Why do people pretend nigger music is good? Every time I hang out with my normie friends I have to stfu and pretend like I like this bullshit or I'll be seen as weird. Is this some sort of Stockholm syndrome? Someone please enlighten me
Why do people pretend nigger music is good...
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Get new friends you fuck. B-REEL NIGGA, say "wtf is this mouth breathing garbage!" alienate them!
Don't listen to it for too long or you'll loose IQ pts.
It's just a trend. It's seen as cool to be urban and "roughing it", look at the streetwear fashion trend, it's the for the exact same reason.
we dutch have this problem with rap and sandniggers.
sad to say that it is worse than any lame nigger music.
I'd be the only one who'd be alienated, cus everyone likes nigger music here. SIGH
I wouldn't want to associate with anyone who listens to nigger music. Looks like you need to find new friends.
You're such a huge faggot, of course no one would miss you.
Ah lame is a good way to describe nigger music. It's very weak and poor
The problem is that you have friends who listen to lil wayne and drake. Lil Wayne as a person isn't as stupid as you might think.
Mainstream music is lame. Some nigger music can be very powerful if it's made for the right reasons. Once music any kind of music gets commercialized quality and artistry goes down the drain.
It's a litmus test. Even if you nail a job interview, if they check your facebook and see anything hip hop related in the interests section, they're throwing your application in the trash where it belongs.
it's the only acceptable way for a white male to express himself agressively. some shit, ain't it ?
I ALWAYS wonder this. 99.9% of it is just minimalist noise.
Quality nigger music:
nah man, some rap can be powerful and good, nigger music can't.
>It's a litmus test. Even if you nail a job interview, if they check your facebook and see anything hip
Some hiring managers might toss every applicant dumb enough to have a Facebook account.
>t. hiring manager
In my circle of friends at uni it's only the girls that like listening to degenerate nig/trap/top 40 pop
The guys would rather listen to something else
Yes it's trash but Sup Forums listens to degenerate shit like metal and dadrock which are just as bad.
no one is specifically meaning rap/hip-hop here.
we say nigger music and we mean nigger music.
disgusting faggot.
I've never liked it either. It was always shit but the latest batch is "just money laundering ala modern art" tier shiet.
>I have to stfu and pretend like I like this bullshit
You're a cuck, bro. Be alpha and tell your friends ape music is shit. If they start running their mouth about you being uncool tell them to fuck off.
This is bumping what are you talking about
If it is a trend it is one with a long lifespan.
Blacks have made great music historically. Allow me to catalog rap exploitation under the J question
Why is nigger dancing considered good? Its either autism movements or literally spastic shaking.
it's also niggers... rap has turned extremely gay.