Suspect found now it's time to ID him in IRL.
Lets start by combing antifa facebook pages.
We should pay attention to people that might also be into all natural gardening to explain the fox urine.
Suspect found now it's time to ID him in IRL.
Lets start by combing antifa facebook pages.
We should pay attention to people that might also be into all natural gardening to explain the fox urine.
Other urls found in this thread:
This is Old Fart the guy that threw the piss at Southern.
Suspect #1 (Not confirmed): David Klassen
>Avid attendee of Leftist protests
>Lives in NY (Where piss incident happened)
shut the fuck up shill I'm sick of your shit
found. get another angle on this faggot.
digits confirm he will be found and brought to justice
More photos in color
>in in real life
Links from previous threads
Posting links from last thread
Possible Baby Beard. No confirmation yet:
I think other than IDing old fart, we need to try to source more videos of the incident/event. Surely there are more angles. Laurens camera?
He has a website
Yes I figured that much as well but don't see the harm in a little bunker there anyway just a thought
>These Faggots do these things for their e-celeb Attention Whore for free
Kek you guys are laughable, back to /ptg/
Question since i didn't participate in finding Eric Clanton.
How did we put a name to the face? I know we ID'd the bike lock guy was the same guy in all the photos but how did we find his name was Eric Clanton based on his face and a backpack?
We do it for shits and giggles, and these faggots need to pay for their actions. Any Sup Forumsack knows this, go back to r/socialism on Plebbit
dumb frogposter
Same goy?
I wonder if Lauren will have sex with me if I identify the Antifa guy who threw his urine at her.
kys kike
>right click
>open in new tab
I will let this antifag cuck cum on my tits if he reveals himself
Oh boy that's our goy
Pretty rude, burgerbro. I hope we find this faggot. I was just hoping Lauren might sleep with me if I was the one who cracked the case. She's so pretty, I bet his pussy tastes like vanilla.
Dude it isn't the guy you keep saying it is. Here is flag guy to the left, and there is the other two guys waiting to come in.
There are only two other people with black jackets, one is a short guy/girl wearing bandanas and doesn't have a hood, another is a guy with a medic patch/mask on his chest.
The guy you keep saying it is stays there while the other guy walks off.
So piss thrower, flag holder?
I think Blue hat is the pack mule/spotter
Just DM'd beard guy and this fagOur 2 main suspects. If one of them says thanks holy shit they're gonna have one massive fucking case against them in court.
agreed, easier to id him more angles too
is it this kid or what?
I'm beginning to think he is a shill trying to spread disinformation
thought you were shilling for shekels, my b
Topkek. This is his book?
nice leak you attentionwhore.
Lmao god bless you
jizz, what a faggot
why would you post this? you should know by now that antifa are raiding the board to spread disinfo and halt our investigation
>2 types of people who browse Sup Forums
Looks like it
Somebody tell Lauren to stop name dropping Sup Forums.
That's a fake.
god damn jew needs to hide in the attic better
there is also this person
do you think they are stupid enough to take the bait? I'm interested to find out.
Good now carry on lad.
forgot the fuckin link.
>@ 14:35
So two purpshirts?
different vid. possibly same purple perp
Man, you fuckers are good. Fuck.
I'm off to bed goys.
I will update with info on the 'messages' I sent in a new thread tomorrow. If they reply with the 'good' response it will be sent to L. Southern immediately, along with all good evidence. GG faggots, we really pulled out our autism this night :^)
Wish I could help. I can send dick pics, and throw up on command...... how can I be of service goys?
go death by sauna pls
No, look at sleeve length. Kid purp perp has long sleeves rolled up and mystery purp perp has short sleeves.
sleep well faggot.
bad goy status for you
need a link to this video to commence facial composite with demasked piss fucker
good spot
Look for more vids of the rally in NYC
Bump for the best intelligence agency in the world : Sup Forums
Thanks, read it hours ago. You could have had cool quads though, it was so close!
201 second mark and 205 second mark.
possibly black hat guy from next to purple shirt.
@ 0:13
Compare height? We have a pic with them standing next to eachother
Shoes and purple shirt. Does look to have glasses on from piss guy.
We have to do something with this one guys.
the guy we're looking for has bigger biceps and that girls/guys arms look like twigs
here, look at his arm.
That's a guy, sure?
Bumping for justice
new possible lead.
@ 1:03
blue hat spotter/pack mule with someone else
lel why are they always catcucks
Just the hoodie, clearly this manlet does not lift.
Im going to play with it to see if i can clear it up or spot a diff angle in the video.
you can see the same shape of his bicep in that picture. that girl/guy has literally no definition in their arm.
2 potential photos of pissguy in b&w
David Klassen is from Calgary Alberta. There's an article about a trapper named Gordy Klassen from Alberta and he talks about dog and wolf urine. Maybe they're related.
alright, which one of you guys did this?
Hey, where can I find out when Antifa is going to do shit? I'm close to NYC. Super close.
Obligatory reminder to archive every fucking thing. Sup Forums got too popular lately and leftards and (((journalists))) have nothing better to do than lurking here
I am LetTheGreyGooBegin
As proof. Tell me what to type and check in a few minutes
You guys are the worst fucking "detectives" I've seen in my life.
>Suspect found now it's time to ID him in IRL.
>Lets start by combing antifa facebook pages.
>We should pay attention to people that might also be into all natural gardening to explain the fox urine.
>This is Old Fart the guy that threw the piss at Southern.
fuck off, CIA. go clean your room
>that pic
Every day we drift farther from God...