Azzmador from the Daily stormer tells texas news crew to GAS KUSHNER
controlled opposition
nobody uses the word cuck anymore
shills trying to use this for screenshots
>these are the people you argue with
>nobody uses the word cuck anymore
lol okay tough guy.
He believes in what he's saying and he talks confidently. That alone puts him above 99% of people.
Shill thread fuck off and stop spamming you shit in other threads
>n-no, daily stormer isn't controlled opposition!
>i dont know how to start threads on post reddit nu-pol
how new are you?
Fucking based
Go away FBI CIA!!
this is how you answer questions.
he silenced then all.
ha ha ha
stormer has been doing this for years
this. good post my fellow white
>alt right leader
top kek
WTF Sup Forums APOLOGIZE NOW!!!!!!!!! FUCK
>the word faggotry was used
kek, missed that
> pro white
> calls out the Jews
> doesn't call out the holohoax when he had the chance
7/10, not bad.
Pepe is not racist!!!
don't hide your light under a bushel boys
He's very, very sharp for all his rough edges.
bout time we got someone honest
Idiot. He's a personified version of the strawman that the media likes to attack. He's just giving them the ammo they need.
most obvious controlled opposition ive ever witnessed
Reverse search gives nothing. Does the image go further?
'indiana a' metart, bunch of other names.
Alright, thank you.
Azzmador 4 president!!!!
who cares tho. he is saying what needs to be said
Yes, better agree with the media so they don't call us out!
I never said we need to agree with the media. But how do you think your average normie would react to a guy talking about gassing the Jews? Everything about this guy and TDS in general just screams false flag.
We need zealots, not moderates. Don't punch right.
Yes, better hide your true beliefs and act like a cuck, or normies are gonna have a bad opinion of you!
Look at the Daily Stormer, the TRS podcasts, and Radio Aryan. The more they called out the kikes, the more popular they became.
Look at the crowds Enoch and Spencer get. They are genuine and effective. Look at Gavin's and Milo's crowds. They are pozzed, Jew'd, and diversified.
Cucking =loss. Not cucking=win.
Also, look at George Lincoln Rockwell. 20 years after WWII ended, he was going from university to university, city to city, taking about the racial and Jewish questions, brandishing the Swastika no less. Was he stupid for doing so? No. He amassed a following of dozens, who each had redpilled families consisting of hundreds, and got his word out to tens of thousands. The splinter groups that have arisen after his death, if unified by his still being alive, could have formed a viable third party that could have taken control of a state or two and elected members of the Senate.
Look at Whitaker. The Alt-Right, Neonazis, Stormfags, Paneuro WNs and localized nationalists may not agree on much, but he never cucked, pushed boundaries, and his memes now live on among all of us and remain effective redpilling propaganda to this day. Revilo Oliver never cucked. Neither did WLP. Are you a better man than they?
By talking about the kikes we push the Overton Window so far to the right that everything up to that point seems reasonable in comparison. Our agitations allow cucks like Gavin room to even operate and get media attention.
people need to understand the overton window before posting here
>Alt-Right Leader
wow this is cringy.
I think I'm an egoist libertarian now.
He's Sup Forums incarnate, don't fucking lie
Mike Enoch is jewish.
Lol. You people are pathetic.
No but you are.
Retard TRS faggot.
>all those mad redditors
Get fucked trumpflakes
Hey Milo.
They have to be from Sup Forums
I'd wear that shirt
>White culture is the best culture
Looks like we have a /int poster tbqh
>says he hates Jews
>looks like a Jew himself
I like reading the Daily Stormer. It's pretty funny. But this guy seems like a retard. He doesn't sound like he has a high IQ.
Nah, probably Iron March Forums.
nah I doubt it, I don't see any based muslims there lmao
>Iron March
>giving a shit about white people who don't support facism
This guy is most fucking excellent
Kek'd. That was pretty funny.
based grandpa Sup Forums
Using the word "cuck" in real life always sounds so cringe and achieves the opposite effect no matter who uses it.
Dumb hicks don't need to get near microphones
What a fucking idiot. Talking about gassing people, and throwing Nazi salutes is just what the Jews Media wants. They eat that shit up.
It's the exact caricature of a Nazi they've been working so hard to portray, for decades. It's dumb.
Controlled Opposition do shit like that.
he's pathetic
These guys are way more honest than the Alt-Right reddit fags. I can at least respect that.
SPLC antiwhite kikes have a huge hardon from this video, no joke
fuck off you spineless faggots
He could have named the Jew and been prowhite without being a retarded hickfaggot.
Fucking wiggers
>Using the word "cuck" in real life always sounds so cringe and achieves the opposite effect no matter who uses it.
fuck this nigger
strawmanning cocksucker, no one said we need based niggers. Just don't sound like a complete fucking moron piece of shit to 99.9% of people.
Not being a Neo Nazi faggot stereotype =/= kukking.
The recent right-wing backlash was caused by liberals being retards and enforcing their bullshit on everyone else, not by white nationalists pulling the ground to the right. People were fed up with political correctness.
If literally gassing all the Jews is your true belief, then you're still in the "lel edgy nazi xD" phase of national socialism.
I've gotta hand that to him, at least.
this alt-lite cuck would never have the guts to talk like this in person
probably acting up now after feeling emasculated from watching OP's vid
>no one said we need based niggers
That's who you're aligning with by talking down these patriots. Everyone in the Alt-Light is fucking cancer, no better than SJW nigger loving scum.
