What the fuck ever happened to black poeple?
Black people
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>Implying that blacks were ever respectable
Jews. Not even memeing.
After WWII there was a glut of well paying, low education factory work in cities. All of a sudden the urban blacks had enough income to improve their communities and started to collectivize and try and improve themselves as a unit.
Then those same blacks became too expensive and all the car and steel and toothpaste and whatever factories left America, so poor blacks no longer had a way to support a family without going to college or selling crack.
Nothing has happened. Niggers have ALWAYS been nigging. It's a meme that they were EVER respectable; even in the 60's, they still comitted vastly larger amounts of crime even though they only made up 8 o 10 percent of the population at the time.
We had them making real progress at one point. Unfortunately LBJ wanted to turn blacks into the political base for the democrat party and destroyed their family structures to get it done.
I don't know, but there's a lot of rich blacks in Georgia
No more white masters to teach them and set the right example.
If that were true, why did the Democrats and the CIA take the effort to sabotage their family structure and culture?
No one is saying it was equal or superior to white society at the time, but at one point things were looking up.
>Then the jews continued their games
What progress? Nigs have been noggin' since the days of slavery.
Welfare, destruction of the family, the Southern Strategy.
>Niggers have ALWAYS been nigging. It's a meme that they were EVER respectable; even in the 60
Yeah, no
Actual quantifiable indicators of social stability were much higher for niggers in the early 20s than in the late 20s
Statistics like out of wedlock births, divorces, unemployment, etc. used to match or fare better than those of whites.
What happened was probably a combination of welfare and economic downturn.
Welfare unleashes the woman cancer. Economic woes make low IQ jobs less important.
Basically the same thing that's happening to white America right now, happened to niggers 90 years ago.
They where on their way actually.
Back in the day Jews were trying to sell whites the idea that blacks where just like them, so you see all this old staged pictures of them looking as white presenting as possible. Now that they have already succeded in forcing everyone to live next to each other they can no longer hide their feral nature, so instead what they do is convince whitey that being a mongoloid black is actually cool and hip instead of obviously retarded.
counter-factual: you don't notice the respectable blacks right now, because they are not on the news rioting and shit.
>you don't notice the respectable blacks right now
No shit, there will always be exceptional people from any racial group, even niggers. I'm talking about the vast majority of street niggers.
Abolition of slavery. Slavery was the best thing to ever happen for negro kind. Their life expectancy skyrocketed during slavery and dipped after abolition. In 1900, when racial comparisons of life expectancy were first compiled, blacks were lower than they previously were and had a 14 year differences from whites. Today they have like 5 years lesser life expectancy than whites.
Those god damned niggers had the greatest healthcare system in American history. It was free for them and efficient enough to increase life span, it was Masta'care, and were well-fed, bedded, and some even received vocational training beyond picking cotton.
Here’s the average life expectancy at birth for American slaves in 1850 compared to the life expectancy of various “free” populations around the world:
U.S. White – 40
England and Wales, 1838-1856 – 40
Holland, 1850-1860 – 36
France, 1854-58 – 36
U.S. Slave – 36
Italy, 1885 – 35
Austria, 1875 – 31
Chile, 1920 – 31
Manchester, England, 1831 – 24
New York, Boston, and Philadelphia, 1830 – 24
They lived longer than some free white populations and it went to shit after being freed. Like 25% of them died with a few years at that time due to lack of nutrition and health care.
There used to be blacks like this
Now there's blacks like this
Has anybody stopped to think. That maybe. Just maybe. When you deny a race the same opportunities as your race in a new emerging country for over a hundred years.
They may just end up to being a few decades behind everybody else even 50+ years later.
Maybe this is Americas fault, and the American government and its laws have made black peeps this way.
Maybe they should invest money into catching the american black race up with the white race.
>Wait... thats too scary. A country full of black peeps that are stronger, faster, and educated like white kids. That should give you nightmares
As the great nigger king sowell said "blacks were better off under segregation"
Cause Sub-Saharan Africa was always so great right?
Shut the fuck up, faggot
we let them manage their own communities.
CIA crack and cocaine operation
Why isnt Africa filled with countries that are stronger, faster and educated like white kids?
was that before or after 1973?
>implying this exact issue doesnt plague white people
they followed democrats and their trail of gibs
>What the fuck ever happened to black poeple?
