I don't understand how anyone on here can seriously hate people they've never met based solely on an arbitrary trait...

I don't understand how anyone on here can seriously hate people they've never met based solely on an arbitrary trait like skin color.

Like I'm honestly confused.

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=muhammed ali on race mixing

That's because you're either willfully ignorant or a troll, they hate the other characteristics that are usually cultural, like calling all intelligent people either urkel or uncle Tom to promote low academic achievement and keep the black people down via bad opportunities. Then again, this comes from MTV (guess what those execs look like?) than from other blacks.

I'm not racist, but MTV needs to be charged with genocide and you have the mind of a child if you're actually denying black American culture isn't pro-crime, anti intellectual, unnecessarily racist and completely misogynistic. If these aren't hateable characteristics, you are tolerating intolerance and that makes you a bigot too.

and that movie ends with him getting shot by a nig cause nigs gonna nig. they dont have the intelligence to form a quote like that.

it's called prejudice, stupid

profiling, if you must

It's called evolution faggot, you want survive the next black death by sucking black cock.


there is and have never been anyone who is racists because of skin color. people are "racist" because of culture and values

it's not skin color only either, dumbfuck.

Stupid and ignorant people often find themselves confused.

>skin color

These excuses are so lame.
Black people have been systematically abused through poor public school funding, high proportion of unjust police arrests, and the war on drugs.

If whites were made into slaves and then made to suffer through hundreds of years of segregation, then have to suffer through years of an unjust legal system that targets them, you would be singing a different tune.

You refuse to look at history and you rely on fake science no evidence. So I ask again, why are you racist? I literally can't even imagine why.


> Genetics are only skin deep

Go live among niggers for a year, and you'll know why people are racist
But I bet your neighborhood is 99% white and your only interaction with a black person is that lovely black family down the street that acts "white" you occasionally invite to your family barbecues
You've never interacted with a real nigger, and when you do you'll probably shit yourself you little faggot

And I don't understand how anyone can conflate loving their own people with hate. I can't speak for everyone here but, I don't hate anyone at all. I just want the best for me and my family. Race is a direct extension of the family. At the end of the day i believe in nationalism and want the best for all mankind. I want a china-man to be the best china-man to he can be , and to have beautiful Chinese babies and raise them in the best way he sees fit.

youtube.com/results?search_query=muhammed ali on race mixing

Straya leading the charge

There is no such thing as racial differences in intelligence, this pseudo science has been debunked numerous times already I'm shocked to see it still spread.

How can you expect African countries to be as highly "educated" as "white" countries, when European countries raped and pillaged them repeatedly?

If African Americans were given the public school funding they deserve, gang violence would stop overnight. It's a proven fact, as shown in European countries where integration has rapidly improved the lives of millions of African immigrants.

I'm like this. I want everyone to be their best and go home to do their thing. But it feels like now days, something is forcing the world to be 1 home and that doesn't work. You can work great with coworkers but you don't want to go home with them and be with them 24/7.


you do realize black people are not the only "victims" in this world right? you do realize there is a whole world outside of the US? You do realize that not all nations practiced slavery right? you do realize that Africans and Arabs enslaved white people right?

Riddle me this, two European nations can hold racists attitudes towards each other, yet they are both white, how is this possible?

are you literally shaking? you fucking tourist reddit cunt shitbag motherfucker

What do European countries have that African countries don't?

>Hmmmmm, i wonder???

if you want to call the absolutely irrefutable crime statistics racist, or blame it on some shit that happened a century ago, and use the word "systematically" as you do it, you've lost your mind.

some accountability, please, and maybe your kind will be viewed with a shred of respect in affirmative-action-ville, USA. fucking loser.

Race is more than colour. It's subspecies.

LMAO. When was Liberia "raped and pillaged" by whites?

They are given it, but the principles/deans pocket the money or have a shit ton of secretaries/mail room clerks/ advisors to the point none of the money makes it to the kids. And most of the big cities put blacks into those higher position to be diverse, and nothing changes.

