My sister keeps calling me a racist.
should I just admit it? It's not that simple but I do hate other races and wish they were dead
My sister keeps calling me a racist.
should I just admit it? It's not that simple but I do hate other races and wish they were dead
My sister does too, I just tell her she's a racist too, it's normal. She'll get mad though.
I don't get called a racist since I'm not a piece of shit
>not knowing the all white people are racist meme
always be who you are and always stick up for yourself
"racist" is the second-worst thing you can call a white person. faggot is #1 if it's a man. so your sister is trying to attack you. stick up for yourself. "yes, i am. so what?"
Don't let this affect you. Being called "racist" is the strongest weapon against whites. Once enough stop giving a shit, it'll no longer be used as frequently.
Your sister is weak for calling you a racist. She will grow up to be the cancer of society. The fact that she's your sister and contains the same genes. That's just evidence that girls are the opposite of us.
I say racist shit all the time I just couch it in social justice--sounding lingo so no one even notices lol
A racist? How dare you call me a racist! I am THE racist!
The liberal left has sucked all meaning out of the "-isms" and "-ists" over the years. We are literally at the point where terms like racist and rapist mean "I was mildly upset by someone disagreeing with me online and so I want to express my dislike of this person by TOTALLY SMACKING HIM DOWN RAWR XD"
Instead, all they're doing is taking attention away from the cases where real racism or real rapists are being accused. It's language oversaturation, and it's not good.
>tfw Baron is probably that kid at school who holds his arms behing his back whilst running to make himself run faster
This is a kike buzzword created to attack bad goyim. If you getting called that this means you are doing something right.
Troll her and say, "How can I be racist if we're all from the same planet? Maybe you're the racist for calling me racist, did you ever think about that?" Then play doctor like normal brothers and sisters do.
No, I truly don't.
>I'm going to have to see what it tastes like
it's an accurate description in my case.
You need to push back that kike buzzword and don't let it control you. You need to shame them for even using that word.
What do yah think?
My family knows I'm racist (they are kind of racist too) and they don't care
Not at all. Its fucking strange how, to some people, being racist is considered THE WORST possible thing you can be. They are completely indoctrinated and don't even care as much about murderers or thieves as they do racists.
>tfw oldest sister is half white
>She only likes white people and is as racist as I am. We even have conversations about people of her fathers ethnicity being absolute scum and savages.
>She left our city to get away from non whites who were influencing her children at school.
Yes because it's used as an insult. It's like calling an openly gay person a faggot, they know they are one but it is still unsettling
The only redpilled response: "Everyone is a racist. Especially babies."
I take every opportunity to justify racism by explaining that there are evolutionary reasons for different races and that logically you'd have to be stupid not to make decisions to allow for those differences. Racism just means discriminating based on race, and if you're not willing to take something like race into the decision making process then you're just being willfully ignorant. E.g if I wanted someone to help me search for something in the dark, I'd choose a blue eyed person over a brown eyed person because light eyes can naturally see better in the dark. If I needed a skin transplant, I'd pick someone from my own race for obvious reasons. Etc.
hadn't looked at it this way
I dont care. Usually the people throwing it around are just incredibly shitty stupid people, or extremely racist minorities.
no, why would I?
What does it even mean anymore?
kick that nigger sister of yours in the balls
Because you have some fucking respect and dignity for your own kind and fundamentally understand that races are biologically and genetically hardwired to prefer their own people. It is the ultimate redpill: everyone is racist
Once that is understood, we can get the fuck over it
I don't think it has a concrete meaning now, if it ever did.
There could even be a libertarian national socialist!
Does not matter. You can be racist as long as you have the correct answer, but not a blind hate.
ask why the nba players are all black and isn't it unfair
point out that racial differences give advantages depending on what you pursue
actually the right answer
Nope. My standard response now is Whatever. Or sometimes So? if I particularly take a dislike to someone.
So was Malcolm X and all the niggers loved him. Big deal.
>perfect women don't ex-
tell her next time she calls you a rapist you'll fuck her pussy so hard she won't be able to walk.
dont admit it, for three reasons
it's a jew word, it has no specific meaning, being cautious around different people is a natural and intelligent reaction
it emboldens their casual hysteria, don't give a person who is wrong any escapes for their error, force them to face it
it's also an easy way out for you, actually tell someone in a calm and friendly manner, while taking abuse, what is wrong with their worldview, that will make you stronger
My wife calls me racist all the time and then I always just ask, 'Who won the war?' lol.
I call myself racist just to save everyone the trouble. The usual response is:
>heh me too
>"yes, i am. so what?
Yes act like a little bitch and lower yourself to her level, is not like she'll fuck tyron, Trayvon and that nigga J. Just to spite your bitch ass.
T. Spic here, I rather see a racist white girl than getting enriched by D'Marcus that shit truly is a crime against humanity
What is that, some sort of pygmy ?
The reason why she is blue pilled is cuss she has way, way more social contact either IRL or virtual, the reason why your an idiot is cuss you spent too much time in this site yet you learn nothing
Everytime someone calls me racist , i just respond with. Stop labeling me racist you fucking nigger.
No. I've lost friends recently for disagreeing with their opinions. I didn't even start it fit that France shooting a friend of mine said "people are gunna blame Muslims for this" and I said "yea...well it was Muslims".
He got mad as shit, I told him it's fine to have difference in opinion and he kicked me out of his house.
