Everyone just be alert. Antifa is here and is scared. They are trying to get Sup Forums to stop trying to find out who threw piss on Lauren Southern by showing fake tweets. They are exploiting your distrust of e celebs by calling you whiteknights/NYPA, etc. Do not let them dissuade you. It doesn't matter who antifa attacks. We WILL find them. Carry on and do not respond to shills.
Everyone just be alert. Antifa is here and is scared...
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks for the heads up user. I'm pretty sure we're going to identify this faggot. It's only a matter of time before we collect all the video and see a good frame or two with unique, personal information visible.
Good thing I have a femdom fetish and have absolutely no problem with being Lauren Southern's little bitch.
I don't know how about you guys but I am fully geared up for tonight, got all of the macros fully set up and ready for an imminent DDOS & DOX attack.
Also stocked up on some Monster Energy Drinks to keep me going through the night, I prefer the original ones, the taste is great, a true classic, nothing too much just Monster, the way it should be. (Small one is when I am waking up in the morning/going to bed to ease off the caffeine and reduce jitters).
Also been trying to find extra rally footage on Wikileaks, no luck.
Attack Plan:
1. Be precise (We find the exact perpetrator)
2. Attack Fast (We must attack fast before he privates his Facebook account/Warns others)
3. Total Annihilation (You know how it goes ;D )
4. Claim Our Rewards From the Queen (We get extra publicity and a thank you from our ONE AND ONLY Queen Lauren Southern)
Some may fall but it is worth it! To the battle Kameraden!
Bump for justice!
>by calling you whiteknights/NYPA
How will I ever recover?
Go back to the shithole you came from.
Why don't you post this to your based black centipedes at r/the_cuckold?
now you know where the divide and conquer posts calling her a jewish nigger fucker and "WE ARE ANONYMOOOSE" bullshit are coming from
put the commie in the slammer, lets laugh at antifa tears.
quick rundown on the info we have so far of the faggot so we can get to work please
>tfw normies think Sup Forums is one person
>tfw normies think Sup Forums isn't satire
>tfw normies think Sup Forums isn't a board of peace
looks like it was red fox urine
AntiFa Chemical Piss Attack On Lauren Southern & Luke Rudkowski
Getting Punched With Lauren Southern At Counter Protest
This should scare the shit out of them then if everyone on this board gets a copy. Its my little gift to you all.
They wouldn't be here if Laura southern didn't name drop Sup Forums.
stop posting these beta threads with your week conspiracy theories your queens a bitch get over it
This faggot does realize that there are plenty of autists trying to track this guy down amongst the e-celeb and personal army fags, yes? Or is a free-speech forum too much for their tiny plebbit brains to handle?
>The thread is gone they got shut down for now
These people are borderline retarded.
The tweet was actually real and deleted, but that shouldnt even matter. The point is to put commie fags behind bars.
white knight new fags get the fuck out.
Overview archive.is
Overview 2 archive.is
Red ALERT archive.is
I couldn't fin his review about Just Scentsational.
This isnt about Lauren, its about hurting antifa.
No one cares faggot. I'm not one of these fags who think this is going to get me laid. I'm 24 with a wife & a child. I just want to see red scum perish.
You mad Antifa?
Why were the other threads deleted?
>they think they have a chance
>the other half says they need e-celebs to "win"
anyone else hoping all image boards get purged in the near future?
>implying the real doxing isn't coordinated on irc and discord and TOR chans
>implying the 14 year old kiddies on cuck chan simply don't take credit for our efforts because we find them useful
Move along antifa cucks
>calling you whiteknights/NYPA, etc
I have done this twice, and I am no fag.
It was just the idea that it was done via tweet, and not directly via forum. It is personal army bullshit, but I do think it is great that they stomp these antifa out. They are dickwads and should be scared.
for her, its about her.
its not about getting laid, its about not jumping on command for coalburner kikes
I'm a traditionalist
his palms are 4 inches wide, and we can determine his height and confirm it: The regression equation for PH is: PH (cm)=80.400+5.122 × hand length (cm)--0.195 × age (years)+6.383 × gender (gender: women 0, men 1) (R=0.87, s.e. of the estimate=4.98cm). MH and PH were strongly correlated, ICCs: 0.67-0.74 (P or = 0.24). BMI(MH) and BMI(PH) were strongly correlated, ICCs: 0.94-0.96 (P or = 0.10 and I'm pretty sure he's 5'8"
Do a quick (((google))) search of LetTheGreyGooBegin
That reddit profile looks pretty spot on
a quick google search of his reddit handle brings up posts on communism and a post about "why are we prosecuting people who killed nazis" The thing is it only appears on the google search results, not the actual page. Does that mean its archived but he deleted the actual posts he had? If he is deleting relevant posts thats a red flag
>Coal burner kike
Any proof of this?
afterwards we can bring her down a peg for name dropping.
The Sup Forums giveth and the Sup Forums taketh away
But first lets make us another Eric "bike locks for black cocks" Clanton
>super sekret haxxor uses discord
okay mate you know discord saves every conversation you have yes?
We got this. Thanks for the sitrep.
If you aren't shitposting I'll add that to my data, thanks
if you weren't a painful newfag you would know attention whores do not get what they want here (attention)
This about taking down Antifa, doesn't matter for who or why.
