Is the ASMR the newest Zionist weapon?
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Same effects of pornography?
All the ASMR bitches are insane and most have done porn and are generally terrible people.
Also, ten points to whoever guesses whose tits these are. She denied it but i know its her.
>autists lose their shit at asmr
>don't complain about blacked
Kys you degenerates
an arc length agreeable with the curvature of lauren southern's breasts, if i'm not mistaken
Reminder: Corrina is half-Jewish.
Its fastASMR
It's just way to target men that so completely desperate for female affection/attention but with out the constant feeling of dread that is dealing with females in modern society. This is what we are reduced to by the modern woman is pesudo meditation where all they do is convince us that they aren't nagging us and (for some of us) it's the only time we can even feel like a female is close with out some anxiety, either as a mental issue or past experience issue with them.
Who cares. HungryLips makes me shoot the biggest loads of my life whispering what she bought today in my ear while sucking popsicles
She looks like a quadroon or some shit. A proper mongrel either way.
I can't watch contrived ASMR camwhores. I watch some guy with 39 views showing off his silver collection, or unboxing vids. Just a naturally relaxed voice and rustling paper or plastic.
what is ASMR?
Holy fuck! RARE
YouTube search mud stomping
Cunts making weird noises which induces erection.
This is a real ASMR video. Headphones required.
If it was about audio it wouldn't be attractive women on camera. You want to relax, put on that primitive tech guy's videos.
I agree
Only good ASMR is done by men.
Women just use it to camwhore/attentionwhore and it doesn't accomplish the same thing.
By all means fap to them, but it isn't ASMR.
Flag since his post was deleted.
Did somebody say Tingle porn?
>Its fastASMR
kek, she's a teacher, rights?
Thank you, friend.
>girls whispering into microphones
>while abusing stereo
>zionist weapon
you got a lot to learn about women and them using every part of their body for gain. it's in their blood to act like this.
First thing I thought of too
Freaking little piggies with your ass-mar....
Or something like that. She "works with children" which is the reason she gives for not showing her whole face. I liked her better when she had braces.
On the subject of bitches who don't show their whole faces: anybody have a guess at why SoftAnna always covers some of her face? Shes shown her whole face, just never all at once. It's weird.
Has anybody figured out what show Darling is body doubling on?
ear massage through audio
spine tingles and similar
not everyone can experience it
my trigger irl are those electric razors used for cutting hair
the sound alone won't do anything, also needs state of mind, relaxation, etc. just like a regular massage
The one that needs to be found is Kyra.
I was skeptical at first, but she has the same freakishly long fingers.
When I first saw ASMR I thought it stood for Autism Spectrum Mental Retardation and that the videos were for calming down autistic kids.
Verrrry funnyyy
I wasn't trying to be funny. That is really what I thought it was.
sucks to your ass mar
Yes it is
I mean that's not entirely wrong
ASMR will be used for mind control in the future.
Take this redpill my brothers!
You mean that isn't what its for?
Explain what jewish nationalism has to do with degenerate porn
Just as they planned
This lol
Apparently I already have it
I love how you can find some crazy person with a conspiracy theory for nearly every subject out there.
I've watched some ASMR videos on the YouTube, with the women whispering, and I get pissed off at how they talk and filled with rage. Is that ASMR?
From reading anti-asmr spergs posts ive come to the conclusion there are people who arent capable of feeling the sensation for some reason.
Because they cant experience it, they don't believe it exists and its a fraud. So it causes them to be more angry at it and shitpost about it being a conspiracy and worst than porn etc
useful as a good redpill to realize how vapid they really are
heres a couple good ones for you all:
>Looking at her newer videos
It's mostly about ""car living"" and chemtrails. She's a real gem, that one.
I can feel cosmic energy emanating from Baba's videos.
That sounds like someone chewing in my ear
>proving my point
Dumb hue
That's just some fetish porn. I'm not saying I don't like it.
yeah ur sopposed to jack off to it
I am? It reminds me of some fucker at the movies who sits next to you stuffing his face the whole time.
as if you don't know kike
we gotta get sam hyde to do some asmr
if you're not getting a boner you might be gay m8
or enlightened. but since you're on Sup Forums i'm gonna lean with the former
leave my asmr alone
Some actually do ASMR porn. Bellabrookz has some videos
Asmr is pur kinofagotery entertainment and it is an reserved to true patricians of the internet
Me thinks brazil guy is mad at bella
ya its youtube softcore porn
only reason people watch it
its on youtube and its porn
fucking hate this shit
It doesn't count unless you save it from the original post
But you can just watch actual porn on jewtube
Better sear on the outside next time, but a nice juicy pink center, I like it
brah post more asmr girls who have nudes