Have to be from Africa to be African American, most blacks are born/raised in America so they are just black.

Literal ethnic group called slaves in an outdated language industrialize a country in 20 years and put the first man in space
Were forced to do hard work on railways while niggers were picking cotton become even more successful than whites
"but muh oppression!!"

>where integration has rapidly improved the lives of millions of African immigrants.


>European countries raped and pillaged them repeatedly?
Eastern Europe was raped and pillaged by muslims for a millenium and then destroyed by socialism, yet most of their people are smarter than average American.

Here's the thing you useless cuck,
1) They havent integrated at all
2) Its not our job to drag that useless race out of the stone age
now go kill yourself you lefty cuck fag

Same. And the reason I don't want non whites to be here is because by having a Canadian citizenship they directly influence my life, both at work and at home and at school. I'm fine with having some diversity, as long as it is kept at a stable low percentage (no more than 5 or 10 percent). My issue is that this mass migration to all western countries is going to quite literally destroy my culture, my way of life, and handicap my ability to pass on my values and ideas to my children and them to theirs.

LOL black people have had nearly 200 years to recover from "muh slavery" yet they still rob, kill and rape more than any other ethnic group in the Jewnited Snakes

IQ sub-test high on g-factor test genetic intelligence. black are dumb on every test imaginable.
now fuck off with your gay baits mate

Racial differences are not just skin color. If you don't know basic facts about things like IQ differences between races there is no point in discussing this with you. On the off chance you're just a lost little lamb and not trolling, watch this:


No, we must have 0% non whites. That goes for 1/16 and 1/32 non whites too. We must keep our race pure. 1488

>Literal ethnic group called slaves in an outdated language
This is not true actually, "slavyane" is a self-name of slavic people and has nothing to do with slavery. But Russia had literal serfdom for most population in order until 1861 and USSR was even worse than serfdom, so argument pretty much valid.

Do I hate blacks? Sure. Do I hate asians, sure. Do I hate whites? Sure.
Shitty people come in all colors. I hate culture like nigger rap and even more so, white middle class chicks bumping their heads to it in the club. All people are pretty shitty and I have no real empathy with individuals. The answer is of course, a massive extermination programme of niggers and Jews. Not because I hate them. I just have no emotion towards them whatsoever. They're like big rocks blocking the construction of a new highway. Pure material waste.

People with dark skin commit more crimes than those with light skin, I look at africa and I see niggers everywhere and slavery, murder, rape, starvation and a tidal wave of black skin

You don't know the first thing about this.

>you expect African countries to be as highly "educated" as "white" countries, when European countries raped and pillaged them repeatedly

Newsflash dumbass, they had centuries to recover from colonization and Africa is still a shit hole. If you love niggers so much, sell your house and donate all your money to world vision.

>Blacks have a lower cortical neuron count
>Blacks have a lower cranial capacity
>Blacks score lower than Whites ON EVERY IQ TEST EVER DONE IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND, even when accounting for socioeconomic factors
>The majority of IQ experts polled in 1988 agreed that the Black-White IQ gap was partly genetic (Snyderman Rothman 1988)


J. Philippe Rushton
The University of Western Ontario
Arthur R. Jensen
University of California, Berkeley

should hear himself say this on repeat over and over until he begs for mercy.

>you expect African countries to be as highly "educated" as "white" countries, when European countries raped and pillaged them repeatedly

>I don't understand how anyone on here can seriously hate people they've never met based solely on an arbitrary trait like skin color.
so you love white people?

Explain to me what hate is.

i can't even tell if these types of posts are serious anymore. it's always the exact same bullshit lies, every time. and it's been this way for years.

it's 2017 now. these people have to be trolls.

I think you misunderstood. Race mixing would be illegal. Race mixing is evil.

>it's the attitude of different races that you come to hate...the way they look is really just a secondary reaction to their attitude...right?