GF wants a pitbull

What do?

eat the eggs

Tell her you don't want a breed of peace.

Get a new GF, you've already lost. Quit before you get fired.

If she wants a pitbull, you get anal sex on demand.

that's bestiality.

Dump your nigger gf and get a white man's dog

Be a man and tell her 'no'.

She's a coal burner. Drop her

Guarantee you that she's cheated.

beat the shit out of her, then get an icelandic sheepdog

I named my dick pitbull and your gf can get that in her mouth.

Don't date a Mexican or a feminist.... Problem solved.

get her a real dog

Find all breeders in the local area and posion all pit bulls

Shoot her. Get a lab.

literally the only breed for white people

what did he mean by this?

Dump her and date the pitball.

she probably craves a strong alfa male because she aint getting it at home, feels unsafe ect

there is no reason to own a pitbull and every reason not to own one

You know what you have to do, OP.

Start by asserting your dominance over your bitch. Or have her neutered.



Was it because of this picture? Just tell her that the dog won't go down while she is on the rag.

Dump her.

I died.

Good dogs....get one. Socialise it but they make crappy guard dogs because they like people too much. Post result on pornsocket.

>buying this crippled degenerated breed

Unless you have a time machine pick something else.

Better shepherd.

get one and not be a nigger and raise it like a normal fucking dog and not teach it to fight or attack

How small is your benis?

Get one. Unless you're a nigger, then don't own any kind of pet at all


She's just gonna make you get rid of it again, Bill. It's time to let Patrice go.

Grey Hound

>gf wants a pitbull
Break up with her but tell her it's okay because you can still be cousins.

>Get one
>Unless you're a nigger

Get it and train it hate shit skins.itll be the scorn of your neighborhood and nobody will fuck with you/it but I'll love you for life. Personally I think rescues/adopted dogs have stronger bonds than puppies but that's up to you.
I have a pitbull/German Shepherd mix who only shows aggression to non whites which is a huge advantage in a Mexican dominant community. Most loyal and loving dog I've ever had

Dump her and/or start lifting weights. She's trying to help the relationship by supplementing the lack of aggression she senses in you with an outside source. It'll work for a while, but she's gonna go for a more aggressive guy and cheat on you eventually. I doubt you can save it at this point, so I recommend pro-actively dumping her. But take it as a lesson to become more of a man, otherwise you'll end up in the same situation with a different chick.