It is official. It has been scientifically proven that Sup Forums is a hateful board. Here is the peer-reviewed research paper
Care to comment on it, bigots?
It is official. It has been scientifically proven that Sup Forums is a hateful board. Here is the peer-reviewed research paper
Care to comment on it, bigots?
Hate and anger are the most powerful of emotions
>Sup Forums is one person
Can confirm. I fuckin hate leafs
I know there is a jew involved here somehow
post image of document
>we spent over 1 whole year making one-post threads and spent millions of dollars astroturfing this board to seem racist, here are our results
>dark corners of the web
>the underground network Sup Forums
Hopefully nigger/kike/spic/etc hate will make the redditors stop plaguing this board.
The link is right in the post you idiot.
Wait you mean JIDF/kike shills actually exist?
this might seem news to you since you are entrenched in the depravity that is Sup Forums. But the rest of the world is not as hateful as this place.
That fucking Goober? Sorry but I doubt he has a clue. His paper is absolute shit, too. This is why the U.K. Sucks, shit like this passes for higher knowledge. It's third grade statistics and kindergarten analytical technique.
Uhhhh, that is how scientific research is verified. Your point?
dude looks like a 4channer.
Bet he came here regularly, had to write a paper, then got the brilliant idea on making it about Sup Forums because he "researches" here all of the time anyways. As an added bonus he gets to virtue signal and maintain his cover among the normies.
The paper was published at a top conference. I am sure you know more than the experts in the field.
>experts in the field.
(((sociology))) experts, kill yourself now
>calling hating on kikes and nigger 'cybercrime'
These people are fucking retards
Experts in what? Milking the government for funding that would be better spent upgrading waste treatment plants?
That has nothing to do with the objective fact that Sup Forums is not a dark corner of the web nor an underground network, it's a well-known site which gets a lot of traffic and publicity and hasn't been a secret club for many years now you faggot fucking leaf.
Point being?
There are literal peer-review cartels of researchers who agree to rubber-stamp each others papers to get publishing numbers up. Somewhere around 50% of experiments in peer reviewed papers can't be replicated. We were better off before peer review was even a thing, when ti was just a scientist staking his reputation with every paper they published.
hi hate cyber crime now lest fight it guys
Yeah and they waste their time studying shitposts
Sick fucking coiffure. What a non-masculine train wreck. A literal living "my imaginary wife's son" meme.
>hate speech
yep. comes with the territory.
>fake news
nope. what a pretentious little piece of shit.
Yes. The ones that do it for free are from Hebron the rest are compensated hasbarat goons.
>a machine learning algorithm will soon police the entire internet
>the entire internet will be one big circle jerk, but this time because it will be mandatory
>ideas that challenge the algorithm will be censored
>articles the algorithms senses are fake news will be shadow banned
>posts that are deemed hateful by the algorithm will be flagged
>the police (maybe robots too) will show up at peoples doors because the algorithm flagged them for making a joke on the internet
>You thought you were safe casually chatting in the back booth at a bar
>your friends Google iSpy 10000 was listening, identifying you by your voice, transcribing your speech, sending it to the algorithm, and the police show up five minutes later.
I thought the skynet takeover would be a lot different, but here we are.
Likely wrote a bunch of "hateful" comments himself in order to seed his own paper.
You are clearly an outsider, so please leave.
So typical. Can't fault his research, so you are attacking his looks. I feel sorry for you
this faggot makes his classes raid/attack Sup Forums because the professor hates what Sup Forums is. how the FUCK can anyone take his "research" seriously when he directly fucking affects it
Jesus Christ, could that guy not look like more of a cuck.
>Can't fault his research
He basically wrote a shitpost about shitposting, what a fruitful avenue of inquiry
We were not called the internet hate machine because we kiss ass.
Slide thread if there ever was one.
I hate you.
But... I love you more. Bitch.
You do understand that Brietbart and other sources that are consistently posted here have been proven to peddle fake news by reputed news agencies.
OP is clearly the guy that did the research. It is completely obvious that he is a not from these parts.
So please, OP, why don't you give us a nice timestamp picture of your bowtie collection and we can chat without you having to pretend anymore?
You do realize that we are not a hate speech ebil underground network of cyber-nazis, right? We just want to have a good time with our in-jokes, but people like you ruin our fun because of your dumb crusade against "the ebil internet threat". If you want to """""""fight"""""""" actual "alt-right" people, just go bother /r/T-D and leave us alone.
>to some extent, Sup Forums is considered a containment board, allowing generally distasteful content – even by Sup Forums standards – to be discussed without disturbing the operations of other boards
This guy knows his stuff
I was gifted a 2 hectare man-made pond, two jet skis and a Ghibli for my 16th birthday. You are literal dog shit to me....Stringhini is a fly nibbling on you.
