It's okay, white people..
We hate muslims and niggers too
It's okay, white people
Your guiltiness deceives you.
You guys look chill and down to earth af.
Stay real.
>We hate muslims and niggers too
LMAO you're one to talk
>It's okay, white people..
>We hate muslims and niggers too
You're welcome with open arms in my town.
p.s. Do you mind hating mexicans as well? We got a spic infestation in places like California.
>attacks op for his statement
oh hello Ahmed
based monk, laying out the fundamentals
These will still be standing in 30 years..
Myanmar lowkey digs this guy. Other than the millennial SJWs on facebook (yes we have that too)
I have to say I enjoy imported Thai rice, its organic and taste delicious.
I've seen this before. Love this guy.
I'm sorry OP is Burmese.
Thais have plastic rice
I like Mexicans just fine. When they're in Mexico.
All they are are gangbangers
what is this? ladyboy training?
was is' losi, kleine mösi fotze?
Honestly I don't really give a shit about the Royingas. Yes it's terrible some of the treatment they get but frankly Muslims around the world are out for the blood of others.
Ignorance aside, if we didn't hate muslims Trump wouldn't have gotten elected.
They all need to just go back to their countries, and stop spreading their religion here.
Borders guards do 24/7 with eyes peeled as of now
That question is how to expel he remainder bengali..
The rohingya ethnic fabrication has been shoved down throats too much it's starting to become real.. we're no way in hell giving them their own state
Was Than Shwe a corrupt totalitarian imbecile or misunderstood führer who did what he had to?
Good, now stay in your own country and leave ours alone
Corrupt totalitarian. The military back then was hell... there was no human rights, no democracy. He openly let fucking chinks do illegal logging in Northern and Eastern Burma. We had to fight it out ourselves at the cost of police shooting at protestors.
based monk, fuck mudslimes
i hate them ever since they fucking bombed a train station near my home
You need to let refugees into your country because the Buddha said to be compassionate.
Has Marawi been liberated?
Saw this pic on fb and loved it
I knew it. What I've read, the motherfucker was a complete looney who nearly ruined everything good in your country. Those gifts worth 400€ mil - literally nigger tier banana republic dictator
At least he stepped down.
After what they did recently I bet they have no fans anymore. Hopefully Duterte will every single mudslime liver
Yeah... try tibet maybe
Military now is based though the new chief is a cool guy, down to earth buddhist.
I have to thank the Jews for selling us weapons though
Faggot mudslimes rewriting history. Mindanao belonged to the doormat lumads before they came!
based kung fu people.
Only chinks do the shaolin
Stop sending rohingya refugees. Kill them there itself please
Since yoi're here can you tell us whats the deal with your new king?
you're not helping
But you ARE niggers. Get a job.
>mmuuh monarchy
He doesn't give a fuck, so what.
>But you ARE niggers. Get a job.
This coming from a cultureless, uneducated, ignorant fat-fuck burger is just rich. Go WEE WUZ somewhere else.
The irony is that even though they have no job they look cleaner and even dress nicer than most niggers here with jobs.
Oh and stop behaving like jews , you shits are disgusting , and so is tibet , eat a dick, faggot. Fuck buttism , slave making jew wannabe bastards
Are you Thai?
Thank you Burmese children of indeterminate location.
Your culture is being neutral , in other words , taking the dick and loving it.
No. But do you really need a thai to tell you that their new king doesn't give a fuck?
Oh then fuck off
>neutrality == easy mode meme
Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about.
Sorry i fucked you that hard , karen. Ass still sore?
So taking dick and hating it ?
If Thai chicken didn't taste like catfish bait I'd believe you.
>still imbibing one of the three poisons
>dicks, dicks, dicks
From what I can tell, dicks are busy playing with themselfes.
Whatever faggot, the reason you are neutral is because you are a country of pussies. Spin it any way you want.
muay thai bro here, trained with Yod years ago at Tiger
Thais are based
Everybody hates muslims, They cause problem where ever they go. The major religions are alright and can live peacefully besides Islam of course.
