Why do Conservashits vote against their own economic interests?
Stop using other countries for your personal agenda, you're hurting the people of that nation. Nothing in your Paint made picture is true, it's all lies and you are scumbag.
>occupy democrats
The prosperity of a nation doesn't correlate with happiness.
From a purely financial view, suicide and depression are exclusive to the middle to upper class.
That's joke right ? Plz let that be a shoop no one can be that retarded
morals you jew. get some
must be nice saying that while on top of a massive oil reserve to fuel such a small capita.
You forgot to mention
22% sales tax
50% tax on a $50,000 per year income
go away evil dogger
>happiest place on earth
>decriminalized prostitution
this can't be a coincidence
How about we send all our niggers to Denmark? Guaranteed that things will change there pretty quick.
I'd be happier than a pig in shit if I lived in a country that was 95% white too.
I do think America should shorten the official work week to 30 hrs
Its almost like denmark has a low population density, homogenous population and oil reserves
it's also 90% Danish, with only 400k nonwhites in the entire country
Mass migration always puts a stress on the welfare state. You can't have both a welfare state AND open borders. Socialists know this.
>this kills the broin
Hmmm. Highest suicide rate too. And a weak ass army that could easily get butt fucked
>libshit says how wonderful socialist countries like Denmark and Norway are
>point out how they have virtually no diversity or multiculturalism
>their face when
this is why, of all the social sciences, you should still learn history
Is it really 50% over 50k?
Why work?
Maybe because we understand that our economy isn't at all comparable to Denmark?
shitpost incoming
Vehicles have like 95% taxes or something.
Oh my god i'd be a NEET
That works in countries that don't have welfare niggers to be supported
So thats how everything is "free" they take all your income.
Oh yeah tax the living shit out of everyone and everything lads it sure did work out with us
This. Multiculturalism is cancer. There is a reason humans always self-segregate and when they aren't able, they mistrust and come into conflict with each other.
If everything is free you don't need spending money goy.
That's a lot of non whites considering it's low population though. That's a lot of New mixed babies
But isn't a very large portion of the danish population on anti depressants?
It's like some guy telling you to give him all of your money so he can spend it on the stuff you need for you if he gets a cut
So basically modern feudalism
Go away evil dogger
Go away evil dogger.
Right, the wage is closer to $26 or so.
t. danskjävel girlfriend
Actually, I hate how they and others claim it's FREE, ignoring the amount of tax you all pay for your nations' welfare systems. On top of that, childcare isn't even paid for by the Danish welfare system.
Go away evil dogger
Go away evil dogger