Leave saving the white race to me

Leave saving the white race to me

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Wheez, geez, holy truth has been spoken.

based poland

Poland was used by the (((elite))) to start WWII and now they will be used to start WWIII, forget the BASED memes, there is a reason for the polish jokes.

Don't believe the jewish lies OP

There is reason why brazil is high crime rate shithole

Polish protest-- :)

Polish protest-- :) ..

remind that time Poland directly led to the collapse of Nazi Germany?

50,000 Nationalists March in Poland nov 2015

them ( checked ) tho......

I like Poland. I go there for business regularily.

Most guys are ugly as fuck and the girls are gorgeous. It's amazingly easy to find a 10/10 for fucking. Whenever I switch on Tinder in Poland I get flooded with matches.

Going there again in a week. Good times coming!

even more attended in 2016

Last time it was Poland that saved Europe from Islam.

The Warrior-Polish King Who Saved Europe From Islam.

Jan Sobieski was one of the most extraordinary monarchs of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from 1674 until his death.
He was a man of letters, an artistic person, a dedicated ruler but above all the greatest soldier of his time.
He was made famous by his triumph over the Ottomans in the most significant battle in Europe at the time, that of Vienna (1683).
Following his victories over the Ottoman Empire, thus preventing the islamisation of Europe. He was held as the savior of Western Civilization by the Pope Innocent XI.

fuck off chad

It was the Holy League, not Poland on its own.

Learn some history you dumb fuck.

Release the Dragon

>Learn some history you dumb fuck.
no you learn to read shiteater
>Jan Sobieski was one of the most extraordinary monarchs of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

>The Story of a Country Genocided by other country in the past,and after many years,they team up with 2 more countries forming the Band of heroes known as the Visengrad Union to Go in One last time for the Sake of Honor,Heritage and Race to Save Western Europe and the country who has attacked him through all of His Lifetime Once and For all


This is what I fucked last time. She was into s/m but couldn't find a guy in Poland. Apparently they are all too timid.

I spanked her ass tied her up and fucked all her holes. Tight little 20 year old ass and pussy.

>and fucked all her holes
so you are shit fucker putting your cock in shithole where the shit comes out
you are disgusting retard, your mother made a mistake for not aborting you

You're not wrong, though.

Can I move to Poland? I'm white.

Kek. Jealous fat greasy neckbeard.

I one week I'll e balls deep in polish pussy again while you masturbate to ponies.

Stay mad, loser.

digits confirm. i hope it's pussy, asshole is degeneracy,

>LARPING This Hard just to cover failures
Yeah and i am Mecha Hitler and i am going to make the South American Reich and Start a Crusade against Kikes and Saracens

yeah I know, polish girls love arabs

What is this from?

typical american can't fucking read

I'm not jealous you dummy I'm laughing at you that you are such primitive dog that you put your dick in shithole.
only low esteem scums would do that, no self respected man would put his cock in a shithole.
that's all I have to say to low grade human like yourself

I was hoping for someone to link a youtube video. I already looked up her name and couldn't find it, which is why I asked.

save us all

as long as there is no jew controlled media in poland than poland will be safe

don't leave saving the white race to anyone, do it yourself. We will be flooded by Germany soon anyway


Have another picture. Her ass after I spanker her

Sup Forumsand - the last hope for Europe

>typical american can't fucking read
maybe if that user post more resanble size pictures it would be easier to open.
>File: poland.jpg (3.22 MB, 3830x3239)
3.22 MB is fucking way too small
FOR FUCKS'SAKE people use your brains next time posting pictures

>What is Google Pictures
Timestamp Please with your hand and the chat you've had with the girl
Otherwise you're just a LARPER Virgin who posts Google Pics to cover his Failures at life

Kiwi fag, you have no business walking around pol without shoes on

Also, if you're too ugly or a loser you can always get a 10/10 for an hour for about 40 euro.


Do a reverse image search, I dare you.

>polish women are famous for prostitution, being easy and being huge race traitors
>some Dutch guy brags about getting polish girls.
yeah...its not exactly hard. They are well known for that for a reason. You probably dont even need to go to Poland. I guarantee at least 30% of Amsterdam's whores are Polish.

Reverse Image Search Gives into Nothing in most of cases

Polturds are irrelevant in the international scene

Germoney, annex us plox! Make us into good little neo-prussians

>Calls me a nigger

I'm not going to post anything that can be traced back to me. I'm not stupid.