>dicks, dicks, dicks
>pussy, pussy, pussies
Maybe you should stop watching porn, leaf. Just maybe.
WTF come on over, friend!
If even Buddhists hate your religion, that should tell you something right there.
I love importing Thai shrimps.
Am I doing this right?
Christians can live in Thailand without causing problem but not mudslims
nice pic user
Racist bigot, I bet you support Drumpf spending 20 billion dollars to build a wall too.
>none of them have earned their arrow tattoos
Fucking based
Oi namefag
>Thai Flag
What element would whites and niggers bend?
Arabs are sandbenders, and by extent earthbenders, eskimos are waterbenders and the nips are meant to be firebenders. Tibetans and buddhists are meant to be airbenders too
So what would other races bend and why?. The show makes no mention of blacks or whites, only sandniggers like myself and slant-eyes
I'm a Burmese too, and i don't like him. Wirathu is a old socialist government proxy, he's done nothing honest as a monk.
Just look at his attitude on A Mei Su. I would like a genocidal fix on Burma's muslims + 1st gen immigrants as well. But my religion says no.
Whites lived on the other side of the world.
great post OP, Cambodia is the same. We hate niggers and mudslimes as well. Even the prostitutes won't even fuck a nigger without charging 3x the normal rate for everyone else. We must also unite against the asian jew AKA the Vietnamese
The only good non Christians t/b/h
Don't think so friend, the only discernible races are chink and arab. The world seems pretty full. I was wondering if Northern europeans would bend water for example given where the snowniggers live
Your people look like a mix of niggers and asians
mudslims need to get removed
There aren't supposed to be whites in this world. The Earth Kingdom was parallel to China.
>During the Khmer Rouge era, all religions, including both Buddhism and Islam were persecuted.
>According to Cham sources, 132 mosques were destroyed during the Khmer Rouge era, many others were desecrated, and Muslims were not allowed to worship.
>Muslims were forced to eat pork and were murdered when they refused.
>Whole Cham villages were exterminated.
>Chams were not permitted to speak their language.
>Cham children were taken away from their parents and raised as Khmers.
Sup Forums Pot
The asian jews are the chinese, they control pretty much your entire economy and have you by the balls. They're deceptive and will bleed you dry at all cost, complete locusts.
idk, being black and seeing that people hate me for existing just makes me want to join Islam. They're going to kill everyone who hates me or so I am told, sign me up I guess.
I agree the Vietnamese and the Chinese are the Asian kikes and must not be trusted at all cost. Their history is full of backstabbing and killing one another. Pol Pot only came into power because of the kikes. We also respect other cultures, my family celebrates easter and christmas and shit because we love Australia. I would gladly fight with you whites when the race war erupts against the niggers and sand niggers.
Please do, it really helps our propaganda efforts as it keeps all our enemies in a nice tidy column and we don't have redditors coming over here blathering about "MUH BASED NIGGER IN A MAGA HAT"
Yes i can see it
I'm from Myanmar living in Thailand
>Muslims are like African carps - they breed rapidly, have violent behavior, and eat their own kind and other fish. They also destroy the natural resources and beauty underwater, even though they are the minority.
Based monk.
I second that.
The asian jews are the chinese
you sound cucked as fuck.
t.a REAL Cambo
That looks comfy as fuck m8.
nice try chink, every asian country hates you guys more than niggers almost. When shit hits the fan you guys will have the same fate as well as the sand niggers.
whatever u say ah joi mai.
Didnt some Cambodian-Australian dude join isis...cucked as fug.
Ancient Bagan built by buddhist kings
most of these were plated in gold
more than any nigger can do
By a long shot. Honestly it's more impressive than anything we've done architecturally lately.
>t.zhang lee shuan
We need to make the holohoax come true but instead of jews it would be for chinks.
I love you, Myanmar. Please be careful.
Nice try chinks, your entire history is literally a mass genocide against your own people when a dynasty ends. The vietnamese are literally the Asian niggers. Stealing Khmer land and saying they were the ones that built the angkor temples. They literally are the asian we wuz kangz
What reputation do the Chinese in Taiwan have? Do Asians see them as the same as mainland China?