White people happened to black people... and then white people UN-happened to them.
We let them self-determine. They seemed to do a lot better under white rule.
I explained this to my mom the other day: Blacks have always been feral monkeys, but after slavery and before civil rights, we had them at least attempting to emulate White society, hence why so many look respectable in old pictures. After civil rights, Whites basically said fuck it, let them have the inner cities, and let the blacks revert to their primitive state.
this is fake news.
crime has always been an inner city problem. Blacks were not always in the inner cities, they used to be rural folks living in the backwoods/suburbs. it was the factory jobs that brought them there.
Democrats happened.
>why isn't every country exactly the same as 'x'?
what a dumb argument kike.
LBJ, Marxism, and the welfare state. What happened to my people should be a warning to every other race. We were never prefect....but we were much better off in the 1950s than we were today (average black person in the 50s was very likely to be well educated and average income gap relative to whites was much lower than it is now)
This this this
>go build your own town stupid niggers
>then you read about Harlem and black wall street that some mad white people burnt down..,,,
Its Sup Forums dude, acknowledging that narrative undermines cognitive determinism which is the life blood of this place. Also, it implies that whites(leftist whites) are largely responsible for the current conditions of nigs, such a thing could never be accepted here.
As a white man, I am actually upset that my race destroyed black wall street. The nigs finally pulled together and was accomplishing something of value without being integrated into white society. All we had to do was leave them the fuck alone.
What happened? The same things that happened to white people, but differently.
Yeah, because German, Irish, Italian, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Indians, Pakistani, Polish, Mexicans, and Vietnamese never had any hardship when assimilating in the American economy.
STFU, cuck
>my specific, perfect, entirely infallible brand of welfare has never been tried before
>without being integrated
totally not the point of the United States
MLK was a literal communist. Malcolm X was a based jig at least.
I'd rather we just shipped them back to Africa after slavery ended, our key bumble
They were much easier for the jews to destroy than the whites. That is our future.
>This is what cuckservatives actually believe
No - niggers were always awful. A change in fashion doesn't mean jack shit.
MLK was a communist who condoned riots and pushed for forced integration aka worse than Malcolm X
Postmodernist neomarxism happened to black people
>set free
>lynchings stopped
>gangsta culture
LBJ was a Republican
Biggest reason is the death of blue collar factory jobs starting in the 70's. Other thing's like LBJ and liberal pandering to blacks, welfare state, CIA operations and crack and the assassination of Martin Luther also aggravated conditions seen today.
While crime has always been elevated amongst blacks, back after post-WW2, there was tons of low skill but decent paying jobs. These jobs kept them busy, not using drugs, brought them out of poverty, and overall improved the community. Taking this away led to the destabilization of their families, the need for welfare, drugs, and the increase in crime. the CIA, by encouraging crack and damaging family values in the now poor black neighborhoods, led to the skyrocketed crime rate of the 80's and 90's, and what we currently see today.
Absolutely this.
niggers were always savage. they just had a clean. even nowadays in africa there's niggers who wear suits, but they're still filthy niggers. mlk was a communist piece of shit.
Dems knew how to manipulate them and succeeded in the 60's. They are now their own worst enemy and will forever be the victim until they realize how awful their culture has become.
he was a democrat retard. he was the vice president of kenndy. john kenndy. the democrat who got his head blown off
no he wasn't
Left's welfare & victim mentality & identity politics
>Hating on mlk
That's just edgey
Andrew Breitbart had it right.
No dads.
Not to mention the way the American justice and prison systems works has well. Even though a white and black person will smoke the same amount of weed, black people are more likely to be charged with possession and mixed in with mandatory minimum sentences can land them to a max of ten years. Then there's the fact that a majority of prisons have cut out education programs with the tough on crime act, has criminals sitting around doing nothing except teach more criminals how to commit crime better. I mean hell The US is the World's leading jailer sitting at 716 per 100'000 people, with China in second place.
I always like to think that if Malcolm X had lived longer and became the leading figure of the black movement instead of the faggot MLK, blacks in america would have become a respectable and good group
>I'm talking about the vast majority of street niggers
How would you even know, you're an Australian on Sup Forums. You are so out of touch with "street niggers" you've probably never even seen one.
What happens when you stop whipping then and calling then niggers for a few degenerations
Jews. 100%. Jews propagated the destruction of the family and abortion in black communities.