Pineal Gland and Iodine conspiracy

Previous thread ghosted. Go buy Lugol’s iodine (it’s been around over 100 years) it’s on Amazon. If you think I’m a Lugol’s shill get a knock-off, I don’t give a fuck. -Take two drops of it every day in a glass of water -Along with it, take a good Selenium, Zinc, and Magnesium supplement (important for metabolizing iodine) -Finally, take a teaspoon of sea salt and dissolve in two ounces of water and swallow (you will detox bromide and it will make you feel bad for a few days if you don’t do this, salt binds to the bromide and you won’t get sick, hospitals do this all the time)

Do this every morning. The benefits generally take from 30 minutes to a couple of days to become evident. You will feel healthier than you’ve felt in years.
Fast forward to now. Most Americans have decided that table salt is shit because it contains no trace minerals. That’s true. The problem is that sea salt contains no iodine. Go to your kitchen right now and look at your sea salt, you will find a warning that it lacks iodine, “a critical nutrient.”
In order to make up for that deficiency, you are eating all the iodized table salt you can find everywhere else, which means you are craving total shit food all the time.

Not only that, but bromide and fluoride (and other iodine competitors) are much more prevalent than ever. They are in pesticides sprayed on foods, preservatives, aerosols, etc. So while your exposure to them has increased, your intake of iodine has decreased.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency include: Fatigue, insomnia, hair-trigger mood swings, obsessive-compulsive behavior, lack of energy (especially for physical tasks), lack of motivation (especially for physical tasks), listlessness, social anxiety, panic attacks, lethargy, all symptoms of hypothyroidism, all symptoms of hypoadrenalism, iodized salt cravings (especially in junk food). There are more but those are the big ones.

Other urls found in this thread:

Women who are iodine deficient are at much higher risks of birth defects (autism).

The bottom line is that you're all deficient in Iodine. Before you click back, READ. Dr. Brownstein (I know I know, -stein) conducted a study of 6,000 of his patients and discovered 94% of Americans are iodine deficient. That was 15 years ago.

In the early 1900's the United States stopped iodinating bread and instead began to use bromide as a replacement. Bromide and Iodine compete for uptake in the thyroid. The human body (and especially the thyroid) uses iodine for more than 160 (currently known) critical functions. At the time, flour was the #1 source of iodine in the US because we don't eat much kelp/seaweed and not all fish contain much (plus we're beef eaters). Once we switched to brominated flour, a goiter epidemic broke out.

It became a national crisis. You've never heard of it, but it happened. In order to stop the epidemic you would think they would iodinate flour again, but no. Instead they started iodinating table salt, aka iodized table salt. The goiter epidemic was basically quashed at that point.

Fast forward to 1945, water flouridation begins. Flouride also competes with iodine in the thyroid. Americans become woefully iodine insufficient.

What happens next? Like any animal, we graze the minerals we need. Where is iodized table salt found? Salted pretzels. Potato chips. French fries.

There's a reason iodine is one of the only critical nutrients not reported on nutrient labels. There's a reason they decided to use table salt to deliver it (promote cravings for sales of junk food).

Here is one person's genuine experience with Iodine, there are thousands of posts like this all over the internet:

Here is Dr. Brownstein himself giving a quick rundown: [Open] But why the food and drug administration allows an additive that causes kidney cancer in rats and possibly in humans? Potassium bromate is classified as a category 2B carcinogen (possibly carcinogenic to humans) by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC).[5] Potassium bromate has been banned from use in food products in the European Union, Argentina, Brazil,[6] Canada, Nigeria, South Korea, Peru and some other countries. It was banned in Sri Lanka in 2001,[7] China in 2005,[citation needed] and India on 20 June 2016.[8] In the United States of America, it has not been banned. The FDA sanctioned the use of bromate before the Delaney clause of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act—which bans potentially carcinogenic substances— went into effect in 1958. But since 1991 the FDA has urged bakers to voluntarily stop using it. In California a warning label is required when bromated flour is used.[9] Japanese baked goods manufacturers stopped using potassium bromate voluntarily in 1980; however, Yamazaki Baking resumed its use in 2005, claiming they had new production methods to reduce the amount of the chemical which remained in the final product.[10]

I had no idea about iodine counteracting fluoride, but i'll share what i do know about iodine! The thyroid uses iodine to make thyroid hormone. Thyroid hormone clears cholesterol out of your blood into your poop. While there are many, many things that can cause high cholesterol numbers, in the US, the majority of people simply aren't getting enough iodine.