After that I stopped caring. I don't go out of my way and be full autismo but if someone says something I disagree with I'll respectfully let them know. Most of the time they get angry but you'll see a couple dudes kinda Notting in agreement but don't wanna be sleeping in the dog house so they shut up.
Dated an Egyptian girl a couple years ago and she'd go full anti Muslim and no one said shit to her.
Why can't I express my opinion without alienation? I don't go full Sup Forumstard.
When I said I didn't think Trump was any worse than Hillary my aunt acted like I just killed her dog.
No. The left has overused labels for so long they don't mean anything anymore.
Ask her why she isn't dating people of other races, call her a racist for not getting enriched.
No, I embrace it.
Phone poster, guilty. Typos there but you get it
I'd rather be racist than a nigger.
racism = loving your own race
(((they))) made it bad for whites to love their own race.
Don't play word games. "Racist" is a buzzword that translates to "mean" or "hurtful". Liberals act like children.
I actually said this to my cousin
>Yea maybe I am, what are you gunna do?"
It was at Easter. People got mad but dad and grandpa gave me a nod of approval and they're the only ones that matter
>Most of the time they get angry but you'll see a couple dudes kinda Notting in agreement but don't wanna be sleeping in the dog house so they shut up
>I do hate other races and wish they were dead
That's an overly simplistic view, my friend. You can be a race realist without being a racist. If you're a white nationalist, just say that you love the white race, not that you hate other races.
Minorities who have been taken out of the hood are usually the most racist towards their own culture. They see it first hand while people in gated communities will be pro enrichment.
>When I said I didn't think Trump was any worse than Hillary my aunt acted like I just killed her dog.
You have to so thoroughly back that statement up, that they can't disagree.
>Get called racist
>Start being truly racist
>They get offended
I'm completely indifferent to being called a Nazi or racist now.
Whenever I watch WW2 movies and see the Germans getting killed I feel kinda bad for them.
When I was in hs saying "that's gay" or calling a guy a fag was the generic go to insult. No one cared. Recently I said "that seems a little gay" when I heard about a locker room hazing in my town where athletes made the rookies stick pickles up their ass and people were like "what the hell is wrong with that"? Rather than being offended by 13 year olds being sexually assaulted by 16 year olds.
I give everyone I meet a chance but if you think I'm not on guard around any stranger and observant of their behavior you're wrong. It's extremely easy to tell who is ghetto trash no matter what race. Avoid that and life is really easy. If black people stopped acting like ghetto trash and to an extension white females it would be nice.
How much would someone like this charge for coitus? Asking for a friend
Mmm, well the thing is that racist people know deep down (often unconsciously) they they're embracing a deeply flawed ideology out a kind of fear based reverse self loathing, so they're never going to feel like its a normal or healthy thing unless they're completely indoctrinated in a racist household AND community to the point that they can't make that connection. So they'll never stop giving a shit, or feeling ashamed of themselves in rare moments of actual reflection. Meanwhile, it isn't like people who identify racists as the cognitively-damaged "aggressive sheep" that they are will just stop choosing to call them out. In every collective of organisms on earth it is routine to identify the unhealthy ones and, if not remove them, recognize them as unhealthy and avoid breeding with them. That's why all the alt-right boys at my uni can't get laid -- the ladies are tired of how ethnocentric, stale and reactionary they are and generally want nothing to do with them. But yea, good luck on normalizing racism lmao ;)
not too much
Being called racist hasn't meant anything in a while. It's 2017.
I just said "I dunno, he's entertaining...she committed treason"
To which she flipped out bringing up his "grab her by the pussy" comment and I was just like "ehhhhyea whatever"
Gr8 B8 M8
Make fun of her. Shout "Oy vey! Da goyim know!" or "Cracka ass cracka bitch!"
It's easy most of the time but I've come across people who seem ok but they're literally compulsive liars and manipulators. You catch on eventually but at first....
>grab her by the pussy
You say, "and a woman never grabs the pelvis region of a man they fancy?"
dOnt NorMALiZe RaCIsM GoYS
>Projecting this hard
I didn't even care she was getting all upset and I didn't wanna push it. My point was made and a couple people told me in private that they agree. But why should they feel they have to say it in private? The people who told me they agreed was my female cousin, her husband and my male cousin's wife (both cousins are siblings).
I think my uncle redpilled them as he was a corrections officer. I remember as a young kid when they were babysitting us and we were watching a certain show he'd be like "hey turn this off! This is for black people" when watching some shit MTV or bet show
Racist has lost it's meaning. But yeah, just embrace it. Nonwhites are alive because of the mercy of whites.
What about Asians? Those guys seem pretty dosile but when push comes to shove....
When someone calls you racist, the proper reply is:
>don't you mean ROCKSTAR??
I'm proud white
I am a racist because other races hate us and are more racist than I'll ever be.
The word means nothing to me anymore.
Gonna have to try harder for a full-on (You).
So retarded it might work
Nope. I can not bring myself to care anymore.
No you get called cuck instead
For example if you need a brain transplant you choose a nigger donor because then you get a brain that's never been used before.
Asians are okay because they stay in their own country for the most part.
Ask that dumb cunt where she gets the idea that calling you racist gives her power over you
Wow that ought to take some balls to say that the middle east didnt just implode yall motherfuckers destabilized the whole region
Lol not over here. We're like half Asian. They don't fuck about, though. They just have no common sense., My ancestry sharing friend
not really. "racist" is just a buzzword. Always has been, always will be.
Humans are tribal by nature, literally everyone is "racist".