Well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
>t. faggot who finds jokes about fucking 8 year old girls humorous enough to tell
The premise is flawed because we wouldn't give the rich anything, we would just take less.
We don't give the rich money. They earn it. The caveat is, tell government to fuck off and not prop up certain companies in certain industries with subsidies. Let competition and free markets flourish.
>the rich just naturally accrete wealth
>ignore the fact that they never do anything themselves and just profit off of the labor of their employees
I honestly can't imagine being this stupid
really cultivates my cashews.
it's all so simple. liquefy all corporations and give it to the poor. what a sustainable model
>the rich just naturally accrete wealth
>give the rich money
thats not how capitalism works george
>working for someone for an agreed wage is giving them money
please go stand against a wall
>the rich don't pay the most in taxes
he's lumping together tax cuts and handouts as "giving money". It's two different things.
Starbucks Marxist think that all rich folks "stash" profits. Faggots don't realize that their "stash" go to mutual funds and banks that provide investments to non-lazy people who want to start a business and HIRE PEOPLE.
here's a thought: what if we gave the money to people who actually worked to earn it, rather than whichever inbred aristocrat happened to own the land they were working on
Why dont you start a business and live on easy street then?
Fucking trashmen i swear, communists belong in trash cans.
>george carlin quoted on Sup Forums
>Well Sup Forums?
Dead antiwhite coke addict is your guru, faggot?
Income tax should be lowered, wealth tax should be raised.
Have none of you jews ever heard of the pork barrel?
nah, I've got a pretty good racket going in the software industry. I make $140k/year by working a couple of hours a day and fucking around on the internet the rest of the time. capitalism is totally fine though, it definitely rewards people like me who are the most valuable members of society.
in any society no matter the size about 20% of the people are going to do >80% of the work. the vast majority of humans are useless eaters. making their lives better should not be a priority for anyone because them just being allowed to exist in the scraps left over by that talented 20% is 100x better quality of life than they'd ever be able to fashion for themselves. just not being dead from sepsis due to your fucking wisdom teeth is more than most humans deserve, but people act entitled to the achievements of people so much smarter and more driven than them they might as well be different species. human history is blood murder misery and pain. human history is a cave mother strangling her crying newborn to keep her family hidden from the invading tribe from over the hill. wasted shitlibs have it so fucking good, I almost wish for society to collapse just so they can finally see how good they had it while they marched against "oppression" and were part of the #resistance. faggots.
>posting on Sup Forums
>pretending that you're not one of the "useless eaters"
pick one
I have a wife and kids, I make $60k/year with the opportunity to make high six figures in the next ten years if the economy remains stable, more if it improves. I have a sizeable 401k before my 30s, and my work directly improves my local community and provides a vital service to the people around me. I post here because it's uncensored and type-A personalities are drawn to places that don't filter their wilder ideas. whats your excuse?
>bragging about making $60k/year
good luck out there, buddy. I'm sure supporting the upper classes instead of solidarity with your fellow workers is going to work out super well for you.
better him than a dead unfunny bigot who falsely accused his friend of joke stealing such as Bill Hicks.
I'm not bragging, I'm saying I'm not a useless eater. The fact that you understood a decent salary as bragging suggests that you are a useless parasite. I wouldn't have anything to do if people much richer than me didn't have big ideas and deep pockets. The people who work for me wouldn't have anything to do if I didn't have work for them. Once you leave your parents' house and start paying taxes this will make more sense to you senpai
incentive to invest and incentive to work are different things
it's literally in the words he said
>People who work hard and invest wisely shouldn't be allowed to reap the fruits of thier labor
>People who do not work hard and are irresponsible with money shouldn't have that effect them
Ah yes, people who are rich always work hard. They definitely didn't inherit their wealth and sit around all day spending thousands of dollars on Angry Bird.
See, the joke here is that I make almost triple your salary and I probably don't work nearly as hard, but you still can't see that you're being exploited. It's honestly not a very funny joke, it's a pretty sad one.
I do computer data bullshit for a large media company. I made $170k last year. Did I earn that money? Not really. I spent most of the year browsing Reddit and pretending I was working. Almost half of my salary is bonuses that I've accrued from keeping my head down and doing just enough work to not get fired. And even if I was doing a great job, my work doesn't actually contribute anything to society.
The idea that recieving a paycheck means you're a contributing member of society is a complete fiction, concocted to keep us in line.
You will eventually reach a limit to your salary, while mine is generally contingent on how well I do. I'll make more than you do in about five years and I'll have years where I clear a million in profit after expenses as long as the economy doesn't crater. I don't "receive" a paycheck, I write my own paycheck, chump.
>they never do anything themselves
this is why we keep our distance from the peasants, faggot, you're delusional fuckwits who think this shit just happens
>work your ass off for years to get where you are
>some loser claims they gave you the money
yea... no
We lost George Carlin at the wrong time. He'd be having a fucking field day with today's PC culture.
