Which button do you press Sup Forums?
Which button do you press Sup Forums?
fuck you
>not pressing both at the same time
I've got two hands.
Muslims, muslims are a tricky bunch, and antifa is fucking easy to handle
no contradictiona at all
Antifa, as long as it's slow, painful, gruesome, and televised.
Kind of misses the point of this meme.
That said, Muslims are obviously a bigger problem.
Easy... the Muslims. Antifa are complete pussies.
That'd make a HUGE dent in purging academia of the failed 2nd wave feminist zealots that want a world government that runs like a berrypicking tribe, so we can make sociology great again.
Without the bullshit "science" backing them up, leftist politicians lose the credibility basis for their idiotic policies and they lose the normie vote who believe anything "experts say". And immigration policy can be fixed proper.
We can always just nuke the muslims afterwards.
This is simple, muslims
Lmao you all are bad asses.
I'll leave it to you to Save America.
I'm a pussy. I can't choose.
Left. We can take care of Antifa ourselves. Bunch of limp wristed cuckold pussies that could be taken care of with attack dogs and fire hoses.
Ehhh, by what distinction do you mean Antifa? People who hold Antifa sympathies? People who are leftists? Or just the handful of edgy kids who get on the streets?
Muslims. You'll get more bang for your buck.
I still don't know the answer. I lean towards the death of all communists because it's anti-human, but islam is, by every measure, a bigger problem.
Muzzies. That's like 1.5 billion casualties as opposed to like a million antifa, maybe. More bang for your buck.
Where is the jews button?
Antifa. Killing all Antifa and Antifa supporters/handlers/masters shuts down almost all "kill whitey" initiatives and degeneracy. It also kills the majority of the (((eternal enemy))) of all goykind. And without Antifa, any pro-Muzzie support will almost evaporate, opening up possibilities for some ethnic cleansing.
>All of the above.
How does Sup Forums feel, knowing that antifa is literally fighting against ISIS, while they are sitting in their mum's basements, typing online about how macho they are?
Ex-military here
They just sat there in the already cleared areas and were basically cannon-fodder scouts, they didn't do jack shit but patrol.
>antifa fighting ISIS
Incorrect, they're mostly SpecOps. Same way Spetsnaz were caught wearing Hezbollah uniforms.
The few real antifa that are there (like that one faggot from california) sit around in the rear or checkpoints where there's no fighting.
oh thats easy, kill all commies. there's waaaaaaaaay more commies than mudslimes and they're a bigger threat. after they're all dead you burn all commie writings so that poisonous ideology will never rear its ugly face again
Communists, the Muslims lose their legislative foot hold and can be reduced and contained back to their desert if everyone with a communist/socialist/Marxist ideology is out of the equation.
Muslims. This will drive the antifa into a frenzy, making them easy to pick off.
Easy. Muslims. Antifa will grow up eventually.
This is pretty hard actually.
>Kill Muslims, the hoard of savages invading Europe
>Kill Anti-Fascists, and eliminate the victims of Cultural Marxism in colleges, and even some of the kike professors, also eliminating a massive part of the left wing voting basis in America
I'd probably kill antifa, putting us on the road on eliminating Islam
Gotta go with muslims because they're more formidable. Antifags mostly just fuck themselves.
If we kill muslims, half of antifa will disappear