Anti-Theist who is open for business. Anyone care to be banted out of their religious practices?
>Apologetics welcome
Anti-Theist who is open for business. Anyone care to be banted out of their religious practices?
>Apologetics welcome
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Most of the internet is filled with non-believers but I still get a few who call this board Christian.
Stakes are not really popular here; steaks are though!
Western civilization was built upon Christianity. You remove the fundamental presupposition of morality, (God), and society will collapse.
Western civilization was horrific until they dropped the Christianity part and started picking up aspects of Roman government they stopped using. Enlightenment got rid of the last bit of priests and kings.
I am not biased;Jews and Muslims can also join this thread to lose their 'faith.'
Well, either theism is dying or people do not want their beliefs challenged.
I'm an Atheist Christian.
(Basically meaning that I think Christianity has the best memes, but I don't think anything happens when you die).
I guess my question is this:
Without some sort of "god" (being the idealized personification of "good"), how is it possible to claim enough moral authority to enforce or discourage behavior?
You argue about it and give your reasons.
It's just a low tier uninteresting thread, go to reddit
Explain consciousness
Explain the origin of the universe
So you believe in God but are against him? That's what an anti-theist is. If you believe there is no God that's atheism.
No u
Origin of the universe = the singularity. Our entire concept of time comes from the Big Bang, there was a singularity before the "Big Bang". Also, our universe may not be the only universe.
>there was a singularity before the "Big Bang"
where did it come from?
Also what created the laws of physics?
Do you believe there is no god, or are you more agnostic?
Let me just skip ahead in this argument
>where did god come from
>oh he came from himself
>why can't the universe come from itself?
>no reason, I just don't think it can
>no reason
>no reason
t. Christian.
Just trying to save us some time fellow theist. The cosmological argument has no probative value, though it is an excellent educational resource!
>Wasting time trying to argue on a matter that is a know unknown.
I'm not gonna give you a (You) either faggot OP.
>>why can't the universe come from itself?
Because that violates the natural laws of the universe
If you think that you have to admit naturalism is bogus
Maybe that singularity always existed. Our entire concept of time comes from the Big Bang. Also, laws are just descriptive, not proscriptive/pre-scriptive. Laws just describe what's happening.
God violates the known natural laws of the universe, if it exists. A universe causing itself would violate the known natural laws of the universe no more or less than a God causing the universe.
By asking me to doubt that the universe could cause itself due to naturalism, you're ignoring that your position violates naturalism as much, and also ignoring the possibility of some new understanding of the laws of the known universe (since our knowledge thereof is known to be incomplete)
>Maybe that singularity always existed.
maybe there is a le spaghetti monster
will you admit that you are not in the same position as a biblical literalist
>Laws just describe what's happening.
Well what causes things to happen they way they do?
How many universes can we examine? Also the "laws" just came after the Big Bang.
There is no good consequentialist argument for giving up religion. Atheists breed bellow replacement. They create the most genocidal regimes. They skew hi IQ (which makes the not breeding problem even more dysgenic). And to top it all off atheism rejects the only functional cultural transmitter of preferable behavior that humanity shows any evidence of embracing effectively. There are zero benefits to atheism. Argue against any religion you want. But atheism is suicide.
There you go. An atheist's argument for rejecting atheism. Time to get our LARP on you fucks.
>God violates the known natural laws of the universe,
God is above the natural laws of the universe
> position violates naturalism as much
I am not a naturalist
>How many universes can we examine?
how many do you have evidence of
>Also the "laws" just came after the Big Bang.
Where do they come from?
Morality is empirical as in we can verify the outcomes of actions on the interaction of sentient species.
Again, our entire concept of time comes from the Big Bang. The singularity existed BEFORE the Big Bang. That's actually a good conclusion to draw. I'm in a better position than a Biblical Literalist.
>Well what causes things to happen they way they do?
Shit happening. Laws just describe what's happening. They're not proscriptive.
I can go into those subjects but first explain why they have anything to do with a deity.
>how many do you have evidence of
One. Exactly.
>Where do they come from?
Most that I know of from the Big Bang. Also, I could say this a million times scientific laws are not proscriptive, but descriptive.
>The singularity existed BEFORE the Big Bang
How long before?
>hit happening. Laws just describe what's happening.
So you dont know
>I'm an Atheist Christian
Well, that fact that there is no evidence for a deity forces me to not believe.
>God is above the natural laws of the universe
Oh, then your argument has no persuasive value, or probative value.
Think about it this way: you're trying to convince someone on the basis of one position maybe violating the natural laws, by persuading them to a position where the natural laws are violated. And then saying "well duh, the natural laws are gonna be violated.
How could you possibly think that was convincing?
Revelation 19
6 And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
It has to do with questions man cannot answer
>Most that I know of from the Big Bang.
How did they big bag change how the natural universe functions
Can you do it again?
You are asking 'what came before causality' which is an incomprehensible question.
>How long before?
Right before.
>So you dont know
No, I know. Shit happening is what causes shit happening (after the Big Bang). Scientific laws are just descriptive and only deal with things that came from the Big Bang. Our "laws" breakdown before the Big Bang.
>It has to do with questions man cannot answer
That is nice but they have nothing to do with deities.
Just wait til he realizes that the god he is arguing for is without properties beyond "causes the universe", and can just as easily be a nonsapient collection of atoms compressed into a singularity.
