What do you think tap water is?
What do you think tap water is?
Other urls found in this thread:
non-Propur filtered poison
probably tap water
gay frogs
Stop pushing the gay agenda
You need to have healthy heterosexual reproduction in order to have an agenda desu. It's not like gays have children to plan a future for, they're lifelong children themselves.
I have a friend that works for a company that contracts to treat and distribute public drinking water. It's water that has been treated by a 4 stage process and then pumped into your house for a fee you pay to your public utility company (unless you're a nigger, in which case you just don't have to pay for shit and somehow they still pump water into your house instead of coming over and shutting off your main water pipe like functioning societies and you get situations like Flint, Michigan when the utility company has to make all sorts of cuts to make up for lost revenue instead of functioning like a normal company does)
Or is this a meme thread where I'm supposed to make an Alex Jones joke? If that's the case GAY FROGS, FLOURIDE, AND GLOBALISTS!
So you're telling me that Alex Jones...is wrong?
No, you don't need to be gay to use biological weapons that make other people gay. Why would you even make that assumption?
Water that travels through rusty pipes and is sometimes chlorinated and fluoridated.
I fill up jugs of it and drink it.
its water
with shit in it
Gays obviously created these weapons. Why would you assume otherwise?
I'm not doing any harder searching but in the UK, which is similar to the US in a lot of ways, they think oestrogen could be getting into the drinking water. tap water is not filtered for oestrogen so far as I know.
No, that's retarded. The whole point of developing chemical weapons that make people gay is that you acknowledge gays are degenerate and turning people gay is a form of harm. Try to think before posting next time.
Perfectly healthy.
*sips xenoestrogens*
full of flouride, chlorine and estrogen.
Bottled water is full of bpa, which makes women infirtile
Really good water.
There's no way a non gay would that. Something's wrong with the way you think
You're very retarded. You're effectively claiming there's no way anyone would want to invent and use a weapon in general. That's what this is, a weapon. And in order to view it as a weapon you need to view homosexuality as a harm, not something acceptable. It wouldn't be seen as a weapon if the people using it believed being gay was fine and acceptable or even something to be proud of like gays believe about themselves.
We must stop them turning the frogs gay! Jones for president 2020!
I'm starting believe that you're gay. Stop pushing you're agenda
Do you know why I drink only distilled water, or rainwater, and only pure-grain alcohol?
Have you ever heard of a thing called fluoridation. Fluoridation of water?
Fluoridation is the most monstrously conceived and dangerous communist plot we have ever had to face.
Do you realize that in addition to fluoridating water, why, there are studies underway to fluoridate salt, flour, fruit juices, soup, sugar, milk... ice cream. Ice cream, user, children's ice cream.
You know when fluoridation first began?
Nineteen hundred and forty-six. 1946, user. How does that coincide with your post-war Commie conspiracy, huh? It's incredibly obvious, isn't it? A foreign substance is introduced into our precious bodily fluids without the knowledge of the individual. Certainly without any choice. That's the way your hard-core Commie works.
I'm not and I don't think you understand what an agenda is.
What can you fucking drink then? Everything that comes in glass has tap water in it and everything else comes in plastic.
There's no reason for fluoride anymore. The majority of the population is now well aware of the importance of dental hygiene. Apparently it cost $1.04 per person for every compound of fluoride they put in the drinking water, so its costing taxpayers over $300 million a year.
Frederick McKay seemed to have good intentions to cure the Colorado Brown Stain with fluoride back in the 30s, but somebody else obviously took charge.
You don't understand what I'm doing
My mistake not cure but understand what caused the Colorado Brown Stain. Turned out to be fluoride and thought it proved to be beneficial cause the people with brown stained teeth were free of cavities
Ain't pushing no gay agenda on me homo. Drink that water yourself
>he doesn't have a rainwater tank
And you call yourself an Australian.
>tfw part of the personal well water master race
a mixture of lead and flouride, that's why i don't drink the stuff
Ye actually that brown part it's minerals and by brushing it you remove that mineral layer.
How do you get your wrigglies out of your water?
Multiple filters.
Should probably buy a house before I get a rain water tank