Can anyone give me an explanation as to why the Spanish/Portuguese were able to maintain their race and culture for...

can anyone give me an explanation as to why the Spanish/Portuguese were able to maintain their race and culture for 800years while living amongst moors?
one would think they'd be brown/blackish with all the admixing yet they are one of the most handsome and manly races in Europe. How did this happen?

Right now it's been less than a century and some countries of Europe (i.e france,England) have a 20% of non white population. they would literally cease to exist long before 800 years go by....

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>Maintained culture
They got 700 years of moor culture

no, the moors contributed but didnt erase spanish culture, only slightly influenced some buildings but thats it. their race remains the same.
pic related is infanta leonor, one would think that after 800 years this would be impossible...
imagine if europe was overtaken by nonwhites, this appearance would be far beyond reach

>tfw Sup Forums is never interested in my threads and they never catch on

Didnt the reconquista murder/ drive all the moors out?

>literally Umad?

Fuck you. We were MOARZ AND SHIEEET.

yeah but after 800 years. my point is how did they manage to not disappear after so much time around moors. back then people were not racially conscious and if they were I doubt they valued race too much/understood its importance

Resuming a lot

basically it was 50000 soldiers against 8 million (without a leader, king or else).

Later, when the almohads and almoravids invaded it was much much serious.

The Portuguese did it better
There was no "mixing", christians and moors couldn't mix, neither side allowed it, which made it very easy to genocide them afterwards ;)

This a tascas thread.
Post your spanish cozzy tasca master race.
Gonna enjoy a nice cold spanish beer

>umad caliphate
Motherfucking muslims...

They send the mixed ones to the Americas, the spanish language has arab words...they look manly because of the jewish ancestry...

Party on man.

>700 years

It wasn't the whole country for 700 years, that's total time. Places in the north were barely touched for long

Becouse we hate each other and we love nothing but rob,learn and conquer. We are not mean,but racist as fuck,superstitious and if mixed with the right country ,even kinda smart. My great great parents came from denmark, so blue eyes still a thing for me,but I could pass as a whitewashed tall spic.
This beer is shit btw.
How are u doing gaucho/pol/

gee it's like only a small elite actually immigrated and wielded political power while the vast majority of the population remained the same.

hint: the British aren't actually mostly Anglo-Saxons/Danes/Normans, either.

were christians not forced to convert?
well what about the south, they arent brown either
fine i guess lol. and i meant ethnic spaniards!

what do you mean, werent they literally flooded by kikes and muslims

Thanks,where are u from?
What beer should I drink?
Never go south in spain
Never go north
Never go center.
Only trust antifas and natsoc in spain
The rest will scam you
>inb4 i wish this was irony

Ethnic spaniards doesnt exist,we are brown,white,browner and whiter.
Tall in the north,fat in the middle and short in the south. Literally.
Malvinas argentinas inbcinco
Evita lo partia por cierto

>800 years
IIRC it was actually 700, but whatever. Also, you have to realize that the picture you posted is only the MAXIMUM EXTENT of the moorish conquests. They didn't hold all that land for 700 years.For the most part, it was only southern iberia that was under muslim rule during that time.

But to answer your question, the reason is Jizya, the tax on infidels. The logic is simple: Sharia law says that kuffars have to pay a tax that muslims don't. So if you make them all convert, then you lose a big revenue stream. This is also what the Ottomans did in the balkans, and is the reason why most of the balkans besides albania/bosnia remained christian.

There's also the fact that immediately after Spain completed the reconquista, they initiated the inquisition, where they expelled all muslims and kikes.

ohh what a thorough explanation. Thank you ameribro!

No prob, Juan. Falkans are still British and Argentina still isn't white though.


Muslims were pretty tolerant for the 13th century.


Fucking spanish moor thread and no matamoros.
Wtf is wrong with everyone today?


lmao! the only manly white men are southern american men

>U MAD califfate

She is Germanic dipshit

Because the idea of ethnic replacement didn't exist during those times for various reasons such as public transportation being shit. Btw, the Iberian Peninsula had 5M inhabitants and there were only 14K-17K moors.

there was no spain or portugal before moors. portugal was created during the process of kebab removal, and spain is just the sum of the other kingdoms created in the same process

If iberia was never conquered by the Moors would it of became a super power?

If the Visigoths never fell, today, they would be an incredibly powerful country considering they were the most advanced catholic country during the Dark Ages.

It's a shame internal struggles made them weak.

she isn't spanish

>mass murder of muslims
That was the right thing to do
Only if we had Hitler back then...

She is Asturian, she is Spanish, you dummie.

That quad tho

Ever heard of Limpieza de Sangre? It was a literal ethnic shoa.

>It's a shame internal struggles made them weak.
Its the fate of every strong civilization, just look at america.
Being destroyed from within.

