Tell me about Ronald Reagan. Was he really that great a president?

Tell me about Ronald Reagan. Was he really that great a president?

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no, he used the same meme economics to trick dumb poor rednecks that trump used, transferring wealth from the poor to the rich, republican voters can't help themselves from voting against their economic interests

Just off the top of my head

>expanded the federal bureaucracy to an (at the time) all time high.
>signed the single largest anti-second amendment legislation into law.
>set precedent in selling weapons to mudslimes
>fed and wrote notes to squirrels
>disastrous war on drugs campaign
>got shot

I dont know, but what i do know is that conservatives jerk off to him like he was the next Jesus Christ. My cuckservative father loves Reagan, when I ask him why, he says; He lowered taxes! Nobody messed with us, Iran gave the hostages back! Also I guess the economy got better too. Anyway people tend to forget that he was senile, and supported the military industrial complex. Either way he was a good goy

He legalized millions of spics, and they went behind his back and voted dem.

He was a globalist, but pushed U.S. global hegemony instead of cucking the U.S. to the third world. Of the two options I prefer Reagan's approach out of self-interest.


Trickle down proved effective then. The economy improved immensely under his first term. There's a reason he received 525 out of 538 electoral votes in the 84 election.

A bunch of traitors in this thread

He ended the Soviet Union and replaced a few left-wing dictatorships with right-wing capital-cucked dictatorships, if you want to consider murder a great thing.

He's a shapeshifter, quite likely. They proved it. I would hesitate to confer him as 'great', given the circumstances.

he caused lots of shitlib chimping, so yeah he was pretty good.

Wait so Reagan isn't actually a good president? Sup Forums has shown me things over the years that are absolute truths but I am having a hard time with this one.

Back to the leddit faggot.

For Neocons, it goes,

God, Country, Reagan.

He wasn't just good, he was that centuries best.

>blaming Reagan for the actions of Tip O'Neill's Democrat Congress

Ask Killer Mike.

Relative to other recent Presidents he was good, but conservatives have collectively decided that he is the incarnation of God (similar to how modern liberals view Obama). He did an okay job, but there have been substantially better presidents.

He did some good things, like help the economy boom like we've never seen it in our lives, ending the doldrums of the 70s, bringing down the soviet union, making the U.S. Chad thundercock of the world. But he did some shitty things too.

Ronald Reagan was an actor with alzheimer's.

He was a terrible president.

Alright so why did he make the machine gun ban?

Also he was the one that ushered in neoliberal economics as the status quo, so of course a large chunk of pol is going to hate him. That and the massive influx of leftist cancer after the election that hate him because "Muh trickledown! Muh military! Muh war on drugs!"

Reagan did stimulate the economy via tax cuts, yes, although some of the 80s economic boom was also due to coincidence of demographics, that being how the large baby boomer population was then entering their prime earning years.

Don't forget he created the Federal Department of Education.

The guy got shot, and the congress was full of democrats.

>Also he was the one that ushered in neoliberal economics as the status quo
That wasn't Reagan who signed NAFTA into law, it was a Democrat president.

No that was Carter, also technically the DoE was created under Eisenhower, but it was the Department of Health and Education until they were split in 1979.

He was the one that pushed free trade so hard, everyone knew Bill Clinton was just a conservative with token liberal beliefs. Supporting NAFTA is not the only thing that makes you a neoliberal. Reagan also proposed something like NAFTA anyway.

There was a nationwide crime epidemic going on at that time, some sort of gun control was considered a good idea then.

He was the coolest most badass cuckservative of them all.

the crime wave was caused by leaded gasoline and no abortions.

His gutting of mental health care caused these fucking homeless villages to come up in big cities because crazy assholes had nowhere to go. I'm glad that nigger got Alzheimer's, if there is a god he sure does enjoy poetic irony.

>gun control
He's a cuck m8

This. He was a sneaky prick at times and had his underhanded moments. I think his appeal is more based on his personality than a retrospective look at his admin.


