> conservatard logic
conservatard logic
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How the fuck do you spend 67 million on golf
meanwhile i eat 3-4 steaks a week because beef is cheap. feels good man.
Steak is a fairly good value for the money if you don't buy expensive cuts or get it on manager's special. EBT is a very efficient program with a statistically small rate of fraud, I don't have a problem with anyone using it that's not a nigger.
Bayleaf on a steak? And you libnigs complain about ketchup
>$67m golfing - $100b + Paris Climate Agreement = net win for American Taxpayer
Welfare mother
>free steak = ???
sauce. or op is a bitch
Travel for the president is crazy expensive because of all the security needed
They take what he'd be paying for security and claim it's golf expenses
Security detail for a long distance trip
Shit adds up, plus the Secret Service is not an efficient organization.
Trump is one person, but the underclass breeds like rabbits.
And that's not fair! That only applies to black presidents!
Would that be the same security he'd have if he was mowing the lawn or baking a cake instead of golfing?
>firefighters get paid $45,000/y through taxes
>I don't get any tax payer money
wow like wow, I literally can't even. how did we get it so backwards? smdh
Single moms are a blight upon humanity. I am mad that single moms get even one cent of my taxes.
Trump's golf habit is very expensive now that he is President, but then again, everything he does while President is very expensive, due to needing security and using government-owned vehicles, etc.
Obama's golf trips cost taxpayers millions of dollars too, so that pic is pretty weak.
literally attack the guy 24/7 to cause a mental breakdown
mad that he goes golfing on the weekends to relieve that stress.
liberal logic at work.
67 million is the government equivalent of what you pay for toilet paper.
>man of power uses his power
>leech takes your money to buy expensive food
Hmm... REALLY makes you think, huh?
One has money to spend the other doesn't. Why blow all your food stamps on steaks when you can buy a regular dinner for your family and ration it.
Also 50 million single mothers buying steaks would stack up easily over a billion.
Trump matched Obamas total golf trip spending of 8 years in about 100 days.
What's your reply?
Reminder that while he does go to golf resorts, he's not actually golfing there. He goes there because they are large open spaces that don't require the secret service to shut down blocks of busy city streets when he's in town. You'll notice that despite the claims of constant golfing, they reuse the same pictures
Trump has contributed more to the GDP of the US than Obama or his whole family will in their entire lives.
What's your reply?
Secret Service spends a lot of money stopping potential assassinations from crazy leftists.
> 67 million on golf trips
> and on taxpayer money
ahhh, leftism and their 'facts' ... like always right out of their ever-lying arses.
it's so time to exterminate all leftists - those psychopathys and criminals - once and for all ...
fonny when obama almost literally did absolutely nothing BUT 8 * 365 days golfing
sure as hell, trump has worked more than the last 4 presidents combined on not even onne year alone.
>on manager's special
You mean meat that's near the sell by date? Last time I ate some of that I was barfing it up an hour later.
One person who manages to spend more on needless luxury shit than the whole underclass combined.
>implying Drumpf doesn't have a number of bastard kids out there from the whores he's fucked
Have you ever watched a drug dealers house on the first? You get tons of people coming through with carloads of groceries. Stores in ghetto areas sell booze and smokes for ebt if they have an older register. Niggas buy food for their gut trucks and resturants with ebt.
Sup r/the_donald shills
you're a liar, just like Milo.
Fuck your reply, liar.
Donnie goes golfing a lot more often. This is a matter of public record.
if those activities were outside the white house premises, yes
Made up number that they try to pull off. Also they assume every time he's at marolago he's golfing
>trump has spent 67 million on golfing
>trump stopped about 100 billion dollars in yearly spending the instant he got into office by canceling all currently running grant programs.
Except you just replied. I win.
You fucking pussy-ass faggot.
He's doing business on these golf outings with world leaders in Mar a Lago while the White House is leaking like a sieve. He's formed a great bond and rappor with President Abe on the course. This isn't just for pleasure or to get away from the chaos on Capital Hill, Trump's said many times he's done some of his best deals on the golf course.
That is bullshit, he uses his own money.
lol no he doesn't
its harder to spy on someones conversation when theyre out golfing
They either sell old meat cheap or they do specials where they buy more for cheaper and sell more for cheaper. They usually do this in the summer when everyone grills.
Can we ban shill threads that use words like "conservatard"
The reason Trump goes "golfing" is because he knows the White House was being tapped. Where do you think the tapes come from? Trump seized them from Comey.
The mods should wordfilter it desu senpai
You dont, its a lie.
If there wasn't so many people trying to kill him his trips wouldn't cost so much, so it kind of falls back on the american people. They have to pay the secret service, they have to fuel air force one or The Beast, which is literally a tank disguised as a limo.
muh safe space
then sue the store you colossal fucking retard
This, he fucked the mega corporations out of a lot of money with TPP and now they wan't blood.
