Kellyanne Leaks @KellyanneLeaks

Kellyanne Leaks @KellyanneLeaks

@washingtonpost She said Trump told her to say "Jim Comey will have to wait and see about the tapes"; she added "I chose to convert that to 'no comment'" 3/


You have to be mentally deficient to actually believe that the same statisticians who said there was a 99% chance Trump would lose by double digits would be right about his approval ratings.

Fuck off.

I mean that picture just shows that every recent president reached a disapproval rating after a while and trump had a very close election.

This is so god damn dishonest. He hasn't done anything in 8 days.

8 days


He's breaking records. No doubt it's an accomplishment in his mind


It's almost like there's a media smear campaign against him

Well it makes sense, literally more people voted for Hillary


yep that matches up

(((WashPost))) said something !

Podesta you still working there? Enjoy these next few months before an angry mob curb stomps you into a pulp for fucking children

Response bias. There is no way people went 900 days without getting tired of Onigger.

Must be why Bush also had such a low approval rating according to OP's picture :)

People are realizing that although (((they))) say Trump is terrible, he's really doing pretty well.

You're literally proving my point.

some kikes doing the polling

>June 2009
>Riding the tail end of a year-long sloppy media blowjob over ZOMG FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT SO AMAZING AND PROGRESSIVE
>eventually drops into the 30's once the shine wears off

>Nearly two solid years of unprecedentedly negative media coverage
>Every public figure on the planet endlessly calling him everything from fascist to nazi to rapist to Literal Hitler, some even call for an assassination
>no significant downward trend in approval over that time, proving the media and the 'elites' no longer have the power to influence conservative voters
>approval rating among likely voters still 46%, equaling his popular vote share
>the muh russia and muh obstruction fake scandals seem to finally be on the way out the door, and their effects on polls should eventually fade away too.

That thar deserves a (you)

To be fair, most Americans are unamerican now. When you account for non-fully-fledged-human-ness, i.e., non-white-maleness, Trump's approval rating is 200%.