>tfw he referred to Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy as niggers in one of his routines and nobody cared
>giving shitty unmotivated people money is the same as not taking as much from mostly hard working decent people
You don't get to live on easy street unless you're sucking the cock of the ruling class. To some people, this comes effortlessly. That doesn't make it honorable.
>I'll be rich someday, the bosses told me so! I just have to keep doing their bidding for a few more years, but eventually I'll get my payoff, they promised...
you'd be better off buying lottery tickets, chump
>work your ass off for years to get where you are
> your boss still makes three times as much as you even though he's an inbred fuckwit who only got the job because his uncle owns the company
open a business then retard
Stop being a faggot. What you do for a living likely feeds other people's degenerate consumerism. Can you say you legitimately improve people's lives?
>muh earnings
>muh validation
>muh vidya
house niggers
Congratulations on your total failure to perceive reality correctly
No, my work definitely doesn't improve anyone's life (other than my own, I guess). That's my point. I do jack shit in terms of actual productive labor, and yet my salary is still an order of magnitude greater than that of the average Sup Forums poster. How's capitalism working out for you guys?
Be honest, do you think you could pull the average joe off the street and have them do those 2 hours of work per day?
You've put yourself into a position where you're far more valuable to your employer than those other people, simply by being capable of working those 2 hours.
No, I think I'm probably smarter than most people. Of course, it doesn't hurt that my granddad made enough money to send me to college without having to worry about debt, and all of the other benefits I received from growing up in an upper-middle-class family. But yeah, most people couldn't do my job.
The question is, does that mean that I deserve more than other people? I make software tools that allow a big media company to better target their ads to specific groups. My job is bullshit. Do I deserve more than people who pick fruit for a living, or stock shelves in a grocery store, or drive a truck? Their jobs unarguably contribute more to society than mine does, and yet they're making minimum wage and trying to figure out how to feed their families with food stamps while I spent my disposable income on trips to Yosemite and fancy beer. That doesn't seem right to me.
What about for someone like me who has no plans of starting my own family
Do I benefit from Social Security or am I still being scammed?
>Pull your self up by your own bootstraps!
>Gets $1 million from father.
Trump is hilarious because he's a perfect example of what happens when a complete moron inherits a bunch of money but Americans are too infatuated with wealth to notice how dumb he is
>labor assertion of value
>Starbucks Marxist think that all rich folks "stash" profits. Faggots don't realize that their "stash" go to mutual funds and banks that provide investments to non-lazy people who want to start a business and HIRE PEOPLE.
And yet we have weekly news about corporations and their trillions of dollars strashed in tax havens and not being injected in the economy again.
>giving more money to the rich
I don't think any conservative advocates for any redistribution of wealth. You earn your money through free enterprise.
If he's implying taxes, they should be lower for everyone. And yes, welfare does incentivize stagnation.
No shit. Rich people deserve more money because they are hard working and not lazy shits -- poor people should get nothing but a bullet since if you're poor you're very likely to be some useless fuck.
Yea, he must be really dumb huh? I mean, all of that 1 million dollars that he was given to him by his father was a lot of money. Trump was able to take that 1 million and turn it into billions. Must take a complete idiot to do that, right?
MAGA you loser
My Chinese made boots I bought from Walmart don't have straps....
>Trump inherited exactly 1 million dollars
>Trump's net worth is now billions of dollars, that's definitely less that he'd have if he'd just put his dad's cash in a savings account, please don't check my math
>Trump is a genius, he just keeps failing to achieve anything as president on purpose, it's all part of his plan
>Trump tells everyone to look away, he definitely didn't poop in his diaper
if coordinating massive or even small-scale business operations were so easy and requires you to do nothing, why the hell wouldnt every poor man be doing it?
from my observation owners and foremen tend to be far more stressed than the laborer
If profiting off of assets that I inherited from my grandparents is so easy, why isn't everyone doing it? Truly, it is a mystery for the ages.
>Stop being a faggot. What you do for a living likely feeds other people's degenerate consumerism. Can you say you legitimately improve people's lives?
See this is why capitalism is a fucking joke and National Socialism is superior(Now I'm not saying it's the best system, just out of Capitalism and Communism it is far superior). Newsflash buddy, Capitalism is all about the individual and by proxy friends/(((family))) of the individual, it cares nothing for society as a whole.
This is why your whining of him 'feeding other people's degeneracy' is moot.
A:There is no moral framework in capitalism, other then NAP, so he has no reason to stop other then the harm he's doing by doing what capitalism encourages in the first place
B:If he didn't exploit people, some other faggot would
People who care about a society shouldn't fucking tolerate it being exploited/weakened/subverted in any way whatsoever and shouldn't tolerate any broken ass system which allows it to be exploited. For example, people knew from the instant Welfare was introduced it'd eventually become a trough for lazy people to live on indefinitely, but because society grew weak it stayed and now people are wondering how to 'fix it', because the thought of flat out getting rid of it is 'too far'.