>How could you possibly think that was convincing?
Because I am arguing that naturalism is retarded
Not that things need to conform to it
>How did they big bag change how the natural universe functions
Laws are DESCRIPTIVE, NOT proscriptive. I swear you people are like creationists with the word "theory".
Theists seem to argue for a multi-organism outside time and space. It is baffling to me because of how little sense it makes yet how many people believe it.
if god dosnt exist how do you exist?
checkeye fedora head
I am arguing nothing other than naturalism is garbage
>Right before.
How long
> Shit happening is what causes shit happening
What shit?
Something determines how the universe functions
What is it?
Can you go on to joyofsatan ministries for me and try some of the demon summoning stuff. I've always wanted to try but ive been too much of a pussy.
ayy lmao
No this guy's thoughts exactly. Ive been wondering exactly this.
There is no evidence of the supernatural. As long as you can admit that the only thing you can prove is the natural world.
Joy of Satan ministries?
haah, your sanity is still intact,
>keep it that weay
Did you see my post? Would you be willing to try this for me?
I'm a theist, I just believe the cosmological argument is stupid.
The concept of a deity outside of time and space isn't too crazy, but the deity could also be a consequence of unique arrangements inside our universe, or the totality of our universe.
Well now you're arguing nothing other than that. When the goalposts were at the other end of the field, you were arguing for god.
>There is no evidence of the supernatural
How can the natural universe naturally create itself?
Big Bang is the basis for our scientific laws, which are only descriptive and not proscriptive.
Yea google it,
Yeah there was a quote at the top that said
So basically incoherent tribal ramblings.
>you were arguing for god.
The empirical existence of the large g semitic god or any other deity doesn't matter and never did. That's not the point. If your prayed for a bike as if tha J-mann was fucking santy clause you're not worth your weight in fertilizer.
Maybe the universe always existed. Our entire concept of time comes from the Big Bang. The singularity existed before the Big Bang.
I have no idea what the word 'create' means without space and time. Your question is incoherent.
>hich are only descriptive and not proscriptive.
yes you have mentioned that before
Just admit metaphysics is just philosophy
Seems like they need to step away from 90s. Fire graphics are not trendy anymore!
So you dont have answers
That is all I needed to know
I'm telling you what the scientific understanding of a law is.
Haha yea it was also a bit annoying to read. Looks like they are also "nazis," if that's your flavor. But they have specific instructions for summoning demons and shit
You got answers, you're just an idiot.
You were asking me what happens when you divide by zero. We can not 'know' something that does not happen.
>I'm telling you what the scientific understanding of a law is.
I am aware
>You got answers,
>Maybe the universe always existed
No I didnt
Seems about on par with Judaism, Christianity and Islam. I do not understand why you need fan-fiction to find meaning in your life.
I believe in God but and not religious.
Does this count?
Because it is nigger.
Eat shit.
Then you would understand that when I say laws are just descriptive and not proscriptive I'm not giving some wishy-washy philosophical bullshit answer/understanding, but a scientific one.
Are you claiming that you know how casualty formed before casualty existed?
Do you actually think a being that makes, preserves and encompasses all has to make his being known to your lil brain?
If you answer yes, then you're a rationalist and you need to kys asap.
Rationalism is low key materialism which is the most shitty metaphysical stance there is. It basically claims to know that there is only matter and there is no qualitative difference between any forms of matter. Eg your own consciousness is only quantitatively different from the shit you took last time.
Yeah, you're an idiot.
>but a scientific one.
Yes because science doesn't know
That is my point
Majority non-believers but the theists scream the loudest.
>almost got "those" digits
>tempting normies to play with fire
heh heh heh. But still thats not very (insert religion) of you user.
Where did I claim to know anything
How is maybe an answer?
Wasn't aware the board had become mostly degenerate.
All Christians who follow Christ's teachings become atheists.
There could be something outside of what's natural. How do we investigate what is outside of nature? When is the good time to believe something to be true?
damn bruh
u a smart gamer dawg damn...
That's one of the most retarded claims I've ever read.
>Do you actually think a being that makes, preserves and encompasses all has to make his being known to your lil brain?
I have no idea what fictional characters believe in. I suppose Odin could actually hate all humans as a god but that does not make him any less real.
>Rationalism is low key materialism which is the most shitty metaphysical stance there is. It basically claims to know that there is only matter and there is no qualitative difference between any forms of matter. Eg your own consciousness is only quantitatively different from the shit you took last time.
That is nice; can you prove a deity or the supernatural?
Christianity has 2.2 billion followers. American cultural values are Christian - if your heritage is from a Christian nation, then it's still 100% in you.
Science doesn't claim to KNOW pretty much ANYTHING.
It has been ever since the Stormfags invaded.
i have seen the supernatural, and my sanity is no longer intact, unfortunately, or atleast it's been shaken a la Lovecraft.
pretty easy to debunk when you know what this is.
here fag
>Science doesn't claim to KNOW pretty much ANYTHING.
Well, you seem to want us to answer a question that is incoherent. I am asking why you want to know something that has nothing to do with a deity.
What is the benefit for being an atheist and being correct?
Western cultural values are largely from the Enlightenment. The Dark Ages was Christianity. Modernity dragged Christianity kicking and screaming into Modernity. Greeks and Romans understood killing and stealing was bad, just the same way Christians did.
so were you one of those "occupy" chumps or what