I've never posted here until now but I lurk constantly and read almost everything in every thread I find. I'm red pilled and far more intelligent than I was before thanks largely in part to the information here so before I get to the topic thank you in general to Sup Forums.
There is always a lot of discussion here about world governments, secret agendas, deep state nonsense and the true rulers of the world but I'd like to know what the direction is. It's almost obvious when you've got people like Soros who manages to evade the spotlight yet has his fingers in everything one can imagine that something far more sinister is going on. The question I'm asking here is 'why'. He has money, power, influence and the ability to remain far outside of any nations law and more people like him do exist.
If there is in fact an agenda higher than all other agendas what would it be. Why are these ultra rich people so concerned with world governments and why do they try to destroy them? The motivation can't be money, they have more of it than anyone else. In your opinion what is actually going on behind the curtain.