Bitcoin at $2929
Price has gone up by almost $1300 the past month. Why hasn't Sup Forums swallowed the coinpill yet?

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because its all speculation, and at this point would be extremely stupid to start investing or mining the coins.

>buying coins at their all time high
well at least we know you aren't Jewish


Because Ethereum is where it's at faggot. Just rocketed to over 300 currently sitting at 330.

I'm in at 140 and unfortunately, the dips are so small and it just makes sense to keep pouring cash in, the first big correction won't happen til this cash cow hits 500.

>dumb goy shilling fakecoins



Chinese are using cryptocurrencies to hide money and smuggle money out of the country.

If China cracks down (starts hanging) bitcoin users things could crash big time.

Should it become serious banks will crack down on it. UK is going internet regulation also EU. They will not let it endanger their currency transfer monopoly

It's going to crash at some point.

If you want to take a risk and invest, then that's up to you. But it will crash. That is a fact. It's just a matter of time.

just invest when all the whales start dumping and the price crashes down a bit. because it'll go back up again. it's all a game. a game designed to get more people to dump money into bitcoin. people that invest now have their lives ruined because they invest their life savings and it crashes. people who invest when it crashes are guaranteed to make profit.

> tfw mined it early last year
> tfw stopped mining when dao crashed
I was such a fool

good luck cashing out

the answer is revealed

buying unstable, questionably liquid assets is a great way to grow wealth

tell your friends!!!

It's a bubble

> price goes below $0

i stopped jerking it to hentai waifus
I'm still waiting for my return on my investment into dogecoin

uhh dont want to pull rank here..

but i'm university educated

i took minor and major economics

dont tread on these shoes

Go back to /biz/ faggots

Ignored it last time. Ignoring it this time.

I'm sure if I had the time and ambition I could make a couple thousand on coins... but I just don't fucking care enough.

fuck off stop introducing normies, it'll just create a bubble REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe

I passed when they were worth nothing. I'll continue to bide my time, thanks.


kind of like how fragile society and our world as a whole is.... ah?

This. Thought about bitcoins years ago.

I also did mock investing in my Econ class in college and put all my money in Netflix and Amazon when Netflix was priced at like $30 a share.

My life is just one endless cycle of missed opportunities.

nocoiner on suicide watch

dont buy

I fucking wish you faggots would stop trying to get nocoiners into cryptos. You're going to ruin the market.

it will crash by June 20, big league.

Fucking this.

I heard about btc way back in 2011 and kept dismissing it over and over and over and guess what If I had just put 1k in back then I would be a fucking millionaire.

We're still early, I'm investing as much as I can in Ethereum and never looking back.

When I was studying, me and a friend got a few bitcoins at 0.84$/coin in 2011 as a joke, because 'dark web' fantasies. So cool. Finished studying, turned in my laptop and got everything formated. Finished with that phase of my life. Spent two years in the military, read headlines "bitcoin at 1000 usd". Do everything I can to get my wallet. Nope.

I spend every day trying not to think about it.


Because its about to crash and burn you fucking shilling faggot

Finite supply, growing demand, of course the price will increase. It's a literal pyramid scheme with each new layer of investors paying to make the last ones rich.

...right up until the day where it gets shut down thanks to the fact that - apart from speculation - 90% of its actual use is for illegal drugs or weapons and child porn.

>literally the same graph pasted side by side 3 times, a little higher each time


random crashes and peaks that are impossible to predict... truly, it is the currency of the future

You always know when these bitcoin faggots come out, they are desperate...


once u heard of it its already to late

if you come in first place, they win.

demand for what exactly? last time i checked, fiat is ruling the world and you faggots even need to have fiat to buy bitcoin

>demand for what exactly?

An easy way to double your money overnight.


The banks can do very little directly, Germanistan accepted Bitcoin as a real currency a few years ago; If I remember correctly.

>20% of ether held by ICOs
>entrepreneurial pursuits have a failure rate of 90%
>market panics when they realize 90% of ICOs will fail
>ICOs dump on the market, accelerating downtrend
>ethereum enters the long winter

>ethereum has relatively huge attack surface
>large attack surface leads to more ethereum thefts
>malicious entities holding large % of ethereum pose threat to PoS
>your benevolent dictator hard forks again... and again... and again...

