I've never posted here until now but I lurk constantly and read almost everything in every thread I find...

I've never posted here until now but I lurk constantly and read almost everything in every thread I find. I'm red pilled and far more intelligent than I was before thanks largely in part to the information here so before I get to the topic thank you in general to Sup Forums.

There is always a lot of discussion here about world governments, secret agendas, deep state nonsense and the true rulers of the world but I'd like to know what the direction is. It's almost obvious when you've got people like Soros who manages to evade the spotlight yet has his fingers in everything one can imagine that something far more sinister is going on. The question I'm asking here is 'why'. He has money, power, influence and the ability to remain far outside of any nations law and more people like him do exist.

If there is in fact an agenda higher than all other agendas what would it be. Why are these ultra rich people so concerned with world governments and why do they try to destroy them? The motivation can't be money, they have more of it than anyone else. In your opinion what is actually going on behind the curtain.

Other urls found in this thread:


They're Jewish; its in their nature

The only reason that I can think of is that it must be because of some spiritual or religious reason. Everything else just doesn't make sense.

>doesn't mention jews.

Fuck off you lying shill.

lurk at least two more years before posting again.

Some advice:
Your post is very verbose
bottom line up front

Looks to either:
>Jews win
>Whites wn
>Jesus returns
I'm betting on Jesus. A Jewish victory would be hell on earth and a white one would neccessitate destroying most of whats good about whites.

I really can't figure this out either. The best that I can think of is that they want to merge with machines and live eternally, while exterminating the middle and working classes.

What do people who have everything need?

The agenda is to ensure as many souls die from the eternal death as possible.

The question you're asking is "what's their endgame", but you didn't know that do you must be new

You don't seem to have an answer either.



mentality, fucked up brains and thinking

i think you are not red-pilled but brown-pilled, meaning you ate too much conspiracy shit

there is no global conspiracy or an equivalent. few years ago a mathematician did a calculation on how long it would take a conspiracy on average till it would leak from the inside. he used a variety of different values for his parameters (amount of people involved, ...) and the short answer is:
if there was ever a bigger conspiracy, it would have already been leaked completely in full detail (eg snowden style)

Can you give me a source for this please? I'd like to read it.

go on youtube and lookup crazy old jews from Israel. With all the war stuff happening since 9/11 they think were are in the End of Days. T_D is Lucifer and they couldn't be happier that things are only getting worse. Enjoy OP!

its too long ago so i dont remember, but if you google for half an hour you will find it. afaik it was definitly after 2010 so it will still be there

Thank you then.

I'm going to bed so I'll keep it short.

It's about control. People at high levels of power have a neurotic lust for control which predisposes them to be corrupted.

Money is a tool, not an end.

There is a religious component but it's really deep and complicated. Read into the Zohar, Talmud, Masonic history, communist history, and the Protocols.

And finally there is the deeper occult meaning and motivation, which is a level deeper than their rituals and power structures and philosophy.

It's complicated, but lurk more, and pipe up and ask questions when you have them. This place is ideally built of discussion, and you get what you put in.

The main agenda is to bring the world together under the rule of the anti christ. The elite are all luciferians

PS I highly recommend you read "Under the Sign of the Scorpion"

It's a good book to get a good overview of many of the different incarnations of "it".


Its pure Bolshevism just hidden behind different names. It springs essentially from Jews growing up being taught of how persecuted they've been and how they were chosen to be in control rather than how to find a place within the society they live in. This leads them to be dissatisfied with societies that are entirely fair to them and in turn to attempt to convince anyone that will listen that society is rotten and Marxist ideals must be enacted to destroy all remnants of the society that persecuted them, and also to place them firmly in control.
All identity politics are just arms of trying to create disaffected populations within society which in turn will revolt and brutally enact their Socialism

were all gonna die

It's part of life. We die in this world and become whole with Christ. Unfortunately, the godless think they can play God and cheat death.

yeah i know but no one will ever live again

If you believe in Christ you will have eternal life

living forever sounds like hell to me

Not if you're with Christ

its about a global economy

the ultimate shopping mall- earth

he sounds like a pussy faggot

power consolidation


They want to be the only species on the planet and see others as pee ons. So they want to be godlike beings or the only beings.

>Why are these ultra rich people so concerned with world governments and why do they try to destroy them?

Just because you're rich doesn't mean you're right, in touch with regular people, or value anything our country was founded on.

like Romney not knowing what the price of a gallon of milk was. Best example I can give. Also rich people have their own echo chambers which is the New York Times and Wallstreet Journal.

OP, the truth of the worlds elite agenda is truly terrifying.

Without question, the most praised deity by the global elite is THE ARCHANGEL LUCIFER.

And the Jews goal is to "lead all man astray from god" whilst they do shit like have naked house parties, pray before dinner, and know the truth of Luciferianism/practice it/and LIE ABOUT HOLY ARCHANGEL LUCIFER.

you sound like you are underage. checks with your flag.


Eyes wide shut is a good example of this.

It's the kikes dummy

>Muh redpill
I do agree that Sup Forums broadens your political spectrum since you can discuss and debate things here that are otherwise considered tabu. But you should take most shit you read here very lightly. Sure some things that are discussed here that seem way too convoluted to be real might still be true. But most talk, especially about an underlying world government and the (((jews))) are most likely just straight up fiction. I very much doubt the human ability to be diabolical enough to the extent that a small group of people can push a hidden agenda and control the world together.

