What does Sup Forums think of this person?

What does Sup Forums think of this person?

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Normal people don't think about blood thirsty dictators all the time, only autists on the internet are obsessed with them.

Of course he was a monster on a scale which is unimaginable, and yes he won and yes he got some things right like getting nukes and industrializing.

But I bet my ass that none of you fuckers would have survived just 1 day under his regime in an atmosphere of absolute, total terror.

That being said, he was objectively smarter than Hitler. Hitler was motivated by his emotions and love for Germany.

Stalin couldn't care less about Russia, his wive or his children. He was cold-blooded. Literally a soulless robot, programmed to acquire as much power as possible.

Say what you want about the negatives but the dude transformed a serf-based feudalistic society into an industrial spacefaring superpower in 40ish years. Impossible to deny he was extremely effective in at least some domains.

good man, he killed a lot of communists.

He's dead. Good riddance.

Based. Almost killed all the chechens, but Khrushchev ruined his work.

u must go back

A god among men who literally did nothing wrong. He needs to be resurrected.

one of the only times you can use the phrase "worse than hitler" unironically

he wasn't white.

he slaughtered whites by the million

His greatest contribution to mankind was dropping dead

>He killed people who refused to follow Communism and hunted down white Christians not only in his own nation but the entirety of Eastern Europe
Gas yourself

A strong leader who, despite his fuckups, managed to do right by his country in the end. His successors destroyed everything he accomplished and ruined the prosperity the Soviet Union saw under Stalin post-WWII.

Hero. Won't be long before his spiritual successor is in power and finishes what he started.

I believe he was jewish.


Allying with him is the most shameful moment in our nation's history.

Fucking leaf, of course

Finally admitting that Hitler was not a socialist in any form but a capitalist scum like you right?

One of historys biggest blood thirsty cunts second to mao zedong responsible for the sytematic indiscriminate murder 10s of millions of people across asia an europe.

At least so called " evil men of history" such as Hitler and Vlad the impaler to name a few were fighting for their own peoples liberation and well being.

Stalin and other various left wing dictators where simply killing in the name of an ideolgy, they didnt give two shits about their people or country all they cared about was the spreading of communism across the world.

However one might say that stalin was a defender against german aggression, however was it not Hitler who first reached out to sign the molotov ribbentrop pact, and was it not stalin who was amounting an army on the soviet border just before the events of operation barbarosa?

He was raised Catholic, but became atheist. He purged the government of Jews.

Sorry, probably not Catholic, but Orthodox.

Letting the two collectivist ideologies kill each other off is what we should have done.

Hitler was raised Catholic.

His purger was a jew as well.

Stalin was a jew.



Probably the actual antichrist. Either him or Mohammed not quite sure. Both ideologies are dangerous cancers that have the potential to destroy the world.



It says his mother was Christian.
No historian says Stalin is a Jew senpai


The most paranoid fucker ever recorded.

Yeah wasn't stallin the reason his wife killed herself? I feel like I also remember something about him having a gay son he disowned who also killed himself

oh look it's the dumb fuck marx cock gobbling spaniard

cant have unemployment when everyone starves to death

Bolshevik, not human

Stalin ended the famines.

>A strong leader

He fucking lost his nerve when Hitler invaded, and fled from Moscow to his dacha. His generals had to go and bring his dumbass back to Kremlin. Then he had to get his purged commanders from gulags so they can muster a decent defense of the country.

The Soviets won WW2 despite of him, not because of him. He was a scourge of his country and only dumb vodka niggers think he wasn't total shit

> Nationalized the heavy industries
> The State is the super-ordinate principle
> Compulsory national service to all citizens

You were saying?

yea by killing millions of farmers and hoping that others that were hungry would starve to death too

people were eating their siblings because there was no food

it's not real gommunism if people still have stuff when you're finished robbing them

Honestly Hitler was a bad bad army commander just look at the battle of stalingrad and kursk

How many trillions of farmers did he kill himself?

over 5 gorillion pedro

no wonder youre a gommunist, nothing and no one in spain works!

Because people aren't ever born, right?

Through what methods did he 'kill millions of farmers'? Usually people say he exported grain, but I've heard they didn't hardly trade with anyone and their exports of grain decreased in any case

>Beria was from the Mingrelian subethnic group of Georgians and grew up in a Georgian Orthodox family

Did you even read your own link you stupid faggot?

And Stalin went to a seminary school.


what is holodomor



That's not how you spell monster.

Georgian guy who killed a lot of Russians.

shoutout to all the cucks that still think fascism is ideal

Hmm. It seems to be the widespread opinion they took too much grain, and there would have been enough to go round had they done better.
But they may have just miscalculated or been caught out by the conditions, depending on how farming works

Is he the first jew not to be on wikipedia? I just tried to name you the purger

>killed Trotsky
>purged kikes after they all started coming to Russia after the war and saw the damage that they can do culturally to a nation
I like him.

Pure, icy evil

Hitler was the good guy

That wouldn't have happened, likely Hitler would have exhausted the Germans and went on the defensive; if he didn't lose we'd have a Nazi-lead west Europe and a Soviet eastern Europe; and most likely a non-fascist ultra militarized and conservative UK with an even stronger alliance with the anglosphere.

This is EXACTLY what you did.

You only appeared in Europe to not let Russia have it. Giving them free stuff was basically bribery and saying: Ok, pls don't stir up shit and let me have all of Europe. We're friends.

Stop eating food.