>there is no use for smart contracts
>even eth-heads have no idea what smart contracts are good for

Meh, it's only a missed opportunity if you think it would have turned out well. know with certainty if I tried to get into any of this cryptocurrency shit (then or now) I'd inevitably be one of those chumps who misses the sell window by an hour and ends up losing a fortune. Same shit happened back in the TF2 glory days. I used to do this great bit on trade servers, answering science questions for metal (putting that bachelor's degree to good use). Worked pretty well to, I had probably $200 worth of ref saved up by the time I left for grad school. Stopped playing for like a year or two, came back thinking I'd finally cash in all the metal. Except now instead of keys being worth 6-7 ref they were worth 30 and all my work had basically gone to waste.

I'm shit at playing the stock market - I play the slow game, invest in shit that mostly just stays stable, maybe slowly creeps up in value over time and pays out dividends in the meanwhile, which I invest into more shares. My dad does it, my grandfather did it, etc etc. It's not as exciting as spending eight hours a day doing fast trading, flipping stocks for a quick turnaround, but it works.

ah i was gonna buy some of that a few weeks ago at 140 and then forgot

fugg me

Literally don't care.

>implying the (((bankers))) will allow the average joe to disrupt currency monopolies

bitcoin and ETH are both based on demand right now.

Demand for what?

please answer this seriously, I still haven't figured out what you can do with it outside of laundering money country to country like the CIA, and various other shady organizations were believed to do so with it.

unless it actually is backed by the hard work of man, or some kind of material, (similar to the gold standard or petrodollar), everything is just speculation.

and what prevents someone from just making a new fantasy coin? oh wait look at /biz/ there are 100s of new coins being made each one moons as people buy in then it collapses. Its like a new dotcom bubble.

How much are cartels using it to transfer money south of border?

Because I don't have 3000 bucks to blow on a fucking gamble. I got kids to feed nigga.

Doesn't a transaction take like a minute? This will never be a real currency. Coin investors are being swindled by Asian manipulators.

Here's some Jewish finance magic for you fags. If you notice the moving moving average (smooth line) below the price line, that's the 50 day moving average. Below that is the 200 day moving average. The chart below that is the Relative Strength Index (RSI). So you see, historically, when bitcoin has deviated significantly from the 50 day moving average, it's corrected. Likewise, whenever the RSI has gone above 70, it normally means btc is due for a correction. Watch the moving averages, wait for the 50 day to cross the 200 day. That will probably signal a low for bitcoin

Tl;dr you're gonna get fucked if you get in bitcoin right now


This attitude is why you're going to lose your ass. You're gambling. The only reason why it's called "investing" is because the market is full FOMO. Just wait till you see 50% of your portfolio evaporate in a matter of hours. You'll say, "it'll go up, it just needs time" and over the course of months you'll see 80% of your portfolio crumble into dust. It will slowly dawn on you that you've made a horrible mistake and you will sell at somewhere between $60 and $80. It will be heartbreaking. You'll feel vindicated when you see the price drop to $40. But fool me once, never again! You'll wait until the price rebounds to $100 before going full panic and rebuying with your paltry sum.

good luck user. the next few years will be dismal.

I'm selling these fine magic beans

Real talk. Crypto is the fucking future, but we are clueless which coin will survive into mass adoption. We can be pretty sure it won't be the first coin; the first MP3 player never made it to mass adoption, nor the first touch screen phone, nor the first airplane, the first social network, etc. Whoever hits the field first is almost guaranteed to fail historically, that BTC has structural problems simply confirms it.

Taleb's barbell strategy, lots of tiny high risk investments and the rest in "safe" convention investments. Invest in the alternative coins in small amounts.

Im going to buy Eth and btc when it crashes again in a few months.

Here's the chart

>that BTC has structural problems simply confirms it.
The only structural problem that bitcoin has is its own success. You think scaling issues are bad with bitcoin? Just wait until Ethereum or Monero try to scale.

You think governance is bad with bitcoin? Just wait till you see the alts changing consensus at the whim of the thuggish majority, or your benevolent dictator. Ethereum has already demonstrated that they will reverse transactions. When will they reverse yours?

That bitcoin is hard to change is its strongest asset.

memecoin fags need to stay on their containment board

>$200 is unsustainable, it will crash
>they are only worth $200 idiots just buy them for $800 thinking it is a good deal
>$1300 is ridiculous it will fall and you will have nothing
Loving these memes.

season 21

>etherum at 250 like 2 days ago
>almost bought it

>now at 330

Would it be stupid to buy a couple?