There were a whole lot of reasons why the 70s-80s crime epidemic happened, including.

>an extremely soft, liberal judicial system that handed out joke sentences
>no death penalty between 1972 and 1976
>deterioration of the inner cities as jobs and money moved out of them to the suburbs

Another Democrat-pushed initiative. Liberals were all like oh no you can't lock up homeless nutcases it's a violation of their civil rights.

>this is what neocons actually believe
Soviet Union was done anyways, they were falling behind technologically/economically and the leadership was weak and divided.
Raegan played a large part in a lot of modern US problems. see

It's hard for us to understand how shitty the years before Reagan were to Americans. We had the idyllic post-war era of the 50s and early 60s, followed by the turbulent social upheaval of the late 60s, the stagnation of the 70s after the U.S. lost a war, felt declining U.S. influence in the world and a shit economy. Then Reagan came along with his "murica fuck yeah" attitude. He didn't take shit from hippies at home or commies abroad. Americans were optimistic again, and they prospered.

demographically it wasn't dissimilar to the late 1970s. Ford's & Carter's administrations were fucked. Try buying a house with mortgage interest rates at 18%

Democrats are culpable sure, but even when he was the governor of commiefornia he still pushed for and got done defunding and delegitimizing mental health care. Hell he even got rid of the law that allowed for involuntary hospitalization, because what could possibly go wrong with asking a fucking crazy persons consent with getting treatment?

The guy was good in some areas, but a useless fuck up in so many others. Cuckservatives can continue to wash his decrepit balls, but I'm not having it.

So the question of if Regan was a good president is very complex as his VP George Bush was a complete sell out to the Jewish World Order, that being said the man himself Regan was not an evil man and in truth he was the probably the last president the US had (Until trump arguably) that wasn't a complete sell out to the jews. This can clearly be shown as how his actions worked against the JWO. Firstly his economic policies created a strong American economy and destroyed the soviet union (along with the help of Gorbachev). What most people in the modern world don't realize is that regans plan was a good idea, his tax cuts on the upper class WOULD have successfully pumped more investment into the economy. And while the 80s were a time of outstanding economic growth bill Clintons decision to sign NAFTA sent millions of US jobs south of the border in search of cheap labor. One of the most telling things Regan did economically to prove he was not a globalist bitch was when japan began to drop cheap super conductors on the US market, Regan proceeded to pass a 100 percent tariff on their products. Regans war on drugs was also something the JWO did not want, however in Regan's latter years and through bush 41s year this was turned into a money making scheme for the lower levels of organized crime. He strengthen Americans place in the world, destroyed communist Russia, fought the drug king pins and perhaps most importantly brought fourth a relatively peaceful time in the world. If there is any way to tell an enemy of the jews, it is a man who stops them from starting another war to gain... for however brief a time

I'll grant, Trump has a number of advantages Reagan didn't, especially in Congressional control. Reagan never had a GOP House his entire administration. Social/alternative media is also a major advantage against Reagan's time when the dinosaur media like NBC and CBS still had an Orwellian control over everything.

Captain Spic Amnesty?

Nah. May he rot in Hell.

Fucking leaf

On a side note, the man who shot at Regan had close ties to the bush family. Had Regan been killed we would likely have seen something similar to the Kennedy and Johnson situation where the jews removed the "dangerous" one by assassination.

The largest segment of boomers were born in the mid-50s, during Eisenhower's first term, these guys (people my parents' age) were in their mid to late 20s when Reagan was elected, and they were instrumental in helping elect him. They were more conservative politically than the older boomers who were in college in the late 60s.

He did some good things, like a confrontational policy with the USSR, not afraid to be tough-on-crime, and a booming economy, but most of what many on Sup Forums like about him is his rhetoric: nationalism, importance of family and tradition, anti-communism, anti-feminism, small government, opposed to affirmative action, religion, no friend of abortion or gay rights. However, he realistically didn't accomplish anything in relation to these social and cultural issues, and the government actually got bigger during his term; the best you can say is that he moved the Overton window rightward on the acceptability of certain political positions for about 10-15 years. But he also did some really bad things, like the massive illegal immigration amnesty (which he had done nothing about when he was governor of California either), major anti-gun legislation, and his economic policies really kickstarted the globalization movement into high gear.

