when did you give up?
>rotherham had 1400 girls raped and sold as sex slaves
>kept secret by the police and social workers
>they did not get money, they were just afraid of being called racist
>this makes no difference
when did you give up?
>rotherham had 1400 girls raped and sold as sex slaves
>kept secret by the police and social workers
>they did not get money, they were just afraid of being called racist
>this makes no difference
English """men""" did nothing
>just afraid of being called racist
they were complicit and probably took part in rapes
being called racist is worse than letting thousands of working class white girls being raped by pakkis
>President I want gets in
>Gets stopped repeatedly because judicial activism isn't illegal
>They get off scot free while shitting on our Constitution
>being called racist is worse than letting thousands of working class white girls being raped by pakkis
they were 'asian gangs', not pakis
>people thinking this was isolated to rotherham
Theres a variation of this in every western country even asian countries.
Fact is dumb whores are easy to take advantage of by foreign gangs.
Thats why the only solution is to end immigration and foreign gangs to be outlawed.
Just start killing people already you fucks.
you fucking nigger prison island
descendancy from niggers and criminals
I expect nopthing else, nigger
fuck off
you dont know europe
Genocide is the only solution.
I know this goes on in your country and region.
stfu cuckson he's right , all women are whores
ur female relatives want black and brown cock ,
this is how women work , they need to be dominated like that
put them in their place u fucking faggots, how about being a viking for once?
I seriously had no clue this actually happened. I'm at a loss of words right now...god I feel so sick to my stomach. I'm officially done supporting the West, fuck this disgusting society.
dude this is old news
I know
it's seething hatred boiling beneath
I am so angry I cant' describe it
1 400 young girla
fuck off, spic
I didn't even know it was about pakis till I started browsing pol, now I'm jogging every morning and lifting and at some point going full vigilante in Luton
But that's meanie pie.
Eurofags will fall. Who cares.
you're an entitled little faggot sven , nobody respects nords anymore that shit died in ww2
it's common knowledge down here that most blonde haired blue eyed males are soft faggots
it's disgusting desu
don't be fucking stupid
you're literally subhuman filth
no one gives a shit
This thread is bait op isnt norwegian.
I rejoiced so much learning about all this shit going on in Britain - this is what anglos get for putting kikes in power and starting WW2. Maybe there is justice in the world.
It's true, how many little girls are raped and torn in pieces in Eurofagtopia?
A lot.
I think they should start over.
Press the reset button and take the viruses out.
Plus they're mostly pussies. They'll give up their wives.
This happens in russia too
jeg er norsk din australske dritt
Neg ur not neger
In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that at least 1,400 children, most of them white girls aged 11–15, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by a network of British-Pakistani men
A "common thread" was that taxi drivers had been picking the children up for sex from care homes and schools.[c] The abuse included gang rape, forcing children to watch rape, dousing them with petrol and threatening to set them on fire, threatening to rape their mothers and younger sisters, and trafficking them to other towns.[21] There were pregnancies—at least one at age 12—terminations, miscarriages, babies raised by their mothers, and babies removed, causing further trauma
u can't punish children you weirdo they are the future
u don't reign shit , u barely reigned shit back in the day because all the other euros kept u faggots at bay with violence , all u have on us is aestethics
what the fuck have norwregians ever even done other than being vikangz 1000 years ago and varg? snow nigger please , you're nobody
the real hardcore nords were the germans and they're all fucking dead , the ones alive today descend from the cowards
you ain't shit no more , your country is a caliphate , ur women worship nigger dick
desu senpai apart from aesthetics you really weren't all that back in the day either , no that different from all the other euros militarily speaking , at times inferior even
specially norway , you're fucking tundra peasants , nobody ever gave a shit about u , who even are u? go back to ur igloo
>snow nigger please , you're nobody
t. literal spic nigger
yeah I'm not concerned with your "insights"
we can't afford to lose more people , euros just need to sort their shit out and stop being cucks
Stop feeding him. Hes an immigrant larping as a norwegian. Scandinavian threads are filled with them.
u fucking retard , ur delusional
zero fucking respect for u cucks , and that means something because ur supossed (at least according to u) to deserve respect
but u don't get no respect anymore , nobody respects u because u don't deserve it
the niggers are going to kill all of u , they are going to fuck ur women and children and steal ur shit and take ur lands , u don't have the numbers of commited soldiers to stop it
have fun with that
he's russian , all this no more brother wars is bullshit , whites never got along and never will
is he? let's find out
why you are so cocky? what is norway achievements in history or modern days?
at least they aren't arabs , well , not all of them
not yet
why are you defending a subhuman form uruguay?