>for her, its about her
You think too much about what she's getting out of this, and not enough about what we get out of this, which again, is hurting anti-fa, I dont give a fuck what lauren gets out of it, so what? It gets her ego hard? and? We still get to hurt anti-fa, its win win as far as im concerned.
Here's your bump Senpai
Don't waste time on shills
they are just trying to protect their cumrade
>We do not
how to spot a (antifa) shill with 1 easy step.
one day I'll meet one of you with no cameras around.
>reeee my safe space secret club
For "raiding/posting personal information / invasion"
t. OP of one of the threads
(Pls mods no ban)
Like them or not, they drag the Overton Window to the right.
this is a laugh at shills thread
it's what it's for
there are other threads now for dealing with this fag
holy shit "we" LOL LOOOOOOL KYS commmunist scum
Sup Forums were organically trying to figure it out before she ever mentioned Sup Forums.
My post from the other thread.
No, actually they don't. They are easy targets to topple and you are already throwing your values away to prop them up.
Lauren is an intellectual and a satirist, and a good one at that
An asset to the cause
Redpilling more normies than you yourself could ever hope to redpill
oh there is another thread?
they deleted the last one I was in
thank you for the info
Enjoy your laughing
If Lauren Southern is a real traditionalist waifu, then why is she showing her bra strap in this pic??
Disgusting desu, she clearly isn't dedicated to our values and does not deserve our protection.
It's getting late guys, I'm going to bed. This antifa search is all a big nothing-burger that will blow over by tomorrow. Weaponized autism needs to give it a rest.
I'd pretty pissed too
Mods deleting threads
Stop with the raid threads....
They are against the rules.
Stop stalking protesters. It is illegal, btw.
So is cyber bullying.
Think about the consequences.
what for her 60 page ghost written book? Jesus christ this place used to be actually subversive
>they deleted the thread after it reached bump limit
wow and we'll just forget now i'm sure, like when it happened with bike lock fag
For your reading pleasure.
some cuck winds up taking a big black cock in jail every day for a decade?
this must be antifa
there was only 50 posts when it was deleted
this must be meant for ants
I hope you get hit by a car tomorrow
They do, because the normie media is shilling for sharia, degeneracy, and death.
>They are easy targets to topple
To deplatform someone they have to have a platform in the first place. And, parallel structures are being worked on.
>throwing your values away
Cite, please.
shows person of interest throwing liquid between 26 and 30 secs
Is this confirmation he is deleting reddit posts to cover his tracks?
Links to other vids of the event?
>not knowing about the other chans
>not knowing that much of the clanton work happened elsewhere and this board was merely a meeting point
what a victory for antifa!
>>throwing your values away
Making excuses for every trait/opinion that doesn't conform.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
they can't handle the fact that we thrive off of our own dissent. they look at us constantly debating and the sight of conflicting ideas clashing emotionlessly triggers them so hard. and if it was a circlejerk like 99% of reddit or tumblr it would be a lot easier to attack, but it's not. we're so going to win it's not even fun
You do what the fuck you are told you NEET beta faggot.
I smell a fucking pr stunt.
>It's getting late guys, I'm going to bed.
18+ global rule, Antifa. But I forgot, you scum don't care much about rules.
How would they feel if someone threw pigs blood on a mussie.
I posted in the first thread, but could somebody link me to/post pics of the guy/s we think did this? I'm building a facial database to use when we inevitably find a suspect, and I'll use it to check against their social media photos. I'll also be scanning over each frame of any video I can get ahold of for matching faces.
I'll try to incorporate spacial and object tracking to stabilize a scene where I can recognize the target's movement in realtime and track symbols (bandana logo, shoe logo, etc)
Fucking typical.
You know who found bikelock faggot? not all of Sup Forums, not even a 10th of Sup Forums. We had 100 things going on at the same times as that antififa faggot and the dudes that vectored straight into that cunt were harassed Sup Forumstards the entire time. One they got said cunt, the reddit diaspora couldn't stop cumming all over themselves and wanted to be a part of the magic.
MY POINT. Cunts will never understand how an anonymous message board works. How coming here with false information and leads only lands on the newfriends in all their fucking "i can't make myself lurk quietly and learn anything" earnestness.
Meanwhile there will always be Sup Forums being Sup Forums
>being terrified of Sup Forums
>not joining Sup Forums and becoming the one who knocks
Good point, she fucked up by doing that; we're flooding with shills (again).
>m-more words = better
>th-th-this place used to be X
who gives a fuck what you think, you're a moron and a newfag
fuck does this even mean? Sup Forums was shit and a laughing stock of Sup Forums until the Trump campaign
Some guys from these pictures, see after 30s of video.
This is apparently same place, near same time. Same guy recorded the piss guy, so he probably followed them.
it's funny because they're probely talking to each other
>we do not do chores for antifa whores
that sounds like some retarded antifa chant. you guys love your little sing-songy roundbites. get fucked faggot
Google searching LetTheGreyGooBegin
yielded anti nazi results and pro communism results 30 minutes ago. Now those results do NOT show up when the same search criteria is given to the same search engine.
The flag wavers were in on it probably.
For the record I don't consider Southern worth the effort desu.
Hey hey
Ho ho
X has got to go
Tolerance means not punching right. It also means looking at things from a normie perspective and not punching those who are pulling the Overton Window right. Winning, now, against the enemy, is what matters. Everything else is a luxury.
>yeah guys im getting sleepy haha just took a bunch of melatonin time for some sleep right guys lets go to sleep
It's all about the hunt not the trophy