Teleports behind antifa

>teleports behind antifa
>heh, nothing personal cuck

Crawling in my volk

Prite Whide!

When asked about Pepe, he thought you were asking about one of his cousins



Moar like Friedkorps amirite?


>Tactical Kilt

Problem shitlord?

This is actually, unironically, memes-aside how I imagine 8/pol/ posters

Based white guy.

This is what Sup Forums posters look like



wow! not everyone on this planet are models? Sup Forums BTFO!!!!

>we're the masterrace
>lol you look like shit

>political mass movement
>not all of you are chad??? KEKS BTFO

>Moldylocks is the spokesperson of Antifa.

.. grow thicker skin, and quit being offended.

well, she is kinda fuckable... gotta give her that.

you don't need to worry. As the "fuck communism/socialism/liberalism" movement grows, we get more chads and stacy's each day.

the skinhead stereotype is dying, I would be mad if I were a SJW right now, as well

grow some balls, and go prep ur caliph bull

These people are an embarrassment and I surely hope you faggots don't do this.

butthurt monkeyboy, stay in your jungle safespace.

>we get more chads and stacy's each day
funny how only abhorrent mutants and lard ass basement dwellers are posted here, on this fine white nationalist board, then.

maybe you need to up your advertising game, Chadsy.

So easily baited in Houston.

This guy looks pretty okay, actually. He needs to lift, and either trim that mane into a fashy haircut, or grow a beard and go full Viking (assuming he can grow a beard), but otherwise he has decent facial aesthetics. Good jawline, high cheekboons, prominent eyes, straight brow, and good symmetry. Lips are a bit full, like a Frenchman's, but not nigger-tier.

Faggot needs to lift is the main takeaway.

Please, no bully.

They need this outlet for their rage before they shoot up schools, attack random women, and blow up churches.

Are you sizing him up for a date or a slave auction?


Oh God, guy in the middle actually bought the cuck-buckler. Motherfucker got the cheapest acrylic riot shield they sell on, only to find he'd overpaid for it yet when it arrived and he learned its actual size. Sad...

Well, at least Tubby in the grey shirt got out for the day and got some physical activity in. Good for him. Hopefully this will become a trend and he'll learn of such marvels as "shoulder presses" and "pull ups", which we'll do wonders for posture.


"I now have an Aryan quarter chub, the post"

They look happy, you got a problem?

Welp guess you're right. Might as well all kill ourselves :(

no.. no.. don't do that, you still have, eh... Lauren Southern and Gavin McInnes, right? And that brown chick with the big tits, I forget her name.

those are some prime Aryan chads and stacys.

.. oh yeah, and Styx.

You are no fun at all.

Trigger the SJW.

dumb frogposter

You're too obvious

>leftist attempts to shame but can't stop relying on rightist memetics

>3:00 am
>sleeping on bed
>hear door slowly open
>wake up
>see Styx
>gently whispers "ALRIGHT EVERYONE" into my ear
>snuggle all night with him

This has given me modivation to live. Thank you, based Danish.

implying I'm trying to hide anything.

.. are you saying Styx is not Aryan? He's totally Hallstatt-Nordid, man.

>he made me mad, he must be a leftist
my pleasure kind burgerbro

thanks ^_^


keep coopting our memes, it's pretty obvious you can't create for yourself.
No wonder leftists don't have any civilizations under their belts.

>coopting our memes
oh noez, memial appropriation, that's soooo not PC.

Styx is civic nationalist not white nationalist. Gavin is just populist/nationalist.

Leave Styx out of it.

right, you're right, but where does that leave us?

Richard Spencer?

I guess he'll have to do.

Anyone who says they wouldn't fuck that girl int he teddy bear hoody is either a faggot or a lying faggot.

guys stop taking bait Jesus fuck

>upside down mag pouches on the back of plate carrier
>no plate in the plate carrier

Can these faggots even operate?

that's the one who's name I always forget, the little wog with the big tits.

>53 replies
>No mention of this guys rockin calf muscles

C'mon guys

She doesn't need a name.

valid point.


110% hetero

>mommys making tendies

sam hyde
anti-semitic comedian


I dont think he knows that

>meanwhile, over at the Sup Forums mobile command post...



Nice, with antifa bringing weapons and throwing bombs and hurling bottles and whacking people with bikelocks, wearing protection is important.

I miss thus. I ebbin miss thus.

i did this, but with saw drums in iraq, makes them much easier to pull, but dis bitch retarded

yea dont fucking worry bout her, NOW FUCK OFF

i need to meet this person someday