Depopulation on a massive scale with the goal of creating a Utopia for the few remaining followers of Satan and their progeny.

Unfortunately it seems that the end game is the death of most humans. Incremental cultural battle seems to be losing its effectiveness. Now they're "predicting" 100M+ death pandemics.


Why are they so interested in forcing dozens of vaccines on babies by threat of jail? What else are they up to with vaccines? What will the Trump vaccine investigation uncover?


Why do elites get different vaccines than regular people?


>Business Insider
Hooktube that shit, it's like archive.is for youtube


>And to weigh in on the actual subject at hand
It's no secrete that rich and powerful people have closed meetings to discuss a hidden agenda. The Bilderberg group is among the most famous examples I guess. But I very much doubt the agenda is anything else than them agreeing on not fucking up the world completely. Basically just them taking responsibility for having the amount of power they do. I don't think there is a more diabolical underlying agenda than that.

Then ofc these powerful people go full lone wolf and uses their power to push their own personal agenda like Soros but I don't think that is anything else than semi bored rich people using their power to play 4d chess with the world. I mean wouldn't you?

>not fucking up the world completely

You mean not fucking it up for themselves.

well obviously the two are correlated. A broken world economy doesn't benefit them or us.


I just want to say a quick thing, I was there when he got shot ,he walked .. They walked him past me so I could see him and identify him because I knew him in the neighborhood.. and uhh the police officer said he didnt even know he was shot. So, if it gives you any comfort , I dont think he had any pain .. PHYSICALLY ..so , if that helps


Its because power is hard to hold onto. Their evil methods are to consolidate it for their future descendants

Damn, great read thanks for sharing

I think it transcends the material world. Ephesians says we are not in battle with the flesh but what is invisible; the "principalities" that rule. A global agenda which can sustain humans within immorality is the goal. What they refer to as Satan wants as many humans to spiritually perish as possible. It's working.

>Why are these ultra rich people so concerned with world governments and why do they try to destroy them?

You're asking a very vague question. These "ultra rich people" have always existed ever since the establishment of the first monarchies/republics/chiefdoms in the world. They are bankers, military leaders, merchants, union leaders etc etc.. I think you better study and read more about how governments actually work and operate before you dive into these conspiratard bullshits. Honestly a lot of it are just misguided and childish,trust me I've been there. The true red pill about governing billions of people is far more mundane, bleak and hopeless. It's honestly a chore to even dive into it without any education. Best stick to your race, religion politics and shits, that's where all the drama is.

Hi OP, here is the endgame

>since JFK was murked in 63, elite Jews have solidified a deep state assisted by WASPs (Bushes, Clintons, Cheney etc) and the CIA, who's relentless self preservation has supplanted Western democracy

>these Jewish elites bribe US politicians using the Fed Reserve, which they founded and control, and via Wall Street tips and Ivy League power, where they are now a silent majority, and also via Saudi oil shieks

>the Saudis are basically closet Jews, and Israelis, Zionists, and greedy WASPs have colluded for a New World Order

>the NWO entails a United State of Israel, a glorious ethno-theocratic Kingdom built on nat-socialism, having hegemony over the realm; Greater Israel will be the enlightened HQ of a globalist NWO, not the UN. It will control oil, and irs 400+ nukes at Dimona will be used as a threat to interference

>our present day is a latter conditioning stage: mixed race unions are propagated via MSM/Hollywood, porn is used to level out male aggression/attention, atheism is promoted because Christians are the last threat, and whites are losing their power in all sides

>global warming is justification for: energy oversight, surveillance if dissidents, travel restrictions, limitations of ownership *renting Apts and using Uber soon to be enforced*

>Jews believe their eons of persecution are over, and that this suffering was meant for them to oversee a Utopian system where all other races are goyim; moreover it justifies harsh measures to solidify their "promised" realm

>this is why the Clintons and Trumps have married and entangled into Jewish bloodlines, for leverage

>another 9/11 will occur soon, this will be bkamed blamed on Iran, Syria, and Putin, to clear out the Middle East in a final solution; ISIS is a proppedup bogeyman to prime Americans against Islam

>after this next 9/11, and WWIII (West vs Islam), a massive domestic culling will occur through disease or bioweapons, halving the Bible Belt. Jews win

Everything physical is a manifestation of the spiritual turmoil and tumble. These people don't matter but just represent the death of things. This can turn and move, but we have plummeted dangerously down towards Hell and when Hell snaps into reality, so does Heaven.

Newfags, as always, research

>Kalergi plan
>Oded-Yinon Plan
>Greater Israel Project
>Samson Option
>Urban Moving Systems / Dominik Suter x 9/11

>Henry Ford: The International Jew - The World's Foremost Problem
>Kevin MacDonald: The Culture of Critique
>E. Michael Jones: The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit
>Thomas Paine: Age & Reason (Jew Chapter)
>Martin Luther: On Jews & Their Lies
>Eustace Mullins
>William Pierce: The Turner Diaries
>Million Dollar Extreme: How to Bomb the US Gov

All are found online as PDF, save travels