It is easy you shit eating moron, what you fail to realize is that poor people lack capital to start a business, anyone with over 110 IQ could turn a profit if they had the capital to start a shitty business, hell if you gave me 1 million dollars that I could only use to buy capital I could be turn it in to at least a 10/mil profit business with little to no effort
10/mil per year, holy fuck its been a long day
Is this bait? Almost anybody can drive a truck or pick fruit. That labor is not worth much because it's not scarce.
Your skills are obviously more scarce than apple picking. If you feel so guilty, donate to reputable charities or use your money to start a business.
Why should labor be worth more because it's more scarce? If the truck driver is putting in the same number of hours as the computer programmer, why shouldn't they be paid the same?
>I-I'll be a millionaire and my own boss one day I swear!
Shut the fuck up and get back to slaving away for mr shekelstein
It's working out pretty well for me. And for you too obviously. You don't see how simultaniously saying capitalism is exploiting people and bragging about your easy job and high salery is contradictory?
> uncle work your ass off for years to get where he is are
>uses the power accumulated over years of hard work to give his nephew a job
pls stop
>supply and demand
Economics 101 bud..
Do you see how your conversation with the other user has gone in a full circle? Thats because capitalism goes in a full circle and works. Any other system is unnatural to human nature.
My point is that capitalism completely fails as a mechanism for fairly distributing wealth, and mostly benefits lazy shitheads like me (and apparently you!). Because I'm not a complete solipsist, this seems less than ideal to me.
>implying not taking even more tax money from the rich = giving them money
Fucking commie
Cause any dolt can drive a truck, while most people can't program for shit. It's highly skilled labor vs moderate skilled labor. Nobody is gonna train for years to make the same as someone who only needs a few months
>uncle happens to be in the right industry at the right time and lucks into a management role
>"here, son, let me mentor you into a completely useless supervisory position that I just created so that your mother will stop hassling me, it's super fun, you get to bully your minimum-wage underlings and they can't talk back because if they get fired their children will starve!"
That's clever, but it only makes sense if applied to bailouts.
The rest of the time, and in his intended context, "giving the rich more money" just means taking away less of their money. How could that ever be a disincentive?
Capitalism distributes wealth among the smart and hardworking, though the flaw is that the inheritors of those people often become wealthy too. Capitalism's main strength is generating wealth, not disturbuting it.
>we should punish people for being lucky
and if the uncle gave his nephew a useless job he would be sacrificing money to do it.
No it doesn't. You earn money by providing value to your fellow man
He was an idiot at the best of times who clearly had no understanding of his opponents arguments
IM fine with nepotism. But it bothers me when its a public company like a public university or local government job and the mayor gives his kids jobs cutting lawns before everyone else.
>taking economic advice from a comedian
I don't disagree with you on economics, but define 'truck'. If you mean some shitty little box truck then I agree, but a semi takes far more than a few months to become a safe driver in.
Also a friendly reminder to everybody, stay the hell away from trucks with 'Swift' on the side. They don't train their drivers worth a damn, and pay bottom of the barrel at around 25k. The drivers are largely incompetent and either quit the industry or bail as soon as they get the chance. Expect stupid shit around them.
The poor have no incentive because the government provides for them with free "gimmes" paid for by taxing the working middle class on everything. Taxation is theft.
Don't understand why leftists keep parroting this talking point. Due to globalization businesses don't need natives in their country, when they have tax havens and cheap labor like China or Liechtenstein. You have to pander a little to the rich because it's better for them to stay in America to pay taxes and pay wages to Americans than to foreigners.
Yous are all wrong.
Nation socialism is the only fair government.
Tons of social programs for those who need it, everyone looks out for each other because we need to care about our fellow countrymen, but everyone must also have some kind of job because there is room for lazy leeches.
Taxation also pays for roads, fire departments, police, military, and all the other things that allow you to masturbate to cartoons in your parent's basement.
I have no particular love of government, but privatisation of obvious governmental functions is just as corrupt and incompetent, with a profit motive tacked on as a little extra 'fuck you'.
"give money to the rich"
>taxes: reduces income produced by labor
>welfare: replaces income received by labor
Retarded argument
You are not Giving Conservatives money by cutting taxes, you're letting them keep theirs.
Fucking Flat Tax
>rich people give money to the bank and the bank promises to pay them back
>bank gives loan to (You) to start a hipster coffee shop in seattle expecting (You) to pay them back
>"wtf i was actually supposed to pay them back fuck rich people"
>wtf why did the government bail out the banks i wanted society to collapse fuck rich people #communismnow
Carlin in his transition to ultra brain phase. Probably also during the time when Conservatives were super itching for war compared to Dems, whereas now, all establishment players are pro-war. Honestly, if we are going to have a dictatorship and give moneys to the poors, then stop wars. Way more expensive to finance war than pay for PB&J lunches.
>ricky gervais
>leading atheist philosopher
there's a pattern here...