Ethereum is already 2/3 he market cap of btc, FAGGOT

It's plateau is probably the same as btc eventually , still early enough for some 2 year gainz
blockhain works way faster and some serious silicon valley venture cap is interested now

I have my limit orders at $20

>Try to install that 50GB bullshit fucking bitcoin file once a year, for the past 5 years
>Destroys my hard drive every time
>Have to buy new hard drive instead of bitcoins



Checked and when the Chinese dump it there will be a flood gate opened and it will fall like a rock

Look. NEETs. I hate to break it to you, but frenzies and scrambles to "Get Rich Quick" like bitcoin are just jewish tricks to keep you fags poor. Notice no Jews buy into this shit. They know that you don't get rich overnight in markets unless you're lucky.

This book contains all the jewish secrets. (((Seth Klarman))), (((David Einhorn))), etc... all read this. The goys that read this end up very rich as well (see Warren Buffet). I suggest you fags take a look before you lose all your money on BTC


Your IQ is too low to understand blockchain technology, idiot.

How many God Damned Computers and hard drives do I have to string together to mine one God damned BITCOIN??


so much of the value of that book is based on the internet not existing

fuckin A theres a dozen websites that pull up every relevant ratio at the drop of a hat if you want to look at it, as opposed to in the 60s when buffet started making a killing like 'GEE WILLICKERS look the MC

Not bc related, but...
>was working with a consultant from a vendor we do business with..
>he told me about how he had stock options worth millions in his prev. company "at one point"
>I asked him how much $ they were worth now: 'oh a few thousand.'
>me: 'oh dude, you should have sold'
>my boss came in and pried his hands from around my neck
He was wound up pretty tight that one

>falling for the blockchain jew

I think it's suffering from it's own success.. it can never be a real currency if people hoard it in the eternal hopes that it will be worth 10x or 100x more in the near future.

Not saying blockchain isn't valuable, I'm saying it's bubble 2.0. Internet was (and is) clearly valuable, it was just over-hyped

I disagree. You still have a lot of really good opportunities, you just have to look and be patient for them to come up. Technical knowledge is only one part of the equation, you need discipline as well. I've knocked it out of the park on most stocks I've picked so far. It can be done

Get in before it's too late retard

it can never be a real currency since you can't buy anything with it, you can only sell it on to the next sucker

When something nearly doubles in value over the course of a month it doesn't exactly scream stable or wise investment. But sure there is money to be made if you really pay attention to it.

My buddy from college mined 100 bitcoins in the early days. I wonder if he still has them...

It wouldn' take much to drop bitcoin price. Hack CNN, make a news post that trump passed a bill which makes usage of bitcoin illegal, and enjoy the big drop, which you can invest in. Bitcoin is fragile, every drop comes with a story.


When people are greedy; you shouldn't invest. This is one of those times.

You have absolutely no chance of mining one now. You're just wasting money on electricity if you try

bitcoin yes, but not any other ponzicoin

Just because you lost all your money in a shitcoin doesn't mean all altcoins are ponzis

bitcoin is anything but liquid

the only shitcoin I've lost money on is AUD

no shit, that's what we're talking about user

all altcoins are scams
scams don't require intent

that chart is accurate

the same at attacks are used over and over by people who have no fucking clue what they are talking about

i don't care if you stay poor, but at least stay poor quietly becasue you are fucking annoying.

world ends on sept 23 so why do i need money for

i saw someone on /biz/ who made 90 million dollars with coins

guess how long he gets to enjoy it for

a few months

then the wrath of god pours out on the world

so what exactly did they gain by this?

Blockchain and decentralized currencies and technology is the future.

The Jews can't stop this.

>caring about fake coins that you bought with ameribux

Biz get the fuck out, stupid normies.

god is the euphemism for the bull
i am your god

I dont understand this shit.

Why does a digital currency even have value? How does it even get minted? Obviously you cant just write a code that grants you eleventy billion where does it even come from?

You aren't the only one. Would of had over 6 figures off of an early investments but DaO happened and I got out.


if youre asking questions like this you dont belong on the internet

you should know everything by now about the internet

there shouldnt be really anything that takes you off guard

im not even talking about crypto right now just in general