Clearly we should be more worried about white supremacists than sharia law Sup Forums
Clearly we should be more worried about white supremacists than sharia law Sup Forums
only 1 white supremacist there, libtards fail at categories
That TDKR premiere shooter and the abortionist shooter were not white supremacists, are they seriously that dry on finding white supremacists?
Who the fuck likes this shit?
But we should be more afraid of Islamic TERRORISM than white terrorism.
cool story
who is the bearded guy anyway
Radical luddite/basically an ecofascist
>Aurora shooter
Plain batshit insane
>Gabbi Gifford shooter
Again, batshit insane - also a lefty
Never said anything concerning subhumans
so what are they going to do about it then?
Santa beard is some nut who shot up a planned parenthood clinic. Dark brown beard is the unabomber.
No. The more you criticize white supremacists the more you will radicalize them.
Love is the only way. You must accept them!
Shooting up a baby-murder factory = white supremacist?
They just see "white supremacists".
Noticed there is no Adam Lanza. That's because he doesn't exist
Too low. Tens of thousands of terrorist attacks were carries out last year. Most in Muslim countries.
I'm not the one saying that. Roof is the only one of the six who had a racial motive.
>2 decades of "white supremacy"
>no-name muzzies kill more in a week than all of them combined
Keksimus maximus.
Two guys on the right definitely aren't white supremacists, Kaczynski personally didn't like leftists but he wasn't really a race guy, McVeigh had some "racist" ties but his motivations for the OKC bombing had nothing to do with race, don't know much about top middle guy, top left is the only one for sure that had racist motivations.
Also he missed Fraizer Glenn Miller if he wanted a second racist spree shooter and The Order guys if he wanted some actual evil rayciss whites who could be considered terrorists by non-retarded definitions.
Isn't bottom-left an Antifa member?
If anything he was preventing the death of nigger babies.
That is racist.
The best thing ever to come out of the Elliott Rogers shooting.
>ted kaczynski is a white supremacist
>james holmes is a white supermacist
>White supremacist
>see these six white dudes?
>they are more dangerous than the millions of towelheads willing to kill for Islam
White men should be flattered.
If you are white and you kill someone you are a white supremacist. Pls add Ted Bundy to the list.
If all white murderers = white supremacists
then all black murderers = black supremacists
lol no
Kinda how you universalise the motives all all violent offenders from muslim background?
McVeigh is the only normal looking one.
Why's that?