Only whites in Spain are Basques.

There moors and no-moors living in Muslim rule part of the peninsula.

Look at Norwegian description of Lisbon during the Norwegian Crusade - "a half heathen, half christian city" during Taifa of Badajoz rule.

A reminder that Jewish population was present and were 10% or less in Portugal.

Why Sup Forums spends the time talking about the Reconquista and Al-Anduluz less about Global imperialism and European Modern Colonialism I don't know. Islamist shills also take advantage of it and start threads about it.

to be fair, moors back then were not like your standard current moor. Much more enlightened and tolerant. For the most part they didn't force anyone to convert and coexistence was mostly peaceful. Additionally, we drove them out.

Spanish inquisition

Literally Sup Forums the army making sure the bloodlines remained pure while killing off/exiling throwing out undesirables from Iberia.

I know. Visigoths were incredibly Romanized and probably could have made a civilization similar to the Greeks.
Do you know why those moors became really smart? Because they translated Visigoth libraries and read them all. I recently became quite curious about them considering I was never taught about them anywhere.

Also all jews were all either shoah'd or exiled from the country.

They were so less inbred that they are now today 1400 years of cousin marriage from 1st/2nd degree resulting in increase of psychiatric diseases and inbreding depression.

Now there are more extremist sects and a part of knowledge probably lost with Siege of Baghdad. They also had Jewish and Byzantine/Persian scholar to help them in HQ in Iraq.

And Jewish here in Al-Andalus and translating Roman Empire shiet.

>making sure the bloodlines remained pure

Unfortunately, they didn't go far enough. They made a bunch of kikes convert to christianity, thinking this would solve the jewish problem. In reality, these kikes just changed their names and kept practicing their moloch-worship and handing down their customs to future generations in secret. But it was an understandable mistake. The people at the time thought the problem with jews was just religious. They didn't understand that it's genetic. You can't unjew a jew.

Infanta Leonor of Spain, so white.

>Grandpa: Italian.
>Grandma: Greek.

>can anyone give me an explanation as to why the Spanish/Portuguese were able to maintain their race and culture for 800years while living amongst moors?
Well son, despite what the libtards have been telling you, the original Moors were not niggers.

That period didn't last long though, the Almoravids replaced them and since Islam is violent and brutish religion, they became retarded.

This. They were Berbers and probably there were some Vandals involved too.

The leaders were Muslim/Berber/Arab, but the population for the most part was not and retained much of their language and culture, which is why there's something like 5 native languages that exist on the Iberian peninsula to this day:
>Euskera (Basque)

+ some fringe languages like Valencian and Asturian-Leonese, which are heavily related to Catalan and Castillian much like Galician is to Portuguese.

Still, there are a handful of Arabic loanwards in Castillian due to many of the nobles who spoke Arabic as well as many of the artisans during the Caliphate (poets, writers, etc.)

But after the Kingdoms of Aragon and Castille y Leon re-conquered the peninsula, everyone started to use their native languages more openly especially in the arts (during the caliphate is was heavily shunned to use your native language in literature because the Muslim rulers didn't like that).

After the reconquista, Castillian (Spanish) replaced Arabic as the primary noble/political/'high-art' language.

Still, regions under the Castillian leadership were able to openly use their language again especially in arts.

>can anyone give me an explanation as to why the Spanish/Portuguese were able to maintain their race and culture for 800years while living amongst moors?

The best way to cherish and maintain your culture is when it's in the brink of annihilation.

This is why marxism, propaganda and immigration is the best method to wipe out cultures.Very few feel threatened. The knife slices your throat while you're still smiling.

Because most of Iberia didn't "live among moors for 800 years".
Only Southern Spain.

North Iberia was reconquered really fast, and the moorish troops were actually very few, a couple of thousands compared to the several million Iberians to make a significant difference, since they were buisy moving around fighting skirmishes all over the place.

Besides, the Moors were caucasian as well, sure some might have been brown/black mostly the ones from numidia and the Sahara, but the vast majority were Berbers and Arabs (Both caucasian)

They killed or kicked out all the muslims. And since muslims don't allow conversion to other religions, anyone who mates with a muslim becomes a muslim and has muslim babies. It makes it easy to track the invader bloodlines.

There is a ridiculous amount of Moorish culture in both Spain and Portuguese. From music, to art, to their fucking languages. They were culturally raped for hundreds of years.

See that spot in Asturias? Its mountains, after kebabs got fucked by Charlmagne father we started reconquista from there.

They still managed to go conquer half the world after kicking them out. Maybe the Spanish are the master race after all.

They had some cool ideas, we took them and brought them to the next level. See pic.

Honestly the Portuguese as a people are pretty fucking impressive.

