe in cycles and reincarnation. Look at the Universe and how its designed... Does it seem like the idiotic things Human beings do is going to result in the whole thing being ended? We exists in a larger system of cycles. When something ends, another thing is reborn. No one has any clue what is (ultimately) right... Were just stumbling through and growing in our understanding.
I've been to hell, i've died twice in my lifetime and both times it was interesting. Hell exists, it's a confusing dark place covered in writhing souls that claw at your very essence, and the only way out is accepting the good nature within yourself and god.
Funny thing though, god will also save those who are willing to fight and put their lives on the line for others.
hey , if it keeps u and ur family alive and chirpy and gets u stuff
y not?
Look, here's the truth: there is no hell. Christ died and in doing so saved you, and everyone. You may chose to separate yourself from God based on the life you lived, God will in time work all creation back to Him. There is no torment, only eternal progression. The GOOD NEWS is that you are saved, all creation is saved. Now go live a grateful happy life and stop worrying.
You're talking about pic related, right?
You can use it to relax, I believe, for a short while but then people start hallucinating and going nuts. In fact, it's the principle behind solitary confinement in prisons. That was used in Portugal by our secret police during Estado Novo as torture, and it worked wonders according to the reports.
Yes and we are all in it right now
But this picture predates Dante's Inferno. Plus the Bible does mention wailing and gnashing. It might even mention fire, I forget
don't u just love/hate them? jew u can just hate cuae they're ugly and annoying , but niggers are sexy and funny in a dumb way , kinda likable from a distance
How is the fact that the Torah is the basis for Christianity a red pill, you fucking spastic?
Everyone knows that.
I have to believe in hell for my sanity. Without the prospect of divine justice, life just becomes that much more hopeless.
>Is the Hell of the Abrahamic religions real? Is it suffering for eternity?
No. It is a pagan concept that crept in to the Catholic church. The GoatFuckers, of coarse, plagiarized it along with the rest of the religion.
I really like this user. *screen caps.
This fits well with a lot of eastern religions that I am beginning to gravitate to. They fit much better with the universe and cosmos.
i will feed on u forever
And there is a special place in Hell for niggers and heebs.
Here's a scary one:
>you cannot read it literally.
says you ima go with jesus
Matthew 4:4
But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.