The United Kingdom should detonate every single nuclear weapon in its arsenal over major US cities. This would spell disaster for the UK but 50,000,000 deaths would be worth it for ending the supremacy of the Americans.
Americans are the worst type of Europeans; take the religious furor of Irish, the economics of Jews and the culture of Negroes and you get a glimpse of corrupt psychopathic American society.
U. S. Involvement in the Middle East lead to the Islamic rape of Europe, the US dismantled every single colonial empire and were responsible for the extermination of Rhodesians and soon the White South Africans by embargoing them to black domination. They are the major supporter of Israel. They fought for Ireland against Britain, planned to steal Canada before WW2 and didn't join the war until midway through but repeated all the benefits.
War profiteers. They create endless wars splattering Caucasian blood for the sake of keeping the rich Jews in power. There is no country this degenerate. Not North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Uganda or Haiti can compare.
All this... From an Anglo Republican nation... Such potential, spoiled.
Laugh while you can Americans. One day Britain will return. It is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when. And when that does happen, the memory of America will be a foggy thought
Josiah Cox
says the bong while getting benetrated by sadiq khans diversity stick
Anthony Green
>Implying muslims can even touch the britbong nukes.
Stay mad Jihad pajeet.
Luis Scott
>culture of Negroes Repeat that please....
Brody Lewis
U want to get glassed britcuck?
Matthew Gonzalez
Reported. Have fun in the pokey, faggot :^)
Landon Edwards
Don't we have the keys to your nukes.
Lincoln Fisher
>The United Kingdom should detonate every single nuclear weapon in its arsenal over major US cities You know, if you guys really want to take care of our nigger problem for us, that would be great
Well, your country would be reduced to a radioactive wasteland as a result, but still
Liam Butler
>implying our Soviet-era nukes could even REACH America, let alone destroy them
Parker Garcia
Tough luck faggot, you're run by an old decrepit hag who outlived 6 presidents and a manlet mayor who gets off to dead brits. You should nuke yourself twice
Brandon Stewart
OP Can't wait to get home, and suck his boyfriends dick, I see...
Blake Wood
UK was the first western nation after Phoenicia (Vienna) to be complete owned by THEM. You are serving them, since your birth. The british (((empire))) was their doing. They created the U.S to further their imperialism. If US is their best goyim sword-arm, you are the seat of power upon which they sit and lord over the west.
Matthew Flores
have fun in gitmo abdul
Landon Harris
>those tabs I kek'd irl.
Grayson Morris
Thomas White
>This would spell disaster for the UK >50,000,000 deaths would be worth it nice try achmed, we're BFF
Adam Johnson
You are absolutely right. America has shown they will sit back and allow themselves to be governed by niggers, thus setting a precedence. When it inevitably turns into South Africa v2, their fifth negro president will have the strongest military in the world in his hands.
The UK's nuclear arsenal could cripple the US major cities, therefore causing it to Balkanize. It would be suicide for us - we would be destroyed too. It must be like Pearl Harbour all over the USA.
Jackson Roberts
You mean OUR nuclear arsenal. USA actually has control over your nukes. You need us to use them responsibly. You of all people know that only the authorities should have access to weapons. No need to thank us. You are our vassals. It is our duty.
Camden Rodriguez
>fell for the independent nuclear deterrent meme You dumb fuck. Trident is leased from the US. They're the same fucking missiles they have in their subs. We're not even allowed to service them. We have to sail in to North Carolina on the regular, to get them changed out. Remember when Erdogan survived the coup attempt and locked down Incirlik? Do you know what the contingency is for the US nukes there, in case they were to fall out of US control? They have kill switches. You send a signal and the circuits are fried. This was written about at length only recently, so no expert knowledge required. There is no way on God's green Earth that Trident missiles don't have the same. The warheads are ours. The delivery system is not. We can't deliver our warheads without US approval...
Camden Adams
This meme spread like wildfire so much because of burgers like you that the British Ministry of Defence had to release a statement saying it was false lel
Thats why we kill ourselves in the attack too. Kill 2 cucked birds with 1 stone.
Jace Moore
>implying religion is what's wrong with American society >implying it's not the lack of a strong unified religion >implying diversity is our strength
Luis Brown
You have to call us to get us to flip a switch before they launch. Your defense ministry is just trying to keep you faggots happy. Unless procedures changed during the Obama years then, yeah, they're our nukes.
Lucas Price
>Europe starts to take in Refugees >Britbongs start making posts about destroying the west Absolutely no relation whatsoever
Dominic Hall
m8 I just wanna enjoy burgers and big titty stepsister porn why you gotta be like this
Xavier Harris
First, you're a shill, so fuck off. Second, if you weren't, the UK couldn't go to war with California, let alone it plus the other 49 states. Third, sage.