*monkey noises*
>what is norway achievements in history or modern days?
well Egyptians arent arabs nor genetically nor as traditions, we arabized for political reasons
I am not defending anyone, I just didnt like your tone
wow they importing african and pakistani kids because they arent men enough to produce kids in their own
if you are willing to trust a leaf poster then you are worthless
lmfao that ironic shit is a western/nordic feature it seems , you fucking hipster cuck at least use the appropiate racial terminology and slurs , i'm a dago not a spic you fucking feminine Link from Zelda looking twink
it's kinda sad desu what's going to happen to u , you'll just disappear , get mixed with the other europeans eventually , if any of us even survives this shit that is
victory or defeat the world will become a darker , uglier place either way , i don't give shit i'll freely admit that
I dont need to trust him, Europe clearly in a very danger path
egyptians are mongrels who gives a shit
I haven't yet. Sometimes it's fucking hard, seeing the absolute gutter the world is becoming. But we can't give up, giving into nihilism is admitting defeat.
and wtf do u care? ur probably glad this is happening
>trump lets in thousads more refugees
>gets cucked by obama deal no balls to break it
>saudi arabia
>more troops in syria
we were wrong in trying to save it. we need to pour gas on it.
but how do we disprove nihilism?
*monkey noises*
i didn't answer the question in OP
never , u fucking loser
Sup Forums mods delete threads where fake scientists are getting exposed as liars
but the nigger threads are eternal
well that because you are ignorant about Egypt that it, and you are not much different than that norwegian you are cocky for no reason, what is uruguay achievements in history or modern days?
again proving ur arrogance not all Egyptian are muslims, I am not muslims to be glad about what is happening in Europe, at least Egyptians fight terrorists not welcoming them in their homes
This threads most likely made by some proxy nip.
>start a discussion on seriois topic
>start screaming nigger nigger nigger at anyone that replies in the thread
When my own mother shrugged off all these Rotherham-type rape gangs and voted Labour.
request your proof and I shall provide
I am literally norwegian, I just respond negatively to Australian and Uruguayan niggers talking shit to me
I gave up when Trump did. Le pens loss was the nail in the coffin. Enjoy your enrichment whitey. Ironically as a fairly tall and masculine white man I can probably enjoy it more than the retarded people that vote for it.
Whitey is gonna get so fucked. Straight back to developing world standards of living. Dumb as shit!
I don't think you can disprove it, it's ever pervasive and dwelling just behind the eyes. But we have to hold on to hope, even if it's only a small hope. You can cling to your own aspirations, doing things for yourself and those closest to you.Even with the terror of extinction, we need to keep pushing forward.
>don't look back in anga'
>but how do we disprove nihilism?
u don't , u deal wid it
>*monkey noises*
that's that fucking nordic ingenuity right there
u know i saw a story today about two atracctive young dutch girls that went to panama (in 2014)) alone (FUCKING ALONE ON SPIC COUNTRY CAN U BELIEVE THAT SHIT!!???) and lo and behold , fucking shocker , they disappeared and were found dead a few weeks later (prolly raped and killed) , i saw pics of the parents , the fathers looked like whortless effeminate cucks , prolly looked alot like u
for some reason that made me so fucking angry and it shopuldn't , wtf do i care?
but i do care , i mean i can deal with being put down and being mocked by nords about "muh racia lsuperiority" , sure whatever who cares , but only as long as ur coming from a place of realness , not faggotry
like the germans , they inspired respect
nowadays the fucking muslims inspire more respect than u , just fucking neck urselves already m8 or revolt or do something it's just fucking disgusting seeing this shit
Yes, give up on your country and homeland! It's already over, friend. You can't go back. Let's all share our moment when we realized we lost and descended into nihilism before offing ourselves.
Stop being coons, Europe.
*oooga booga*
fuck off, kike
this does not concern your semitic race
Lol you're a fucking disgusting sandnigger mate. You're not even human. Fuck Egypt, I hope Israel annexes it.
hi brit guy, talk when ur government stop supporting terrorists like muslims brotherhood.
Israel and Egypt are friends go out of it
I'm on your side, retard. You guys need to stop being so blackpilled and nihilistic.
>well that because you are ignorant about Egypt that it, and you are not much different than that norwegian you are cocky for no reason, what is uruguay achievements in history or modern days?
Uruguay is not a real country , who cares , we're irrelevant.