>He could have named the Jew and been prowhite without being a retarded hickfaggot.
^ This.
>What a fucking idiot. Talking about gassing people, and throwing Nazi salutes is just what the Jews Media wants
>Controlled Opposition do shit like that.
desu he's probably just a dumbass not actually ContOp
DS fanboys are high on their own farts.
We have to oppose this fucktardation
>this alt-lite cuck would never have the guts to talk like this in person
not an argument, at all
>probably acting up now after feeling emasculated from watching OP's vid
right, watching a dumb hick make my worldview (White fucking nationalism) look stupid because he's a media attention whore makes me feel like a girl.
Except no I'm a White nationalist. This was fucking retarded shit, and it shouldn't have been done.
Shittards like this are helping the multiculturalists, faggot, they WANT us to be dumb hicks who talk about gassing people and say "I HATE X GROUP HURR DURR"
We need to bring fucking new people into our worldview, and this dumb fuckup just makes that harder.
Yea it's edgy and so it makes your tiny cock get hard because you think it's badass, I get it.
Grow up
>not an argument
no shit sherlock, i would never reduce myself to arguing with a cuck like yourself.
Yea because you're afraid of looking stupid. I'm a fucking White ma- NATIONALIST. You are a retard who isn't helping our cause, you're just shitting the bed like a low IQ monkey.
What is it like on your 1 year being here?
You're a bitch, end of story. Our movement is about White Nationalism, end of story. This dishonest "DEMOCRATS ARE THE REAL RACISTS!" helps no one but the people who want to co-op the right into a multicultural shitfest. If you think you're helping the white cause by letting self-hating niggers and spics in your group you're a fucking retard.
that transition.
Jared Kushner, gas'em
mein fucking sides
"our cause"
I don't want to suck liberal dick, so I don't think we have a cause in common.
the best way to destroy their board:
Let's make it cringy over there.
It does not help whining about it.
You must post stuff over there to make this specific board on over time so very different from the rest of tumblr that they have no similarities, whatsoever. Slowly but surely, you can make them >> #2.
Not too fast, though. Get a feel for what they are up to and enhance what is bad for them. As well make a certain opinon slowly seem normal. Like: to have "Nigger" as a gender or some shit like that.
*Sup Forums#2
Oh yea because holy fucking shit anything I said would indicate I'm a fucking kekistan-tier motherfucker who wants to be around rightwing nonwhites.
Again, no you dumb little shit. I'm a White nationalist.
You know you're full of shit here, but by all means keep proving that Canadians being smarter than Americans is just a stereotype.
nod and argudmend XDDDDD
>The splinter groups that have arisen after his death, if unified by his still being alive, could have formed a viable third party that could have taken control of a state or two and elected members of the Senate.
I didn't ask for these feels. George Lincoln Rockwell was the hero we needed. We'd probably still be a 90% white country if he was elected president.
you sound like a civic nationalist boy. guy kept it 100% that's not controlled opposition
>I don't want to suck liberal dick
LOL he thinks not being a braindead retard redneck stereotype is sucking liberal cock
Ironically, the truth is that SPLC kikes jerk off hard to the video in OP.
Good job.
>if i keep lying I'll look smart
>does hick racist retard stereotype perfectly
>whores in front of kike media cameras
>somehow not shooting White nationalism in the foot
I can see why retards like this guy
>not having any logic
oh yeah, those guys were off in their own spot with no shade.
yep. i dont agree with him 100% and he has zero political skills but he is legit.
If you keep pushing for white nationalism as hard as the guy in the video is doing right now, you're gonna end up with Zuckerberg 2020. Don't try to divide and conquer yourselves when you're still under constant media fire.
While I applaud his sentiment, he shouldn't use the c word as an insult. There are plenty of people who enjoy cuckoldry for whom it is a legitimate fetish and using the word as you have marginalizes them by problematically implying it is something that is somehow shameful. It's also kinda racist.
he probably is legit and well-meaning, still fucked up and shit the bed.
"How not to do media interviews IF you're dumb enough to do them at all" THE VIDEO
au contraire he's not pushing for white nationalism "harder", he's just being vulgar and mindless
These dumb larpers aren't more dedicated to White nationalism, they just do it like a two year old "does" English speaking.
Wait so the (((civic nationalists))) wanted the confederate monuments torn down? What a bunch of fucking faggots. Beard guy is based though
"anyone who doesn't like my stupidity is antiracist and/or liberal in some way" THE POST
no retard, the leftists wanted them down, the civic nationalists, while kukky, were actually pro-monuments.
>all those butthurt trumpflakes
I don't know this guy, but what he said isn't a lie.
>says this is about race
>white culture is best culture
>against race mixing
>Jared Kushner is a Jew that doesn't deserve to have any power in government
>doesn't like jews
>doesn't like fags
>doesn't like Milo who is a jewish,fag, nigger lover.
just because he's southern doesn't mean shit. who gives a fuck what the Jew media says
why do nazis hate our /basedpedo/?
What do you expect from cucked civic nationalists? They defend the Jew and their Jew puppet. This guy knows more than most of nu-Sup Forums
It's not what the media says, it's what the people think. And not even most Republicans are going to like this guy.