Dylan Gutierrez
>There is no country this degenerate. Not North Korea,
3/10 troll harder newfag.
John Myers
>Unless procedures changed during the Obama years then, yeah, they're our nukes. Those procedures either never existed and you were wrong (as I suspect) or it did change in Obama. The source is right there, here it is again
You can argue with MoD, that's all the proof I need to provide. The Ministry of Defence outright saying "No, the USA has no power over UK nukes." It couldn't be clearer.
Zachary Jenkins
>U.S. Involvement in the Middle East led to the Islamic rape of Europe
Hmmm what about the Scramble for Africa? Or Balfour Declaration. Or perhaps the Great Game in Afghanistan? How all the third world shithole countries in Africa and the Middle East have issues between Sunni and Shia, Hutu and Tutsi, Igbo in Nigeria, etc? Oh wait it's not the United States, it's the fucking yuropoors like the UK. Fuck all of you. It wasn't the United States that is the cause of all these issues today, it was mongoloid yuropoors. It wasn't until the isolationist United States, learning from its mistakes post WWI, took European matters into her own hands post WWII, with the Marshal Plan and NATO and etc. that there hasn't been a single major war in Europe since. Meanwhile the United States is actively trying to sort these terrorist issues out, while yuropoors there cowardly in liberalism backed by centuries of bloodshed, imperialism, and oppression. Yuropoors deserve every single terrorist attack against them, every single bomb, every single bullet, every single blade. Fuck all of you.
Eli Anderson
Forget u-boats. Did you come in on the last banana-boat? It's not a meme. The MOD has a rich history of lying through its teeth. You think they could have said anything else?
Caleb Morris
>Americans are the worst type of Europeans; take the religious furor of Irish, the economics of Jews and the culture of Negroes and you get a glimpse of corrupt psychopathic American society.
did you get the idea for this part from reading a book on the boere war by chance?
Carson Lopez
If you read the source, it wasn't a public document, it was an (originally) private letter that was publicised. If this was procedure, it would be known, the REAL procedure is the PM at the beginning of a term sets out different scenarios (for the Trident commander) to use the nuclear weapons in the case of lost contact with West Minister - for example if the UK its self was nuked - in any other case, the power would fall entirely on the PM and ministers.
Ryder Brooks
Relax bro it was just a prank
Noah Price
You spelled Israel wrong.
Wyatt Smith
The only major mistake the US made was siding with the UK instead of Germany. The prospective US/German alliance would then have been merciful toward you and saved you from yourselves. A Roosevelt-Hitler handshake would have changed the course of history. Fuck Churchill: may he rot in his grave. Well, I suppose, he already has: may his bones be turned to dust and spat upon. (To say nothing of the fact that you tricked us into the first WW was well.) Jews are the misfortune of my people; British Jews are the worst of the worst of the worst.
Hudson Sullivan
Jaxon Gutierrez
>those tabs I had a reasonable chuckle. Thanks user
Nathan Flores
>Jews are the misfortune of my people; British Jews are the worst of the worst of the worst. Your government willingly covered up and humiliated your soldiers when Israel fucked up USS Liberty. You did absolutely nothing. If that had of been Britain, you'd have declared war. You are the Jews.
Josiah Lewis
Hey don't forget that if the UK DID succeed in nuking America, all that fallout will be over your country within a week!
Nathan Cooper
>The United Kingdom should detonate every single nuclear weapon in its arsenal over major US cities Nigger you don't have enough nukes to take out ONE major US city.
Jason Williams
You could destabilize a large enough portion of a city with one nuclear weapon which would only spread further panic. It would be suicide but again, we're already dead, we need to take you out with us to prevent you getting the nuclear codes.
Jack Russell
Please make sure that one of those nukes comes through my roof.
Josiah Murphy
It would have been interesting if the U.S. joined the German side. Total world domination.
Alexander Diaz
I'm trying to refute these statements but they are all pretty much true.
Angel Sanders
Just because your people are too primitive to build a nuclear weapon doesn't mean that you need to get the Bongs to hit us for you.
Joseph Hall
>U. S. Involvement in the Middle East lead to the Islamic rape of Europe You could've just shut the damn doors, y'know.
Ian Garcia
Hello again faggot. I've met better Brits than you, frankly, you're the worst of them all. You actually think this national socialist board is a command center for nuclear genocide, you're an absolute imbecile, Sup Forums is not your personal army, faggot.
Hudson Green
>US fucks up the middle east >you let dangerous shitskins in your country because of pity >they rape your women and kill your citizens >somehow our fault maybe try keeping them out of your country next time?