>again proving ur arrogance not all Egyptian are muslims, I am not muslims to be glad about what is happening in Europe, at least Egyptians fight terrorists not welcoming them in their homes
U like every other non-white out there wants to fuck white women and steal the white men's shit , specially when it comes to nordics. i know what u shitskins are all about , if ur one of the few exeptions , who cares? most of u are absolute scum and our implicit enemies
i'm going on blatant and shameless attention-grabbing narcissistic rants because , i dunno , i'm mentally unstable due to childhood abuse or whatever who cares , something triggered me a few hours ago and now i just need to get the rage out in a creative albeit harmless manner
i'm actually very humble irl , like The Golden One , expect i'm not as glorious
ook ook
ur on our side rabbi? well that's great
here let me tell u about our plans
lol. yes, i'm subverting you by telling you to stop being so defeatist and fight for your country.
u expect me to trust u on any level? how about when we decide to deal with ur semitic brothers? will u be on our side then?
> fuck white women and steal the white men's shit
wtf is this bullshits, first of all, Egyptian men usually have no interest in european women because guess what? they are boring feminists, leftist brainwashed, I am happily engaged to a beautiful feminine family oriented egyptian girl
This may shock you but I am not some high level government official capable of speaking on behalf of my people. Yes, I think White European survival is the most important thing in the world right now. If Europe falls, the world will fall.
Stop falling for the ((jew)) that made this thread you are on the same side.
white women>other women
that's a fucking fact , ur wife prolly resembles a european woman
When I decided to bring up politics with my best bro and he completely defended gender non-conforming "people"
When I got called a racist by my sister for quoting Martin Luther King and claiming that individuals have autonomy over their actions to not commit crimes or have kids out of wedlock.
Or when I as an Italian American justified the existence of Columbus Day and noted the history and significance of it to Italians, and just got lashed out at by blacks and Mexicans.
>conservatives lose their majority due to the shittest political campaign i have ever seen with some of the shittest policies i have ever seen
>somehow this is seen as nobody wanting a hard brexit
It's pretty clear they never wanted a Brexit in the first place
jews are not white , u as a group are a threath to us and we need to put a stop to ur kikery , ideally only the actual kikes would die and the whiter jews , the ones that don't act like kikes , would be left alone
unfortunatly war is chaotic and we might just have to slaugther all of u , nothing personal
How is this 'asian' gangs? WTF. They're fuckin paki.
I never claimed to be white.
Forget it, this is just going to derail into pointless "gas to kike" bullshit. I literally said nothing other than I support White Euros in defending their country.
Good luck.
Don't worry good people appreciate good jews
Go fuck yourself chaim your people are responsible for all of this
oh , but ur so fucking innocent and u care so much about our wellbeing ain't that grand?
well guess what? fuck israel , if war happens it's my tribe against yours , nothing personal
and don't be a fucking hypocrite you kike , it's not out of benevolence that u care about us , u know what's in ur best interest
nobody wants to live among shitskins
"asian" in the classical sense, which is what the romans called turkey and beyond, which is what the bongs use.
These last two terrorist attacks in London where the British people did their whole "imagine" schtick for the umpteenth time
good jews i.e mostly genetically white """""jews"""""
like mike from trs and probably sam hyde
I refuse to give up. There's too much at stake.
You don't need any Jews subverting your movements. You guys seem to do a great job of it on your own. For all of our sake I hope you guys can get past this "everyone is a jew" shit and unify, or once you get everyones DNA results back and confirm genetic purity, you'll have already been overran by slimes.
I'm just going to get called a kike shill or whatever, but there's no super secret Jew world domination meeting or anything. Most of us like Europe and America.
amazingly, mudslimes came to Europe from a region near Israel, which support open borders, just not for themselves, Not to mention Callergi plan. Quit lying Bilderberg pawn, we all know what are you trying to do.
Yes, I agree top tier Jews (mostly old money nihilistic atheists) are heavily responsible for this. So are the European leaders who willingly accepted them. There's plenty of blame to go around.
if you act like a kike u are a kike , if ur a jew and u look and act like a white man guess fucking what? ur a white(ish) man racially speaking , even fucking hitler would have probably been fine with u
desu senpai u might as well stop being a cultural jew and larp as an italian cause if white people revolt jews won't be safe
i know that's a long shot (white people revolting) but still
Brevik is the only man with balls in all of Yurop.
that has done anything significant
I didnt give up
But I got redpilled when I realize its infintely greater than "1400" and only I can do anything to change this and stop this
kikes , niggers , spics , etc in essence the worst elements of all races need to fucking go , kill them or sterilize them
I just want to die lads
nice trips
u got this leaf
So you think going through and genociding random Jewish citizens is the solution? Do you truly believe that every Jewish person is secretly conspiring to destroy your people? Do you truly believe we even have that power if we wanted?