Look what you've done, Sup Forums. You've turned into actual LARPers.
Look what you've done, Sup Forums. You've turned into actual LARPers
Other urls found in this thread:
looks like a picture of reddit.
Better slow down on the MREs, buddy.
Keeping burgers safe for Burgerland freedom.
legionary from kekistan
I get it, everyone wants to feel like part of a movement, but you're not helping anyone doing this shit. Just look like a normal person and quit with the meme shit in public. Shit's kinda funny for lulz every once and a great while but this is getting retarded now
Can someone explain the significance of this image to me?
who is the man in the middle?
I wish I knew, he looks like a reject from an old Mortal Kombat.
look at the tabs. he was browsing anime porn
specifically he was talking to his (adult) sons about tentacle porn and how mom doesnt believe it exists....you know...normal stuff for normal jews
>Look what you've done, Sup Forums. You've turned into actual LARPers.
At least they're out there doing something. Granted, most are autistic motherfuckers, but they keep Antifa off of the actual organisations that present a professional appearance at these things.
You know Sup Forums is present when someone appears with a Master Chief suit.
It's all plebbit till then.
Anonymous sources are reporting that Antifa members are suffering a huge heroes epidemic.
Friendly user here, Antifas, you have to get read of the bisexuals. They are the one infecting your membership with herpes and spreading it form the gay male population to the lesbian population.
No free speech and no free sex, pick a side and fuck only them.
Heroes epidemic works but it really is s herpes epidemic.
Look at the numbers, Antifa are 73% more likely to catch an STD
They look like Anti-fa.
how does one turn into a live roleplayer?
what if we dress up as lin kuei and shoot fire exinguishers at everyone, a la back+b
welcome to 2007. enjoy your stay
Oh, Jesus.
>don't tread on me
>Sup Forums
This is r/T_D
At least they're actually fucking there. If you're such an attractive intelligent fascist why don't you show up and change the face of the movement and fight antifa? Oh? You'd rather be a cynical little bitch and stay inside alone looking at a screen and playing war thunder and jacking off? Then shut the fuck up about what the movement looks like. You have the power to change it but you don't. It says something where there's hundreds of thousands of redpilled young white men browsing here but the only people who actually show their convictions in public are handfuls of faggot redditors.
Tony Robinson is doing an anti Islam march in Manchester today. Everything is telling me not to go because of the cringe but it will be even worse if everybody thinks the same and the movement flops.
I'm still waiting for the anime weebs to join the fight. Shit is going to be hilarious.
chanology all over again
Holy shit this has become so gay. T_D please leave and never return. No more ptg either I know that's you faggots' home base
There is literally nothing wrong with Larping. Harmless nerdy fun. Go masturbate over Chads and football normie.
See you in another 10 years
Alright, while everybody is here let me post this shit and enlighten you.
If you're not turning women dry and filling the rolls of cringe compilations you're doing Sup Forums wrong.
Why do people still war bright blue dad jeans?
Holy fuck, get dark blue if you must wear wrangler. Dont ge thte fucking bright blues.
>tfw larped around as spin legion anonymous at a Scientology protest around 2007 or so.
God damn I was such a fag. But so were all of you there.
What is this guys name?
Don't step on Bumble bee
That stands for Live Action Role Play. Why can't retards understand that? Either you're calling non-live action online role play a LARP or you are calling live action non-roll playing a LARP. Wow.
Manlet Obama in the middle there
Alice Spooper
>If you want to make a difference without the larpy shit go ahead and join an actual right wing organisation
Considering how the antifaggots use weapons, I'd say the helmets and armor are a necessary precaution.
I'm 100% sure these are the pagans who post here unironically
nice. the more that men and women rise up and help protect each other, the better.
Why are they all fat?
fuck it, idgaf, all the IPs for my vpn are range banned.
because those of us that aren't fat stayed off camera almost completely
Bumble fuck
Mustard Bass
Damn that dude can't weigh more than 70 lbs
Right-alt Bee
>kek flag faggots
these people must be controlled opposition because it's turning me away from the right
Daily Reminder that the people trying to make fun of our soldiers are paid shills. What you are seeing from these people on the street are actual Americans fighting for freedom. As fucking stupid as they look they voted Trump and are helping push the cause. How can you be dumb enough to shame them. Maybe they're the useful idiots on our side that we talk so much about. Let them be. Besides, how can they talk shit when they have THESE people. lol
>voting for a giant billionaire faggot and larping in plastic armor is """fighting for freedom"""
jesus fucking christ dude
It is almost a sneak peak at the tribal wars of 2050 after the bombs.
>american Sup Forumsack
>is a nigger
Fat Obama
>guys seriously stop making fun of them
>guys.. pls
when american gladiators is finally brought back we need to get groups of these faggots on the show
i like it
so correct the record for me if i'm wrong. these anti sharia protests were just antifas next incarnation funded by globalists in a failed attempt for antifa to get some "troll bait" to use on Sup Forums?
fucking pathetic.
Don't Tread On Bee
D & C
Yeah seems pretty larpish
gas them all!!
You think this is a game?
You think we're playing
To be fair I wouldn't fuck with this guy
Honestly with all the shaming threads lately I doubt that any of these guys are actual anons.
If any user does go an LARP at least LARP as an actual user with the skinsuit and a suit.
Stay mad Shareblue
>Shareblue wants to divide US, but we know better, don't we, Sup Forumssters?
Fuck off.
Keep your cringe shit on reddit.
Implying it is a bad thing