Exactly. They are sluts. Polish people canot even save themselves.

So it has been decided
By Failure of Providing a Timestamp You're a LARPER
Have Fun Pretending you are something you aren't
>A Fucking Hand with Some Paper
A Stupid LARPER From the Niggerlands Indeed

he is full of shit same as his tiny cock and his brain and his mouth
he is shit eater and shit talker

>I'm not stupid
yes you are stupid. you are actually very stupid

Yeah i Know,he probably got that image from some Porn Dump and now Claims that is his,even though he keeps refusing to provide a simple timestamp,fucking kek

>muh based poles defenders of christianity

No, they are scum, that should be partitioned


>Russkike former Commie-jew
>Literally Destroyed one of the Greatest Empires of History

you wish virgin faggot

Poles are not white, nor do they consider themselves to be. 'White' is an Anglosphere thing.

we have destroyed many empires, we are okay with it, don`t be so butthurt, just go and eat your sopa de macaco

>Vanquished Many Empires
>Defeated by Famine

>Defeated by Famine


Round three?

Polak wannabe fro NJ or something, why don't you just STFUP?

I hate euroniggas, true, but your larping does nothing good to them, unless you fook of there, but importantly brings shame on whites, as any of us could be that retarded.
Step away from keyboard slob

Nice roleplay there, Ahmed.

The last time I saw sandniggers hitting up on Polish girls in a dorm in Warsaw, the girls ran to the local nationalists for help. The sandniggers got beat up, even their cockroach ambassador go involved. Nothing came out of it, as their behaviour prior to getting their shit kicked in was so egregious, the whole incident was swept under the carpet.

Sure, there are whores everywhere, and you're welcome to them if you're willing to pay. Even an otherwise useless slag has to pay her bills somehow, right?


>t. 15% muslim
Fuck off orthocunt

muh generic masculinity, muh provocation, muh muh muh muh muh

>muh muslims
They're ridiculously peaceful - we are..what, 12%, and the turks are incredibly well integrated - despite our turbulent past.
Perhaps you should invite turks instead of some third-world muslim nations in your countries. Ignoring Chechnya, the russians are doing extremely well.

>just another latin america shithole


tbqh your turks are literally scum





are you denying that muzzies fuck goats


And almost 5 in a row....

I know, but at least they're not exploding all over the place.

Do Poles steal German cars?

can't wait for Poland to be btfo by the people it saves again

>Zeg ken jij de mossel man?
Oh Satan, you devil You!!


Polish protest

>running in the 90s
get out of here with that outdated shit


>Sup Forumsand - the last hope for Europe

>Last time it was Poland that saved Europe from Islam.

>Most guys are ugly as fuck

Polish guys are cute, desu

>Bulgaria is whiter than France and NL
>UK approaching Bulgaria level
Who says there is no God?

>Do Poles steal German cars?
so what?
how much Polish gold and other valuables including natural resources Germans stole from Poland during WWII

"Germany lost all Wars that they started."

c'mon neighbour we're supposed to be Gypsyland here

>american education
poland isn't the only poor eastern european shithole

>Do Poles steal German cars?
so what?
>how much Polish gold and other valuables including natural resources Germans stole from Poland during WWII

>"Germany lost all Wars that they started."

And 6 gazzilion of joos/polaks!
(Same shit DESU)

They steal anything, down to toasters, saviour's of Europe my arse!

If America keeps going the way it is, I would probably go to Poland.

what poles are Gypsies now?

Fuck off! We're full!

No mongrel, you talk like it out of ya jewish arse since 2004.

You didn't move out of your mum's basement either

Slob, embarrassment to human nature

>They steal anything,
same what German fucking Nazzis did to Poland during WWII, they were stealing everything from Poland.
so now is payback time I guess. kek
fuck you German crying bitches

>implying he can learn a Slavic language
top fucking kek
they can't even get English right
don't worry bro, no american scum will go to poland

>fuck you German crying bitches
German. British. Fuck you all you crying bitches.

Lying biatch, very much like 6 gazzilion etc (joos = poolaks)

Germans didn't steal nothing, only wanted their rightful clay back.
Irony is, the Soviet's given twice more, although you don't deserve none

Fuck off.
You didn't do anything to save your country, and you're going to just move on to another?
I bet you're not even going to learn the language.

Poolak parasite having grudges against the leafs in all?
Carry on !