>deep underground dark cyber network of hate
>Alexa Rank: 207
Wow you must be a genius researcher. Where did you get your PhD?
Mr. Obvious is not a Mr. but is obvious.
Trips. Check'd
Fucking really? Go kys yourself leaf
Nice comeback, Dan.
I don't want to be in the same heaven then you anyway
Targets of the Trumpening:
>Globalists who want to overwrite civilization with barbarism.
>Fake charities that are just tax dodges, welfare for warlords, warmonger lobbies, or illegal state actors.
>And then there's this asshole, who illustrates once again that social science is not science, and "Institute" is a fancy word for "basement."
Every single time a leftist says the phrase "peer reviewed" the only response should be the name "Alan Sokal."
reminder Sup Forums is a multicultural board of peace
>studying an ironic cesspool of shitposting
My name is not Dan. And thank you (even though you are being sarcastic). The point is the researcher is clearly from Britain and my flag clearly states I am from Canada. So your hypothesis is incorrect.
Mate your "country" is very close to the bottom in every educational subject, when compared with other OECD real nations.
You're a joke, right now your "country" is the sole world leader in how to turn as many people morbidly obese as possible. Real world leader your CUNTry men are.
Don't forget cuck boy, your CUNTry is the sole cause of the nigger, paki mess flooding Europe.
>inb4 you're a paki hehehe
Finally, what's it like having the average height and penis size of gook?
That's how regular people speak. Sorry it offends you.
So what's the next scientific breakthrough? Proving water is wet?
Whoever you are, Dan, Gianluca, one of the 'peer reviewers' or what, you're part of the cancer killing Sup Forums, and you should consider sudoku, or at least just leave and never return.
Your enemy hates you and is working to kill you.
The only way to prevent that is to kill back.
So yeah one has to hate to in order to kill in order to survive.
Why is anyone confused by this?
Science has now proven OP is a faggot. What an age we live in!
Gianluca studiously combs the air.
Did he at least document rare pepes again? If not he should kill himself.
It would be an honour to contribute to the demise of this wretched place. Also, if you are referring to the Japanese ritualistic suicide, it is called "Seppuku", not "Sudoku" which is a math puzzle. Just FYI.
>admitting in the conclusion that the study is essentially useless because they can't adjust for context.
Too late poor fag.
leaf confirmed for not going outside
>it is called "Seppuku", not "Sudoku" which is a math puzzle. Just FYI.
>being this fucking new
They should use the Adin Steinsaltz Talmud as a new target for their academic circle jerk bullshit grinding.
He has wasted somebodies time and money here, everything he needed to know is probably on encyclopedia dramatica. These people really arent as smart as they think if theyve spent all that time discovering people on the internet arent nice
Can confirm. I hate bearded nu-male betas that write for leftist bias outlets in the event that ot might get them laid.
But you're not going to achieve that demise :) stay mad sweetie.
I'm a lampshade salesman, please tell the kikes you work with we've got a special right now.
Your mirror despises you.
If you're baiting, I commend you for your smug know-it-all idiocy, but otherwise, this just goes to prove you have no idea what you're talking about.
Wow, you seem so butthurt by this research. Projection, much?
Yes, we do hate. We hate niggers, kikes, chinks, spics, mudslimes and more. What's your point?
His entire existential milieu is one long impotent revenge fantasy in a fruitless search for a glorious slow golf clap celebration of his "brilliance".
>reputed news agencies
Please tell us what you consider to be "reputable news sources."
it's an academic wash rife with everything that's wrong these days with leftard academia
>altered semantics and the loss of the drive for truth but woeful virtue signalling instead being the highest norm
If you don't like it here, just leave you stupid faggot. Like Just Close Your Eyes Holy Shit.
>Oy Vey they don't like Jews!
Uhh no sweetie, actually us honey muffins don't speak like that at all, now be a deary peach and get in the oven my little pumpkin pie :)
You = gay as an AIDS rainbow.
Our K-12 has issues but we have great colleges.
Did you just unironically use gay as an insult. Which year are you in?
Pol is a board of peace.
>they didn't include me in the screenshot
God fucking damn it.
Hey Stringy! r u larping??
Sup Forums isn't hateful, you fucking nigger faggot
uhh, okay.
The year in which faggots are created by their shitty precociously self-absorbed mums.....same as all years past and surely all future.
he is older than you. he is wiser than you. he is less gay than your gay ass.
We ebil now
We're just a bunch of lonely ass holes who like to laugh. This is too funny.
Can we block leafs? they're a nuisance
NYT. Before you shout "Fake News", remember that they have won more than 100 Pulitzer Prizes
Let me ask you one question Mr. Talks-Shit-In-Science-Journals.
If I posted a paper about how Muslims are the cause of the majority of terrorist attacks, what would you do?