It was a sort of deal with the devil: let's make the country great for a decade right now, and ignore that it will cause lasting damage that will cause things to get shittier and shittier for the next 25 years.

>However, he realistically didn't accomplish anything in relation to these social and cultural issues
Eh? American society got a lot more socially conservative in the 80s, this was the era when fundie Christians were a major political force.

The Clinton boom was largely because of Reagan-era economics.
I also love the story of right after inauguration when he called Iran and said "the 82nd airborne is on the way. Release the hostages or be invaded"
Murica. Fuck yes.

I never said it was a good thing.
>they were falling behind
They didn't need to "be ahead" when they served their internal markets' needs well enough, or would have without a psychotic USA goading them and trying to convince other nations not to trade with them even for good and valuable consideration.
Tecumseh's Curse failed to deliver. Damn it all.
Just because the oligarch whose cock you're sucking rn became more powerful doesn't mean you made it happen.

>and ignore that it will cause lasting damage that will cause things to get shittier and shittier for the next 25 years

Things didn't go down the toilet until 2008, thanks to Reaganomics the US economy enjoyed a boom that lasted a quarter century, with only a few hiccups like the early 90s recession that were quickly overcome.

Though again, as I said, demographics played a part, one could argue that the recession in 08 was tangentially related to boomers starting to retire and causing a shrinkage in the workforce.

To paraphrase George Carlin "And Ronald Regan tells Tecumseh's Curse to go fuck itself! And it does!!!"

Yes, but did they accomplish anything in terms of legislation or policy during that era? No, and all of that stuff just moved out of the mainstream and into various subcultures, returning with even greater force and into the mainstream during the Clinton years; PC culture and the liberals' increasing distance from religion was practically a reaction to the strong patriotism, looming religious culture of the 80s (remember things like Satanic panic, Jerry Falwell, and the like).

>There were a whole lot of reasons why the 70s-80s crime epidemic happened, including.
yes, but the decline is a mix of all of our reasons being reversed.

>Wait so Reagan isn't actually a good president?
Part truth, part Reddit influence. Remember after the 2016 election they are still pissed Trump won.

Name no policies. I liked Obama but he was black, therefore he was a bad president. How does that make you feel, cuck?

Reagan economically played the best cards he was dealt, although he amped up the trend of borrowing against the next generation at least times 10. Deficits like a motherfucker, and people talk about the high savings interest rates, all the while forgetting that 1/3 of the savings and loan banks went belly up during and immediately after his term in office.

Crime wise, he was a terrible president and utterly ineffective. Millions were let out of madhouses because of books and movies of the 1970s were depicting them for what they are: shitholes. So once they got out, they decided to act their desires out. This is the era before violent video games and phones, so there were a lot of people who had nothing better to do with their time. Gangbanging was the go-to, especially in the cities, and the incarceration population pretty much replaced the madhouse population.

Politics wise, he was the best president to face down the USSR: an actor, but also an American icon who was also an informant for the FBI during the Red Scare and testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee. A great showdown whose term saw the unfolding, but sadly not the total dissolution of the USSR. That was saved for Bush Sr.

>No, and all of that stuff just moved out of the mainstream and into various subcultures, returning with even greater force and into the mainstream during the Clinton years
It's almost like you're saying that...electing Democrats is bad for the culture at large! In fact, I don't remember any Looney Toons Tumblr feminists and BLM when Bush was president, do you?

They say a nation takes on the personality of its leader. In the case of can see the tragic results.

>Crime wise, he was a terrible president and utterly ineffective. Millions were let out of madhouses because of books and movies of the 1970s were depicting them for what they are: shitholes. So once they got out, they decided to act their desires out. This is the era before violent video games and phones, so there were a lot of people who had nothing better to do with their time. Gangbanging was the go-to, especially in the cities, and the incarceration population pretty much replaced the madhouse population.
Crime rates were already high before Reagan was president, the nationwide crime epidemic began in the late 60s and ended during the Clinton years.