Not only did you reconquer your lands from mudslimes, you repeatedly repelled any Spanish/Castillian incursions which is awesome. If only Catalonia and Pais Vasco were able to do the same.

Also, I am curious: do you consider Galicia rightful Portuguese clay?

>t. Jordi in Florida

Defeated, deported, fixed, besides all they did was merely colonial and a few moorish buildings made by local bosses, their literary culture was really shitty.

The dormant master race? Maybe it's hidden under all that laziness.

Yup. Just wait until we wake up and we'll conquer the world. After siesta, of course.

No, Christians payed a tax for being christian

Lul what? I'm about as far from FL as you can get without entering Commiefornia.

This. Even the ships they used we managed to make them better.
The station of S.Bento is beautifull, my favorite is Egas Monis travelling to the king of Leon nacked with a rope around his neck.

No redpilled person would support Catalonian Independence, also Basques became smart and saw they would live better here than alone.

>do you consider Galicia rightful Portuguese clay?
No, that's a meme. They are the closest thing to us though. If for some reason they wanted to join our country I wouldn't oppose it, but it's not like I'd bother otherwise. They're pretty cool.

No, we consider them brothers while the rest of the latin world is half brother to us in comparission.

I'm not talking Modern terms, I am just saying historically.

The Portuguese are impressive for being able to repel so many attempts at conquest, but in no means am I saying that they are better off from it.

The reason I bring up Catalonia and Pais Vasco is because it would be nice to visit those areas without hearing Castillian spoken by everyone but instead their native languages.

Only in the Catalan countryside / smaller cities will you find speakers who only prefer Catalan.

just like serbs with turks
they didnt maintain their culture untouched
many words, places, cuisine, music, customs are heavily influenced if not arab/berber all together.

Al-Andalus was better than (((christian kingdoms)))

>highest R1B percentage in Europe

whoa who were these R1B assholes.

>t. Moroccan

wales has highest r1b


Odd, why are there large pockets of the haplogroup in Cameroon and Chad?

fuck, forgot pic.

The same reason why bulgarians, greeks and serbs survived 500 yars of ottoman rule : Islamic tolerance.

The early muslims just collected Jizya and let everyone continue thier lives as usual. They barely did anything to the cities they conquered except building some mosques.
Only the middle east and north africa was completely islamized since the first caliphs were literally ISIS tier.

Oh. I'm just tired from all this independence crap. Catalans don't know they would become a fucking Islamic Republic.

Because it's easy maintain nigger cultures when other niggers rule over you

Just look at Africa


pick one user

whoa I didn't know Wales was muslim.


By the way, Morocco is so better that you have to migrate to a (((1st world country))) instead.

Average day in catalonia

>words, places, cuisine, music, customs are heavily influenced if not arab/berber all together.

Only those that start with al
Only in the south
Pork is haram remember? we love pork and codfish
And also the latter trobadour movement, based on christian influence
Not at all, we donĀ“t fuck goats nor we trow shoes at people.


A country LITERALLY(no meme) built on removing kebab.

>Look at me daddy, do you love now?


Are you sure,lusitan?

are you a fucking dweeb ? here are some words that are arabic influenced
>ojala mashala
>usted ustadh
>hasta hata
>azucar as-sukkar
>aceite zayt
>barrio barri
read a book

because spaniards arent fucking worthless niggers...

>Muslims were pretty tolerant for the 13th century.

good goy!

The dark ages were cast upon Europe due to Christianity, alwasys rember that goym!

It wasn't because of all the turmoil caused be invading muslims, east and west, invading mongols to the east, vikings plundering Albion and Normandy and scattered pagan tribes with their hut worshiping gods, no no no...

She's a Bourbon, they're French.

>reading the talk section of this article
>I agree about the bias. Why is it necessary to sew the seeds of hatred against Muslims at every turn? I speak as a christian of Jewish descent. Even if there were two massacres, that still leaves a lot of peace and tolerance from Muslims toward Jews over the other eight hundred years of Moorish rule. Look around Jerusalem at the number of ancient churches and synagogues, still in use after 1500 years of Muslim rule and ask yourself, why are there no ancient synagogues or mosques still in use in Cordoba? Reason: they were cleaned out by Christians within a hundred years of their conquest. There is one synagogue the tourists all go to n Cordoba which stands in mute testimony to Christian persecution of both other religions.

>waah oppressive spaniards tore down the mosques and synagogues of the people who oppressed them for 700 years how dare they!
>I'm a (((christian of jewish descent)))


>Said the nigger

wow user, you are mentally fucking retarded

different divergent subclade
R1b is at least mesolithic in origin, was already in Europe back then
Spaniards R1b descends from the same basal R1b as all other European R1b(R1b-M269), while Chadic R1b(R1b-V88) is from another branch whose split is something like 10k years old