>it is impossible to be mad about both
Why do they do this?
Muh this is Sup Forums if I wanted dissenting opinions I would use twitter Olaf.
That's just what happens when you are successful in life, user.
You really don't need to try and rationalize whatever it is you think you're rationalizing to me.
This is Sup Forums it isn't meant to be a safespace for conservatives. It is a place of free speech, most of the visitors before this election were libertarian
This is patently incorrect, and the argument is about golf.
What's your reply?
If you don't wan't banter than leave.
>Drumphy saves the country billions of dollars by laying off useless programs that drain government funding
>Gets tired of everyone calling him Drumphy and other covfefe
>goes on a golf trip, and spends a big sounding number on security
>This is patently incorrect
Prove it.
Nah, I'm fine right here.
Trump didn't spend any tax payer dollars on a golf trip you dumb faggot. You are just posting some stupid meme with no proofs.
What fucking net benefit do single mothers bring to the overall economy?
Oh thats right, none because they are overall fucking worthless leeches on society that usually breed inbred trailer trash or niggers. Trump is a successful business man that has contributed more to the US economy (and will continue to do so) than all of the fucking single mothers combined. That image, assuming that it is true, is like comparing apples to fucking onions.
Single mothers just want gibs and handouts to satiate their entitlement complexes and parasitic personalities. They couldn't afford steak without other people's money (ie food stamps).
They are on a budget, therefore, they should live like they are on one (because if they don't they'll want more gibs). Trump is a billionaire, he could pay 67 million (a number that is probably exaggerated) on golf WITH HIS OWN MONEY.
at least the president is doing something for me
the welfare leech is just stealing money from me and then getting mad at me because it's still not good enough
>Bitch about previous president golfing
>It's okay when /ourretard/ does it!
>You mean meat that's near the sell by date? Last time I ate some of that I was barfing it up an hour later.
It's called being a pussy, pussy
I'd rather they buy steak than soda and frozen pizza
You made the claim, the burden of proof is on you.
What's your reply?
>They take what he'd be paying for security and claim it's golf expenses
But it is, moron. He doesn't have to golf, he can work in the office.
There's no price for protecting a president. It's bullshit
Prove it
t. triggered conservatard
i see people buying candy and energy drinks all the time with their food stamps
PM, not president.
the real question is
is donald even good at golf??
90% of that is money we would have paid anyway for security and travel.
One president versus 13.6 million single-mothers being sluts and betraying their husbands when they've bothered to not be sluts long enough to acquire one: the former's a better investment: plus he cuts funding to holocaust museums. Fuck your nigger face, OP, sincerely; and from the bottom of my heart. Trump can golf all he wants; Hillary can continue her loser-faggot histrionics. It's fun for everyone.
Pic related should never be near someone on foodstamps
wheres the receipt ?
>I love the poor! They let me screw them over!
What's your reply?
That is untrue.
What Trump has done is go to Mar a Lago which has a golf course. What Democrats have done is use all instances of Trump going to a place he calls home, Mar a Lago, and called this "golf trips".
This is a bit like how Democrats claim it costs a fortune to have secret service defending Trump in New York city, without really mentioning what the alternative cost would be to have him defended anywhere else.
They're just throwing out figures in an attempt to enrage people, which will probably work for some Democrats, but even Republicans that support Trump never thought of him as someone that would give up a lavish lifestyle so even the bullshit cost numbers won't annoy them.
> Talking shit about muh Drumpf
> Can't be real
How much did Obama spent on golf and entertainment when president? I think it's just part of the job. At least he didn't plan to cut down food stamps for single mothers.
Prove it
you think he playin golf but he doin presidential things
You know what...I'm grabbing some steak with my ebt.
Thanks Trump.
It wasn't the meat then. Food poisoning takes several hours to set in, the bacteria needs time to multiply and your body form an immune response
he saved a billion on the new air force one deal before he even took office
>le poor people with 1000 kids meme
maybe trump would spend more time in the white house if the previous administration hadn't bugged the shit out of it
>leftists have made attempts on the President's life
>Keynesian logic
Democrats and neocons are human garbage and the reason we need welfare in the first place. Bad monetary policy is the root of the problems, but yes goyim, keep the dialectic alive... and, ignore the money lenders... good goy...
That niggers aren't even good at golf and he was wasting the money. Trump has been a big golfer for decades, Obama hasn't. He probably picked it up almost totally as the president. Plus Trump wheels and deals while he does it.
We're talking about a billionaire who owns multiple golf courses.
He should have every right to golf, and I will gladly chip in for his security to do so.
You give 66.9 million of those dollars to israel and spend the rest on golf
leaf won this thread boyos
Nigs use EBT to buy Slim-Jims and candy.
>spend your own money you earned at work
>spend someone else's money you didn't earn at all
Yeah, totally the same.