I'll gladly embrace being called a traitor if it means being happy that a faggot who banned full auto firearms and gave amnesty to millions of spics is burning in hell.
Your growth came from the huge private debt growth that happened that decade and one of the reasons the 90s recession happened.
It went from 100% to 120% of GDP during his term, almost as much as during the 2000-2008 period.
In the short term it did increase the demand and help the economy grow but in the long term it is not a good thing.
Japan also experienced massive post-WWII growth due to debt growth but it ended with very unhealthy effects.

Ronald Reagan was a bad president like George W. Bush was a bad president. They had no "policies" because they were fucking puppets.

Kennedy actually was the first guy to propose supply side economics, 20 years earlier. Reagan did often point out that Kennedy was the originator of that, which made a lot of Democrats wince (never mind that Reagan had voted for Kennedy and wasn't a Republican until 1964).

>ended during the Clinton years.

U mean it got adopted and embedded into government. Basicaly employed.

No. Ronald Reagan's favorite president was that great though.

>no-fault divorce
even though he did that while he was a governor


Amnesty for Hispanics, Jewish economics (Milton Friedman, Arthur Laffer, etc.), bloated US military in the service of globalist plutocracy. Wall Street Jews and other finance and big business con men heavily prospered, the working class certainly didn't. He was an exemplar of the American faux-right. The way conservatives masturbate to him is sickening, and is a top sign of how retarded and worthless they are.

It's true like the gipper said, he is our most underrated president.

>He [Coolidge] wasn’t a man with flamboyant looks or style, but he got things done in a quiet way. He came into office after World War I facing a momentous war debt, but instead of raising taxes, he cut the tax rate and government revenues increased, permitting him to eliminate the wartime debt…

Didnt he order airstrikes to kill ghadaffi? You know, the one guy that could've united libya. Or was it congress?

also, roasted normies before it was a thing.

>Here's the story: There was dinner at the White House when Calvin Coolidge was president. A woman said to him "I made a bet with a friend that I couldn't get you to say two words.".

>He turned to her and said, "You lose!"

Probably the least bad President of the 20th century, and I like him as a person. But if you spent the 20's slaving away in a factory, without the Federal government looking out for you, balancing the scales against business, as countless were, you probably wouldn't be so enthusiastic about him.

Don't forget Amnesty '86, a badass Globalist move.

Not even. By the mid 80s, we were doing (the lighting for) custom homes and these poor people were paying like 18 or 19% on their mortgages. I had great credit and my last Toy was like 17% interest.

Totally crashed the building industry in Texas. Very few builders came back after. Electrical and plumbing companies that had been around for 40 years when under or IF they survived, were shadows of their former selves.

Look up the S&L crisis. There's one helluva story for you. And Iran Contra. Imho, a lot of this demonization of Iran is the result of trying to keep the details of the 1980 election diverted. (US/ UK were at fault for the revolution anyway)



He was OK, Bush shooting him for threatening the deep state kneecapped a lot of good he might have done.

smuggled guns to Iran to pay for a war in Nicaragua which also brought drugs to the US which helped pay for the war
escalated the war on drugs after helping smuggle drugs
supported the assault weapons ban
had a hand in emptying mental health facilities

Will Donald Trump surpass him?

The truth is you had a similar situation then as today, a bunch if entitled SJW thug types running amok, shitting up colleges, being all around a bunch of commie bastards. Reagan kicked them down and that's where a lot of his actions come from.

So he did more bad than good but is remembered for doing a few very big good things? So he was like a 7/10 president? The responses are interesting. I always thought he was one of the best presidents we ever had.

There are no good American presidents in the 20th century. Reagan helped the left win the Cold War by painting the Soviet Union as a fascist regime.

lol this is what Alex Jones watchers believe.

oh forgot to mention Starwars

fucking based