Doctors don't tell you this. Instead they tell you to take a statin, which only masks the cholesterol problem. Whatever caused the high problem is still an issue, so if your cholesterol was high due to not getting enough iodine, your probably still not getting enough iodine.

Iodine dissipates out of salt pretty quickly, there isn't nearly as much in salt as you are les to believe. Your best source of iodine in food is seafood and seaweed.

With iodine, its a good idea to start low and slowly build up dosage. I took iodine for a couple years due to high cholesterol. I started at 225 nmg, and added another 225 nmg per month until i got to 2025 nmg ( or 2 mg) Then i developed insomnia. I backed down to 1800 nmg and insomnia went away. You'll know when you take too much iodine. Btw, it worked! my cholesterol is normal now!

i've dried dozens of natural supplements, lugol's is almost definitely a placebo.

oops i spurdo myself

Checked thanks for the input I just came across this and was hoping to find the full thread because I experience a lot of the symptoms thyroid / cholesterol / salt cravings ...

No worries

Nacent iodine from Infowars life!!!!

>He doesn't buy iodized sea salt
Why tho

Why do what you prescribe when we can just swap out our sea salt grinders for iodine-fortified table salt? You might be overthinking this problem.

Just copied and pasted from the previous thread anons
Seeking further input
Thread is not my original thought

Can't you just fix this by eating iodized salt? Americans are probably deficient because they've been told to avoid salt for decades.

Iodine is necessary for your thyroid gland to function properly.

I have no idea. Just a salt craving burger with moobs and twod waifu

I've been taking levothyroxine

But, why? That atrophies your pituitary through negative feedback in turn reducing TSH levels.


not much iodine in salt, people that believe in iodine/iodide take far higher doses. but it didn't do anything for me.

Checked again

And why is self control an issue?

Just eat properly.

If you give in to cravings, what's the point?

Lack of discipline.

Well, all I know is I eat plenty of iodized salt and last blood test I had, my levels were fine.

I don't know what you are saying

Anecdotal evidence here: I started taking iodine a couple of years ago and it did help. However, do not take it if you have alcohol in your system or if you are going to drink alcohol right after.

The hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis functions on a negative feedback loop.

Too much thyroid hormone (T3/T4, mostly T4) will reduce TRH release from the hypothalamus, in turn reducing TSH release from the pituitary and depleting the thyroid's intrinsic ability to produce T3 and T4.

This would be nice and dandy if you were a machine, but cellular and glandular adaptability dictates that if you don't use it, you lose it. Your pituitary and thyroid will suffer atrophy, and when you quit taking levothyroxin, you will have a terribly slow metabolism until your axis gets back working.

do i use idonised salt or normal salt with the water?

is it safe to take lugals iodine 2 drops a day?

>omen who are iodine deficient are at much higher risks of birth de
I thought you were just trying to get us to an hero.. WHY ARNT YOU TRYING TO KILL US?
this isnt Sup Forums anymore.

also what the fuck does this have on the pineal gland? last I checked the thing actually calcifies. There is literally no fixing something that has calcified.

what's your problem readit?

Everyday I look into the sky and they are spraying chemtrails... Why can't you just leave thigns be America?

For those that say chemtrails are bullshit..It's a proven fact that the military sprays shit as a test on human populations..They can't bring it to a vote because obviously no one would vote for it.

>paying iodine supplements
Just snack on some kelp.

paying for*

These are just condensation trails you dip.
American conspiracy theories are really fucking amusing.

>Super secret conspiracies
>Aren't secret

OP is a fag and this is a shit thread.

Just copied and pasted from previous thread OP
Seeking further input
Post is not my original thought

So much for iodine supplements.

To be fair, the real theory is just that there are totally government weather manipulation and cloud seeding programs.

The plane thing is just full fucking retard.