Is Black Pigeon right about atheists are the reason why the West is declining?
Is Black Pigeon right about atheists are the reason why the West is declining?
Sounds retardedly reductionist. This board should eat it right up.
Atheism is a symptom, not a cause
Not having a common morality does it and Christianity was that morality. And it was a STATED morality, that everyone could refer to as the common denominator. Once we removed that a whole slew of degenerate behaviours became enabled. Partly because we can no longer trust that our neighbours "live by the book", "so why should we?" Most people perspective are myopic so they will probably conduct destructive behaviour that benefits themselves unless there is that morality codex that you trust everyone to follow.
I don't think he considers them the sole reason for the decline of the West but he's right that secularism is pretty fucking cancerous.
Most of his videos are fucking gold.
No, it's mostly Marxism. Religion is only a part of it.
The direct cause is a collapse in morals. Atheism has enabled that, but is not directly responsible. For example, I'm an atheist but I hate degeneracy and parasitism.
Stop spamming your gay little "Aliens & fucking muh sluts" bullshit here.
Partly right.
Holy shit I didn't even know he was a fedora. Even worse than I thought.
atheism is a symptom of cultural decline, not necessarily the cause.
He's not, the fedora is used as an example of an atheist.
Pretty much. Should be looking at the question of why people aren't as religious as before in America. This goes for casual christians too who claim they are christian but live a life antithetical to Jesus's teachings.
The Amazing Atheist is based and would destroy the average Sup Forumsack in an argument with ease. All the Sup Forumsack would do is endlessly talk about his Banana video as if that matters.
Does making fun of his dome piece make you feel better about not getting any dome for your piece
To be fair, pleasuring yourself with a banana is a pretty clear sign of degeneracy and moral decay, so it is actually relevant.
Atheists hate Muslims more than you do Sup Forums.
Sup Forums wants religious law and that is terrible. You are as bad as muslims in wanting relgious law.
This for sure.
People think that just because they stop believing in a cloud bro that watches us, suddenly they should disregard all empathy and standards and be a degenerate. You can have morals without a cloud bro.
I'm pretty sure only Sup Forums can hate something more than Sup Forums does.
Nope. TJ is a retard tbqh
Both, really
Teemu is correct
There is no god, and I'm perfectly fine with Christians, Jains, Buddhists, and Sikhs that mind their own business, but Mudshits and Kikes are cancer that need to die.
As an atheist myself, yes it is.Atheist who hold traditional values are rare.
Atheism could be a problem if it leads to nihilism.
>atheist fag here. love life and looking forward to the future.
lots of people pander to christians because money, and nigger avian communicates is probably no different.
we all know a jew cant ignore money cmon.
pretty much every video he posts is riddled with inaccuracies and logical fallacies
he's just a tryhard shitposter who never accomplishes anything
Jews hate Muslim a lot
Harris is an "atheist" while retaining his Jewish culture
No. Jews are behind the degeneration of societies.
>cultural marxism
and all the other things these Zionists blame are but weapons of the Eternal Jew.
Name the Jew or have your lying Jewish mouths shut.
Nope. He is full of shit. And you should answer your own question, because BPS also denies the JQ and deletes comment mentionend (((them))).
BPS is retarded.
First off, If Atheists exist, it's because Christians dropped the fucking ball and stopped supplying people with hope.
Second, the west is declining because the west lost respect for itself, it has nothing to do with a lack of belief in any gods; we've been slowly but surely beat over the head with ridiculous claims that we're at fault for all the bad in the world when, in fact, the west is literally the best, most fair, most stable, most advanced, most hope-bringing civilization that has ever existed.
And it's high time this twisted pendulum swung back the other way; people are waking up, they are sick of this shit.
The problem is nihilism. The West has no belief system with values worth defending.
Tolerance is not a value, because it's literally saying that all values have the same worth and should be tolerated.
Tolerance itself is a form of nihilism.